Today's daily energy on December 21st, 2020 is characterized on the one hand by the extremely powerful energies of the annual winter solstice and on the other hand by the energies of a MAJOR EVENT that is currently on everyone's lips and in this one This context is responsible for one of the most important or largest ENERGY REALIGNATIONS ever.
The greatest energetic realignment
Basically, this event is intended to usher in a completely new era, one could also speak of an era of light, which will now captivate the entire collective and also represents the direct path into a golden world. The fact that such a step is generally unavoidable and that the most important foundation stones have already been laid this year should be known to most people by now. Hardly any year has triggered so many shocks within the matrix or within the 3D illusionary system. as was the case this year. The entire year (as the first year of the golden decade) therefore served the irreversible transformation of dark structures and, building up to the end of the year, paved the way for a free world. From 2021 we will therefore experience the complete disintegration of the old world, accompanied by the resulting golden world. A mass awakening from which an entirely new civilization will emerge. In particular the spiritual/divine component (Return to one's own divinity - ending the human experience/incarnation in which one's own consciousness no longer recognizes itself as a human being, but as a source/God/divinity - EVERYTHING ALWAYS ONLY HAPPENS IN YOUR OWN CONSCIOUSNESS) will now suddenly become more important. Now, and fittingly, we are now approaching one of the most powerful and mind-altering conjunctions of all, consisting of Saturn and Jupiter, which will be only 0,1 degrees apart, an event that last took place almost 1000 years ago (Other sources speak of an event that only takes place every 6000 years in exactly this overall composition. || Merger – both planets are visible in the sky as a unit).
Mass awakening in full swing
For this reason it is also spoken of as the greatest or rather most gigantic leap in consciousness ever (The direct effects of the critical mass that has now been reached?!). There is also talk of a final victory of the light regarding the planetary circumstance (Jesus/Jupiter overtakes Satan/Saturn?!), which ultimately feels 100% consistent, especially if you are currently looking beyond your own enormous intellectual development (As I said, you yourself create the change in the world, by changing your own inner world - your own spiritual awakening has now allowed matter to follow/adapt - YOUR OWN POWER IS LIMITLESS AND EVERYTHING PENETRABLE - NEVER UNDERESTIMATE YOUR OWN EFFECTS - YOUR POWER - YOUR DIVINE CREATIVE ABILITIES - ONE INDIVIDUAL, WHO CARRIES EVERYONE/EVERYTHING IN HIMSELF, CHANGES THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE), aimed at the current world - regardless of fear-mongering instances - the world is waking up from its deep sleep.
The sun realigns – winter solstice
In addition, the sun reaches its lowest point, which is associated with three days in which the sun itself does not "exalt" or "descend" (exercise), which is why people often talk about three days of the quantum leap. Either way, in these three days the sun undergoes a readjustment and is therefore also accompanied by an extremely special energy quality. After all, this event also marks today's winter solstice, an astrological event that also stands for the rebirth of light in a deeper sense (The winter solstice marks the darkest day of the year. There are approximately 8 hours between sunrise and sunset - the longest night and the shortest day of the year - overarching darkness, which then transitions into light from day to day). Regarding the winter solstice, I also quote a relevant passage from the page, a section that can also be transferred almost 1:1 to the astrological event:
“The birth of the sun represents the new beginning of all life. The cycle of the year begins again. The light triumphs over the darkness. On the night of the winter solstice, the witches say goodbye to everything that remains hidden in the dark and welcome the light. This transformation is ideal for a special witch ritual for the winter solstice. The time of rough nights begins with the winter solstice. In the first rough night we return to the origin of ourselves, we find our own source. We can draw on this in the rough nights to come.
With the birth of the sun, the banishment of darkness begins. The nights are getting shorter again and everything that seemed dead comes to new life. The winter solstice is the golden exit from the dark season that began at Mabon. At the solstice, sun, death and fertility rites intertwine. Symbolic actions support and activate the power of people and nature. On the night of the winter solstice, the promise of rebirth of all life is fulfilled.”
Ultimately, one of the most important astrological events of all reaches us, even ON THE DAY OF THE WINTER SOLSTICE, which makes the entire energy mixture even more potent. For this reason, what follows is an energetic fireworks display, which will be strengthened again by Christmas Eve, the coming rough nights and the transition of the year. The transition into 2021 is therefore truly of great importance and makes it clear to us that nothing will be the same as it ever was. We are currently experiencing the phoenix, which has already risen a great step from its ashes and will now complete its ascension.
Pristine spring water from a thousand years ago
But, well, finally, in keeping with this huge return, I would like to point out a system that we published about two weeks ago and is of VERY HUGE IMPORTANCE. We're talking about the UrQuelle®Diamond, a system that produces water quality from tap water that is comparable to pristine PRIMARY SPRING WATER from high mountains and remote valleys. In this regard, we let all of our energy flow into this system over a longer and, above all, intensive period of time and thus developed this unique system (Which is why, on the one hand, there were fewer daily energy items, the project required a lot of dedication and, above all, complete focus from us). In this context, the development process was also accompanied by countless coincidences, the name alone: Urquelle, - the return to one's own original source, which could not be more apt given the current times (also suitable for the Age of Aquarius – the drinking of Primal spring water is of great importance for your own mind/body/spirit system). We are also incredibly proud of the system and especially of the spring water that the system produces. The taste and effect are truly incomparable and we are sure that this “holy water” (it arose from luminous states of consciousness) will change a lot in the world. For this reason, we are pleased to now share the finalized project with you. Regarding the functions of the device and, above all, the steps necessary to produce primary spring water (We explain EVERYTHING in detail in the FAQ), we have on our site: We have also provided countless information for you, i.e. the topic of water treatment/originality/regeneration is completely disclosed on our part. For this reason, we would be very happy if you stopped by. In this regard, I also link a video below in which I described the device and, above all, the development of the device in detail. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
Thanks for the article.
I'm glad you're publishing daily energy posts again!