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Today's daily energy on September 20th, 2018 is mainly shaped by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Aquarius at 01:51 a.m. and has since given us influences that not only influence our relationships with friends and social issues in... stand in the foreground but we could also feel a certain desire for various activities.

Moon in Aquarius

Moon in AquariusOn the other hand, due to the moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius, we could perceive an increased desire for freedom within us. In this regard, the “Aquarius Moon” is generally associated with freedom, independence and personal responsibility. For this reason, the next 2-3 days are perfect for working on the manifestation of a responsible approach to our own lives. At the same time, our self-realization and the associated manifestation of a state of consciousness from which a freedom-oriented reality emerges could also be in the foreground. Freedom is also a key word in this context, because on days when the moon is in the zodiac sign Aquarius, we could very much long for a feeling of freedom. In this context, freedom is also something that, as I have often mentioned in my articles, is very important for our own prosperity. Freedom is also a feeling that arises from a correspondingly balanced and satisfied state of consciousness, i.e. a high-frequency state of consciousness that is filled with self-love, balance, abundance and peace. We cannot find the feeling or a state of consciousness in which the feeling of freedom is manifest through external conditions, for example through supposed luxury or status symbols, but rather by growing beyond ourselves and turning our gaze inwards. Freedom is therefore, at least as a rule, a frequency state that only needs to be experienced/manifested again. Well, last but not least, I would like to quote a section from the website astroschmid.ch regarding the “Aquarius Moon”:

“With the Moon in Aquarius, freedom is written all over the board in both speech and action. They say freely what they think, especially if their feelings have a say. Then, when something is important to them, it doesn't really matter to them by convention, but they are generally friendly and open towards others. Her love of freedom even makes others like her.

The fulfilled Moon in Aquarius is emotionally calm and self-sufficient. His love is more of a universal one than one that would be aimed exclusively at one partner. He has a sense of personal responsibility and respect. He doesn't bow to nonsensical laws and sees things more according to his own social conscience. He is interested in all people, especially when the encounter takes place on the same level. He needs company and makes contacts quickly, is a good friend and yet remains independent and happy with himself in his own way. He reacts calmly to pressure or rebels and detaches himself from it. They want to be recognized as independent beings and for them it is natural that you can talk if there are problems. Actually, Moon in Aquarius always wants to do good, everyone should be fine just the way they are.”

In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂  

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