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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on December 23, 2017 represents, on the one hand, our charity, which could be expressed more intensively, but on the other hand, today's daily energy can also make us sensitive, dreamy and introverted, which means we can turn our gaze inward again. So today our mental life is once again in the foreground, which is ours current mental state in a special way.

Four harmonious star constellations at work

daily energyFor this reason, today's daily energy is ideal for withdrawing a little, to recharge your batteries and to indulge in the peace that can usually be present permanently. In this context, it can also be very inspiring if we withdraw a little and recover from the everyday, self-imposed stress. Stress, especially when it is associated with negative emotions, is a real frequency killer and can massively affect our physical condition due to its stressful effect on our mind. In this regard, our thoughts generally have a strong influence on our organism. Mind rules over matter and for this reason, everyday stressful situations, negative thought patterns and other mental blockages or psychological overload have an influence on our cells that is very counterproductive, i.e. it permanently damages our cell environment and impairs our health. Our mental state is primarily responsible for our health. The more our mind becomes out of balance, or rather is out of balance, the easier it is for diseases to manifest themselves in our body. For this reason, we should always retreat and allow our bodies to rest. Ultimately, such a project is also favored today by various star constellations. The moon moves into the zodiac sign Pisces at 15:41 p.m., making us sensitive, dreamy and introverted. As a result, our imagination will be expressed more strongly and it is therefore particularly suitable for practicing meditation to find peace. At 02:51 a.m. Mercury went direct again, which means that all falsehoods and fraud in the communication area can now be put to an end.

Today we are reaching four harmonious star constellations, which not only means we can experience a harmonious, balanced and peaceful environment, but also tend to be dreamy and more relaxed..!!

At 05:01 a.m. and 11:12 a.m. two harmonious connections came into effect, once a sextile between the Moon (in the zodiac sign Aquarius) and Uranus (in the zodiac sign Aries) and once a sextile between the Aquarius Moon and Venus (in the zodiac sign Sagittarius ). On the one hand, the constellations can make us very attentive, convincing, ambitious and determined; on the other hand, these constellations or in particular the Moon/Venus connection can bring our feelings of love to the fore and make us adaptable and accommodating. Quarrels and arguments within the family are then avoided. At 16:29 p.m. the Pisces Moon forms a harmonious constellation with Saturn in the zodiac sign Capricorn, which awakens our sense of responsibility. This constellation can also put our care in realizing our own goals in the foreground.

The influence of various star constellations is not insignificant, but one should always keep in mind that one's daily happiness or one's own inner peace, which we can legitimize in our own minds, always depends on ourselves and at all times, on everyone Place can become manifest again..!!

Last but not least, at 19:55 p.m. we reach a constellation between the sun and the moon, which means that communication between the male and female principles can be harmonious. In exactly the same way, this constellation could make you feel at home anywhere and, if necessary, experience helpfulness from friends and relatives. Ultimately, there are 4 harmonious star constellations active today, apart from the changing moon, which definitely gives us the optimal circumstance to recharge our batteries and strength for the coming days. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Star Constellation Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2017/Dezember/23

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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