≡ Menus

Today's daily energy on July 22nd is mainly shaped by the influences of the tenth and therefore last portal day. For this reason, today we are experiencing the end of what feels like a long journey (even if the ten days are incredibly fast have passed, the phase felt very long, but that is partly due to the fact that we are currently changing at an unbelievable speed! No day is the same in our minds, countless experiences, self-knowledge and information change our own reality/our own self-image immensely within a very short space of time - and within the portal days this process was massively accelerated ), in which we were able to learn an incredible amount about ourselves and, on the other hand, received important and, above all, decisive impulses.


TransformationFor me, for example, this phase was: pointing the way, it was like a kind of puzzle that was put together completely intuitively from start to finish and showed me what to do now and in which direction I would/would like to move, totally intense, especially since I had no idea way, it just happened (from day to day). Ultimately, this phase resembled a profound transformation process that was able to trigger strong changes in our own minds and therefore also in the collective mind. At this point we can therefore perfectly reflect on the portal day phase today and visualize the benefits of this phase. Even if it may not always have seemed immediately obvious, some special information or some important change will have reached us in these days (The days were extremely important for our own development - the same applies to the further expansion of the collective spirit in more revealing directions - the questioning of our own lives and the apparent system) After all, for 10 days we have been supplied with a HUGE QUALITY OF ENERGY (strong light/high frequency) flooded, which from an energetic point of view cleared our system of some shadows and in general some heavy energies (a process that has therefore once again reached a new level, so we ourselves create more and more space for lighter energies, for higher knowledge, for a strengthened heart connection and ultimately for a higher God/self-realization).

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And this cleansing process was particularly noticeable on the new moon day. On this day of all days, violent anomalies regarding the planetary resonance frequency reached us, which enabled new structures to be anchored in the collective (The strong anomalies were also mentioned on other blogs, with extremely strong amplitudes/frequencies being mentioned). Now and today we are experiencing the conclusion of this very special phase. We can therefore be excited to see what we will find out in the last hours of this portal day phase. Either way, one thing is certain: the coming time will continue to be about the realization of our highest divine spirit and, above all, about a further deepening/expanding of the awakening process on our planet. We ourselves should therefore continue to ride the wave of change and thereby realize our own true being. As I said, we are NOW in a time where we can more easily than ever manifest all of our own dreams and inner ambitions. The signs have NEVER been so good for us. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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