Today's daily energy on February 21, 2018 is accompanied by a total of six harmonious star constellations, which is why we could definitely have a pleasant day ahead. In this context, experience has shown that it is rather rare that so many different, yet harmonious constellations reach us in one day. Purely in terms of influences, today is completely opposite to yesterday, when we only had two disharmonious constellations.
A harmonious morning
Well, today's positive influences reach us starting at night and continuing throughout the morning. As far as this is concerned, a sextile between the sun (in the zodiac sign Pisces) and the moon (in the zodiac sign Taurus) reached us at 00:16 a.m. - see yesterday Daily energy items), which in this connection always stands for a union of the male and female principles (Yin-Yang). For this reason, this constellation would make us feel at home anywhere and, if necessary, experience helpfulness from friends and relatives. Of course, this constellation is only effective for a relatively short time and at night, but it could still benefit us in whatever way. A few hours later, i.e. in the morning at 06:12 a.m., another sextile reaches us, namely between the Moon and Mercury (in the zodiac sign Pisces), which gives us a good mind, a talent for languages, good judgment and more developed intellectual abilities overall can. We also think practically and are open to new circumstances. Therefore, early risers will definitely be rewarded due to this lunar connection and could experience a pleasant and uplifting morning. The positive influences don't subside afterwards either, because at 08:13 a.m. the next positive constellation reaches us, namely a trine between the Moon and Saturn (in the zodiac sign Capricorn), which makes us responsible, dutiful and organizational.
Due to three harmonious constellations in the morning, we could experience a very pleasant and inspiring morning, especially if we are already in a generally positive mood and then get involved in the corresponding energies..!!
On the other hand, this constellation would allow us to pursue goals with care and consideration, which is why we could be quite successful with some early morning work. The next constellation doesn't reach us until 19:41 p.m. and this represents a single downer. A conjunction between Venus (in the zodiac sign Pisces) and Neptune (in the zodiac sign Pisces) reaches us, which could tempt us to extravagances and is unreliable and hedonistic is true.
A harmonious evening
Nevertheless, this constellation - even if it is effective until tomorrow - will be overshadowed by all the other positive constellations, especially since three more harmonious constellations are now reaching us. So we continue at 20:19 p.m. with a sextile between the Moon and Neptune, which can give us an impressive mind, a strong imagination, sensitivity and also good empathy. This constellation could also make us artistic and very dreamy. Three minutes later, at 20:22 p.m. to be precise, another sextile takes effect between the Moon and Venus, which is a very positive connection in terms of love and marriage. Through this connection, our sense of love could be strong and we show ourselves to be very adaptable. Quarrels and conflicts, especially within the family, are then avoided. Last but not least, another positive constellation reaches us, which is, firstly, effective until tomorrow and, secondly, of a very flourishing nature. So at 21:23 p.m. we will have a sextile between Mercury and Saturn, which means we could be extremely work-oriented, ambitious, logical, conscientious and concentrated.
Due to three harmonious constellations in the evening, one of which awakens our ambition and also makes us very work-oriented, we could record countless successes, especially at this time..!!
Projects whose manifestation is being worked on at this time could therefore quickly lead to the desired success, yes, success is then very likely and we will definitely be rewarded for our hard work. In conclusion, it should be said that today, due to the six positive star constellations, we could have a very inspiring and harmonious daily circumstance, the probability is actually high, which is why we should get involved with the energies in order to be able to experience/manifest a pleasant daily circumstance. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.
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