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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on May 21, 2018 is mainly characterized by two different constellations. On the one hand, the moon moved into the zodiac sign Leo yesterday, which could make us feel more dominant and self-confident than usual. The “Lion Moon” also increases our creativity and gives us an increased desire for pleasure and enjoyment. If we allow ourselves to be dominated too strongly by the influences of the “Leo Moon”, then we could have a strong outward orientation. The second important constellation is the sun, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Gemini at 04:14 a.m. and therefore makes us quite communicative. This connection also promotes our mental activity.

Today's constellations

daily energySun in Gemini zodiac sign
[wp-svg-icons icon=”accessibility” wrap=”i”] Communication & Mental Activity
[wp-svg-icons icon=”wand” wrap=”i”] A special connection
[wp-svg-icons icon="clock" wrap="i"] Became active at 04:14

With the sun in the zodiac sign Gemini (previously the sun was in the zodiac sign Taurus), we are now approaching a month (30 days) that is increasingly about knowledge, information, exchange and various self-knowledge. Thanks to this “sun connection”, our communication is in the foreground and communication is now very useful. The only critical component is a certain restlessness, which can be promoted by strong mental activity. We should always give our minds a break here.

daily energy

Moon (Leo) square Jupiter (Scorpio)
[wp-svg-icons icon="loop" wrap="i"] Angular relationship 90°
[wp-svg-icons icon=”sad” wrap=”i”] Disharmonic nature
[wp-svg-icons icon="clock" wrap="i"] Became active at 05:29

The Moon/Jupiter square can bring us into opposition to the law and authorities. We may have a tendency to be extravagant and wasteful. In love relationships, various conflicts and disadvantages could arise, which is why we should, at least in this respect, remain calm. Conflictual topics should be avoided.


daily energyGeomagnetic Storm Intensity (K Index)

The planetary K-index, or the extent of geomagnetic activity and storms, is rather minor today.

Current Schumann resonance frequency

Today's planetary Schumann resonance frequency has - at least so far - hardly been influenced by vibrations. Only a “smaller” impulse reached us a few hours ago. Of course, this could change throughout the day, but so far it doesn't look like it will. By the way, yesterday was pretty quiet and we didn't receive any significant impulses.

Influences Schumann resonance

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Today's daily energetic influences are mainly shaped by the moon in the zodiac sign Leo and the sun in the zodiac sign Gemini, which is why communication, self-confidence and creative impulses are in the foreground. The electromagnetic influences are again very minor in nature, which is why things are pretty quiet in this respect. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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Moon Constellations Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2018/Mai/21
Solar influences Source: http://www.giesow.de/sonne-wechselt-den-zwilling-21052018
Intensity of geomagnetic storms Source: https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/planetary-k-index
Schumann resonance frequency Source: http://sosrff.tsu.ru/?page_id=7

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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