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Today's daily energy on August 22, 2021 is characterized by an exceedingly powerful Full Moon (at 14:04 p.m. the full moon reaches us – after that, by the way, the moon changes to the zodiac sign Pisces at 14:44 p.m), which in turn is in the zodiac sign Aquarius and thus ties directly to the last full moon in July, which was also anchored in the zodiac sign Aquarius. Thus, a full moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius reaches us twice in a row (which last happened in 2002), which is why one today Full moon can not only attribute a particularly strong energy, but also the aspects of the sign of Aquarius are massively illuminated. The light of the full moon and the abundance that comes with it (and of course air sign energy), therefore wraps our being in light and lets us look deep into our inner truth.

set ourselves free

Powerful Aquarius full moon energiesAquarius itself, as a sign of freedom, self-determination, independence and above all liberation, is now experiencing a strong development and ultimately even completion today. The energy of the full moon, i.e. fullness, perfection, completion and maximum fullness, will therefore more than ever show us the way to our inner liberation process or even let us initiate an inner act of liberation. In the last two months, in this context, liberation has been in the foreground more than ever, yes, in general it is an energy quality that has meanwhile become extremely large. Every person, whether consciously or unconsciously, is confronted with the disharmonious circumstances and, above all, with the impairments of his self-imposed mental imprisonment. And the stronger your own 3D orientation is, the more serious the consequences are, currently this circumstance is even extremely serious (the effects of old structures and dark patterns are reaching us faster - truths kept hidden by lies are breaking through faster than ever - which is not only evident from the Matrix system). The more we internally rid ourselves of all self-imposed burdens and subsequently transform defective patterns and blocking beliefs, the more we learn to master ourselves, along with the often mentioned shift of our attention to healing, love and ascension, the more we heal we the world/collective and essentially contribute to the liberation of the collective spirit, something we should NEVER forget. After all, we ourselves are connected to everything, there is no separation.

Powerful Aquarius full moon energies

Your own spirit truly feeds everything with its orientation. And just as things come to a head in the world, so at the end of the day, it also comes to a head within ourselves. That we free ourselves from all pain and inner chaos (which of course served us very well for a long time and served as a great teacher), from any dependency and condition based on fear, anger, suffering or rather the absence of inner balance, i.e. feelings through which we maintain physical and mental decay, now represents one of the greatest mastery tests for all of us Especially in days when the collective spirit is split into dark and light more than ever, it will be our greatest act ever to swing our energy system and consequently our cells into healing, which will then be transferred to the collective. Well, today's second full moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius will therefore want to lead us into the frequency of liberation with its extremely powerful energy. As I said, a full moon in particular, which was manifest twice in a row in the same zodiac sign, guides us into corresponding states and topics in an extremely powerful way. And the issue of liberation and consequent healing is now paramount, it is exactly what every human being and likewise the entire civilization should experience, it is the magic to change the disharmonic circumstances on earth.

Everything is running at top speed

Well then, at the end of the day, we will hardly be drawn to any other condition. Life or our own awake, high-vibrating or even divine/holy spirit is currently guiding us completely automatically (depending on your self-image) into the highest states of liberation and nothing can oppose it. No matter how much friction you can create yourself or even rebel against the change, yes, that's exactly how you can get drawn into feelings of division, ultimately the high frequency and also the quantum leap into a golden one can't do that either stop ages. And a golden age free from all old dogmas and bondages will come, never doubt it, the current world is predestined for it and everything is running at full speed in this regard. We will all be prepared for this. As far as that is concerned, it can no longer be put into words at what speed we are heading towards this world. How quickly the days go by and how quickly you develop yourself at this unbelievable pace can in no way be compared to previous years. Everything flies, races and soars. It's just impressive. In that sense, that's it for today. Enjoy all the full moon energies. Stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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