Today's daily energy on January 22nd, 2019 is still shaped by the lingering influences of yesterday's total lunar eclipse, which is why we continue to experience a fairly stimulating circumstance. Due to the very strong energy quality, we can still achieve special self-knowledge or an even better understanding of ourselves current state of being and the reality that arises from it.
The lasting influences
In this context, the days before and after a special lunar event, for example before and after a new moon, a full moon or especially before and after a lunar eclipse, are also extremely strong in nature and always bring us energetic influences that are very enlightening/consciousness-altering in nature are. Yesterday's total lunar eclipse was also accompanied by a circumstance through which the full moon's energies had a much stronger effect on us and now have an even stronger effect: yesterday's full moon was a so-called supermoon, i.e. the moon was at the point closest to the earth. Due to this proximity to the earth, its presence or energy field exerted a significantly greater influence on our planet and consequently also on humanity itself. Its influences could therefore be experienced with greater intensity and it is in no way surprising that some old structures could now be washed up in us or even new structures, if necessary, were activated. Due to its proximity to Earth, the moon's influence is currently extremely strong and can be responsible for the experience of special impulses. Ultimately, the focus is on experiencing new living conditions and structures. In the current time of spiritual awakening, all old/sustainable structures and systems are gradually being dissolved. Everything that is unnatural, unjust, disinformative and destructive in nature is becoming less and less permanent. The entire human civilization is therefore called upon, whether directly or indirectly, to welcome the new.
Humanity is currently going through a phase in which it is not only experiencing overarching intellectual and spiritual development, but is also in the process of pushing beyond its own boundaries and creating a completely new world. In this world, countless destructive dogmas and structures are being uninstalled. At the same time, a circumstance is created that leads us increasingly into our true nature/energy. A new reality, characterized by peace, abundance, freedom, love and wisdom, is therefore about to become manifest..!!
This can relate to a wide variety of circumstances. Ultimately, the focus is on the manifestation of a completely new state of consciousness, i.e. a state of consciousness that is permeated by abundance and love. Instead of staying in old programs and always having to succumb to your own vicious cycles, it is important to leave our own comfort zone in order to be able to experience a life in abundance. For this reason, we can currently be increasingly confronted with our own deficiency states, simply because the high frequency situation transports sustainable structures into our daily consciousness for cleansing. Well, ultimately we should take advantage of the current potential and fully welcome the new. This could even be much easier, especially after the total lunar eclipse, which gave us incredible energy quality. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.