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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on August 22, 2018 is still shaped by the influences of the moon in the sign of Capricorn, which means that we could have a much more pronounced creative power overall, which we will explore in the following for our duties, work, everyday tasks and projects. On the other hand, the influences of four different star constellations also reach us.

Still influenced by the Capricorn moon

Still influenced by the Capricorn moonThree of these constellations become active at midday and one in the evening. In this context, a square between the Moon and Venus reached us at the beginning at 12:36 p.m., through which we could act more out of our feelings and, if necessary, experience inhibitions in our love. At 13:26 p.m. we have a sextile between the Moon and Neptune, which represents an impressive spirit, a strong imagination, a more pronounced empathy and a certain sensitivity. At 14:20 p.m. another sextile becomes effective, namely between the Moon and Jupiter, which overall represents a very good constellation, which stands above all for social success, material gains, a positive attitude to life, an honest nature and a certain optimism. The last constellation then reaches us at 20:45 p.m., namely a conjunction between the Moon and Pluto, through which we could feel a tendency towards self-indulgence and self-indulgence. In addition, this constellation favors more emotional actions that arise from emotional outbursts. Nevertheless, we should not let it affect us in any way or rather influence us, because after all our state of mind always depends on ourselves, because we are the creators. As a result, we also determine what becomes reality and what does not, which feelings we experience and let manifest and which feelings/thoughts we do not give space to. At the end of the day we can always act in a self-determined manner and also choose for ourselves what we resonate with (man as a spiritual being always has an individual frequency state. We can in turn resonate with other frequency states).

When we are truly alive, everything we do or feel is a miracle. Practicing mindfulness means returning to living in the present moment. – Thich Nhat Hanh..!!

Due to the influences of the moon, we could, for example, feel a tendency to fulfill our duties, to seriousness, thoughtfulness and a willingness to take responsibility, i.e. we could resonate with these feelings more easily, if necessary. However, this does not necessarily have to be the case. The influences of the moon are always present (and depending on the event - state, sometimes more present, sometimes less present), but we are mainly responsible for our feelings. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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