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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on October 21, 2018 is still shaped by the influences of the moon in the zodiac sign Pisces, which could continue to manifest a dreamy mood. This also means that it still stands, just like in yesterday's Daily Energy Article mentioned, our own soul life in the foreground, which allows us to withdraw a little, to devote ourselves to our own inner world.

Turn to your own inner world

Turn to your own inner worldAnd since the current month of October is one of the strongest months in terms of intensity and "frequency quality" for a long time, this aspect could come to the fore again in particular. In particular, the currently prevailing strong energetic influences also serve our own spiritual and spiritual development, which allows us to listen to our inner voice on such days. On the other hand, these strong influences also ask us to face our own fears and, if necessary, to overcome them, for example by leaving our own comfort zone, in order to finally be able to lead a life that in turn corresponds to our inner mental ideas, that is a life in which abundance, harmony, joie de vivre and peace are present. An expansion of our own inner space towards a harmonious existence is currently being massively accelerated. And no matter what happens during this process, no matter how difficult and trying some moments may be, we should always keep in mind that all this is for our own further development and everything is also heading for a golden time. We are about to fully unfold our own potential and it will not be long before we ourselves will experience further massive changes that lead us towards the "light".

The key to enjoying a happy and fulfilling life is the state of consciousness. That's the gist. – Dalai Lama..!!

Last but not least, it should also be said again that in three days, i.e. on October 24th, another full moon will reach us, which is why we will then receive additional very special influences and the process will intensify. A related article will follow. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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