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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on August 21, 2018 is characterized on the one hand by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Capricorn at 06:00 a.m. and on the other hand by three different star constellations. One trine in particular stands out between the sun and moon (Yin-Yang), which in turn came into effect at 01:46 a.m. and has since given us influences that in turn stand for happiness in general, life success, health well-being, vitality and harmonious family circumstances.

The moon changes to the zodiac sign Capricorn in the evening

The moon changes to the zodiac sign Capricorn in the evening

The pure influences of the moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn represent completely different circumstances in this regard. As a result, our private life, for example, could take a little back seat. As a result, we increasingly shift our own focus to our duties and various work, not only because the “Capricorn Moon” makes us serious, thoughtful and focused, but also quite determined and dutiful. At this point I would like to quote another section from the website astroschmid.ch regarding the “Capricorn Moon”, in which the corresponding influences are explained in detail:

“With the Moon in Capricorn you are emotionally reserved and cautious, you don't get involved so quickly with people and events. The things in life are taken seriously, there is a tendency to be ambitious and to hide inner doubts and worries. The fulfilled Moon in Capricorn can isolate itself well emotionally and is still open to mental processes. The inner concentration is enormous, which produces capable people who have conscientious creativity. Perseverance and willingness to take responsibility create security and stability in life. Success is achieved through tireless work. The need for recognition and prestige drives us. The stability achieved, often including property, should also benefit those around us. The feelings are strong and intense, but need a clear commitment from your partner and fellow human beings in order to be able to trust them.”

Well, apart from that, as already mentioned in the first section, two other star constellations also come into effect. So at 11:00 a.m. a trine between the Moon and Uranus will take effect, through which we could experience great attentiveness, persuasiveness, ambition, ingenuity and, overall, a more pronounced determination. Exactly 33 minutes later at 11:33 a.m. a conjunction between the Moon and Saturn becomes active, which in turn represents restrictions, emotional depression, melancholy and overall a certain closedness. Nevertheless, it should be said at this point that the pure influences of the Capricorn Moon will predominate.

Update regarding planetary resonance frequency:

Otherwise, I would also like to go into the current planetary resonance frequency again. In this context, especially in this time of spiritual awakening, stronger vibrations reach our planet, i.e. stronger energetic/cosmic influences (originating from the sun, the galactic center or other sources) reach the planetary resonance frequency and subsequently trigger vibrations . The earth's magnetic field is usually greatly weakened and we humans then experience greater changes in consciousness (self-knowledge, etc.). A few months ago or at the beginning of the year we received a flood of strong impulses in this regard, which is why the time could be perceived as quite stormy. Things have been pretty quiet in this regard for the last 1-2 months and hardly any significant impulses have been recorded.

daily energy

I can't say exactly why that is, but it is certainly possible that this calm phase (I have already expressed this assumption) will lead to a real storm of energies and that we will soon have weeks and months in which it there will be strong tremors. The probability that this will happen is also high, because such phases are not uncommon, especially in this age of awakening. Until then, we should concentrate on the present moment and continue to enjoy the current process, because at the end of the day it is special that we were incarnated into this time or rather that we chose this time for it . With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony

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