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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on September 20, 2019 is, on the one hand, shaped by the lingering influences of yesterday's portal day and, on the other hand, by new lunar influences, because the moon changed late yesterday evening at 22:57 p.m Clock in the zodiac sign Gemini. Purely due to the moon's influences, we could be in a much more communicative, inquisitive, concentrated, lively or imaginative mood than usual.


On the other hand, the lingering portal day influences also become noticeable. Added to this is the now extremely potent or increased basic frequency, through which we are catapulted more and more into original states from day to day. As already mentioned in one of the past daily energy articles, a huge paradigm shift has manifested itself in the current days and humanity or the collective consciousness has been raised to a new level of existence/frequency. In this context, most of you will certainly be familiar with the achievement of a critical mass, i.e. since all of our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and moods flow into the collective mind, each person influences the worlds of other people's thoughts. The more people have corresponding impulses, feelings, orientations and interests, the more people will in turn be confronted with corresponding impulses. At some point, so many people carry the corresponding knowledge within themselves that this knowledge becomes manifest throughout the entire collective with an incredible acceleration. Ultimately, before reaching a critical mass, there are also intermediate stops and special highlights. The knowledge about our own spiritual origins, the knowledge about the system & about the current awakening process is becoming more and more widespread and in the meantime we have simply reached a point where the knowledge is so deeply anchored in the consciousness of many people that A huge transformation is simply taking place across the board.

In the current days a huge “change” has taken place, i.e. a new quality of time has become manifest, which is why we ourselves are experiencing incredible moods. It has rarely been as mystical, clarifying and magical as it is currently. All doors are now open to us..!! 

Of course, knowledge is not yet universally manifest, but we have now reached a point in time that brings with it so many “awakened people” that this knowledge is being carried forward with an incredible acceleration (a full manifestation is therefore not far away). And since the entire planetary and collective frequency is increased, we are experiencing extremely sensitive, magical and primal moods these days (Origin consciousness). Yes, basically a new collective state was initiated as a result of this, which is currently very noticeable. It's not for nothing that a lot of things are currently being clarified. It is not for nothing that many old structures are being dismantled and it is not for nothing that we are experiencing the most stimulating days of all. Everything feels different - more sensitive, more intense, more unique and, above all, more insightful. Today will therefore seamlessly build on these moods and allow us to feel the current paradigm shift even more, especially if we are open to it and set our hearts on the “new world” (5D) align. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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