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daily energy

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on November 20, 2018 will continue to be shaped by the moon, which is still in the zodiac sign Aries and can make us feel quite energetic, lively and emotionally lively, especially if we are currently in one are at a high frequency level and for this reason can resonate “easier” with the corresponding lunar influences.

Still exciting influences

daily energyOn the other hand, it should be said that opposite experiences can also become manifest, because especially in the current highly energetic days (which have been going on for months), we are simply being asked, whether directly or indirectly, to join in the planetary transformative circumstance and this in turn can lead to a confrontation with internal conflicts. Ultimately, all levers are set in motion on an informative/energetic/mental level so that we, as spiritual/spiritual beings, can permanently experience a high frequency state (transition/exercising the 5th dimension - 5th dimension = higher frequency, i.e. more peaceful, balanced and truthful state of consciousness). The fact that this process can be experienced as very painful and exhausting is not uncommon, but can also be attributed to the transformative energetic movements (or rather to our low-frequency handling of this strong energy quality). In this regard, we can also react extremely sensitively to the strong energetic influences or to the currently high “basic frequency”, because our organism tries to adapt to it or absorb the energies. A high-frequency quality of energy flows through us and this simply flushes through our system, a circumstance that we find to be quite inspiring, but on some days can also be extremely stressful and tiring.

Let us commit ourselves to recognizing the extremely precious nature of each and every day. – Dalai Lama..!!

Ultimately, everything serves our own spiritual/mental development and all experiences only allow us to move forward in our own incarnation process. Well, finally, I would like to introduce the joint video with SuccessfulGlücklich and myself, which was released yesterday on his Channel has been published. We talked a little together about various topics (why everything is energy, spiritual origin, frequency increase, spiritual awakening, etc.) and also got to know each other better. Another video will follow on my channel in the coming days. Well, I'll definitely link the video under this section. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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Otherwise, a quick note regarding this orgone reactor within the video, because as has already been mentioned many times, you get harmonizers (and all other products within the) in this powerful space/atmosphere Stores) with the code: “everything is energy“5% discount. Anyone who is interested or has been thinking about it for a long time should consider it Reactor or even element vortex If you want to purchase one, you are welcome to use the code. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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