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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on September 22nd, 2019 is characterized on the one hand by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Cancer early in the morning at 06:49 a.m. and on the other hand by extremely clarifying, consciousness-expanding and transformative energetic inflows, because today is a portal day. For this reason, the energetic high that has been ongoing or even increasing for weeks will continue (Although that would be unavoidable anyway - the current energy quality, the immense progress within the collective awakening process and the associated realignment/frequency increase simply make the whole thing an unavoidable circumstance).

portal day energies

And at the same time, we continue to be catapulted into completely new structures with a huge pull. In this context, I have already pointed out in previous daily energy articles that we are currently experiencing the consolidation or anchoring of a completely new frequency circumstance (Dimensions/change of consciousness – New collective reality becomes manifest – New Earth/5D – 2020 to 2030 will represent the most unique decade ever – The direct effects of collective further development – ​​manifestation of golden structures/eras across the board until 2030 – A corresponding article is in the works). We are drawn into 5D structures at an incredible speed, i.e. into the new, which means a state of consciousness on our part, from which a reality emerges, which in turn is full of abundance, bliss, balance, wisdom, peace, self-love, strength and goodness is embossed. This applies to all life circumstances, i.e. everything comes into harmony, truly EVERYTHING. And all the circumstances on our part that are not yet in harmony will inevitably be in the coming time, i.e. in the coming days, weeks & months (very strong until the end of the year) cleaned. At a speed that is almost impossible to grasp, we are literally flying into a new one (high frequency) collective reality and all the people who still evade it (closed heart/mind - rejecting everything new - holding on to old system knowledge - illusion or old reality), will necessarily be confronted with it in the most direct, sometimes even harshest way (the old is no longer useful – collective cleansing/replacement). Of course, a corresponding transition can also be carried out gently, but the more you avoid it, the more concentrated the impact of the new will be and, at the end of the day, the effects of your own associated blockages (blocked energy flow - significantly faster manifestation of illness - As I said, the planet is freeing itself from all destructive programs/energies/states of consciousness)

In recent days we are experiencing the effects of an escalation in the collective cleansing process. This comprehensive cleansing is noticeable on all levels of existence and is responsible for the fact that we ourselves are confronted with all the circumstances that we no longer want to experience, circumstances that have been putting a heavy strain on our frequency field for a long time, circumstances through which one realization occurs our true self is prevented..!!

Well, today we will continue to feel the incredible transformation energy and experience moods that are entirely in the spirit of the new time, namely in the spirit of spiritual change, of the new. After all, today's portal day, exactly one day before the equinox (one of the most important events of the year) gives us a very special potential. The highlight will follow tomorrow. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂 


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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