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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on February 22, 2021 will continue to be shaped on the one hand by the influences of the waxing moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Cancer at 04:50 a.m. and on the other hand by the extremely cleansing February energies that continue to exist can still prompt countless of our mental structures to clean up, be it the manifestation/transformation of an old world view, the manifestation of new, inspiring beliefs, the cleansing/changing of damaged routines/habits, the cleaning of one's own space or even the change of limiting relationships, which essentially always means the healing of the relationship with oneself .


In the last few days we have experienced slightly increased geomagnetic activity. We can be curious to see what influences the sun will bring us in the coming days, weeks and months. Strong activity is definitely expected..!!

In this context, the relationship with other people (creators) always only represents the relationship with ourselves. The entire external world only confirms and reflects our current state of consciousness, which is why the cleansing/healing of one's own inner world first requires healing in the external world or even harmonization with other people can lead paths. On the other hand, the healing/transformation of a relationship/connection/friendship represents massive self-healing, i.e. the relationship with oneself comes into harmony through this process (Ultimately, it is always about healing the relationship with oneself, harmonizing one's own self-image, entering a divine state of consciousness from which a divine world can emerge). At the end of the day, everything just comes down to your own inner world, because the entire perceivable existence arises from it. The world is therefore a pure product of our own mind and only became/is manifest through our ideas about the world (everything is based only on your own imagination, on your own thoughts, feelings and truths). The last days of February are still perfect for transforming this world into healing. Accompanied by the now sharply increased temperatures (eIt doesn't matter whether these increases are due to natural processes or even to manipulative/artificial ones) this gives us the opportunity to carry out the necessary cleansing with all the sun and the associated increase in energy. The preliminary spring energies can inspire us incredibly in this regard and give us the necessary push to initiate changes.

Feel the magical days completely inside

Especially after the past few freezing cold weeks, these warmer temperatures are giving us a tremendous boost (especially since after such cold weather this radical change is noticed much more strongly - it feels special, magical - anyone who went for a walk through nature yesterday will certainly be able to confirm this. Away from the portal day, yesterday's walks felt HIGHLY MAGICAL). And the waxing moon in the zodiac sign Cancer will continue to lead us towards a corresponding climax of abundance. Ultimately, this combination can deepen our mental life enormously and make us extremely sensitive, especially these days (Sensitivity and sensitivity are generally very strong at the moment - you perceive everything much more deeply than ever before - the increases are gigantic). Let us therefore welcome today's energies and go along with the rhythm of these daily qualities. Even if it's not always obvious, the most unique thing is happening right now. The change and especially the transformation of human civilization into a divine civilization is unstoppable. In this sense, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Sibylle Häring 22. February 2021, 7: 48

      Heart thanks

    • isabella 24. February 2021, 9: 00

      Maaah, thank you very much for these wonderful, very helpful daily energy articles.
      You speak so much from my soul
      All the best

    isabella 24. February 2021, 9: 00

    Maaah, thank you very much for these wonderful, very helpful daily energy articles.
    You speak so much from my soul
    All the best

    • Sibylle Häring 22. February 2021, 7: 48

      Heart thanks

    • isabella 24. February 2021, 9: 00

      Maaah, thank you very much for these wonderful, very helpful daily energy articles.
      You speak so much from my soul
      All the best

    isabella 24. February 2021, 9: 00

    Maaah, thank you very much for these wonderful, very helpful daily energy articles.
    You speak so much from my soul
    All the best
