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Today's daily energy on September 20th is very strongly accompanied by powerful new moon energies, which in turn can have a very positive effect on our own healing process. In this context, the quality of Virgo also stands for healing itself. Apart from the unique star constellation on September 23rd, this new moon also stands for an energetic beginning of the year, as corresponds to today in the Jewish faith also the new year and is therefore celebrated as a festival (Rosch ha-Schana), from tonight until Friday evening.

Energetic start of the year

Energetic start of the yearThe new moon in the sign of Virgo is therefore something very special and always announces a powerful new beginning, a time in which important changes can be initiated, especially in the days after the new moon. Of course, new moons always announce changes and times of new beginnings in this regard, but the new moon in the zodiac sign Virgo does this again in an amplified way. For this reason, this new moon + the following days will stir up a few things in us and let our healing process progress (especially because of September 23rd..!!). In the same way, the days after a new moon are always suitable for working through the past and dealing with your own problems. Ultimately, the sun and moon also unite at the new moon, which embodies/represents a male and female principle in the sky. It is therefore always about the topics of self-healing, creating balance, eliminating one's own interference fields and working through one's own problems. Our shadows/negative programming want to be looked at and, above all, redeemed in the long term, so that we can again enjoy a life of perfect happiness, love and freedom.

The direction of our own mind determines our life. For this reason, a harmonious alignment is essential in order to be able to create a harmonious life again. However, this is only possible with difficulty if we let our own negative mental patterns dominate us again and again and subsequently suppress our shadow topics..!!

Only by working through these self-created problems and the associated redemption/transformation do we experience such states of consciousness again. Otherwise our own mind will be confronted with these negative mental patterns again and again and as a result will not be able to change or harmonize its alignment. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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