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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on November 20th is accompanied by strong energetic fluctuations and can therefore give us special access to our own true being, to our inner core. These energetic fluctuations are also related to an extremely strong cosmic radiation (see here: praxis-umeria) and this can simply give us a detailed insight into our own mental life.

Strong energetic fluctuations

Strong energetic fluctuationsOn high-energy days, our own soul or our own mental life always comes first, which is often reflected in the fact that on such days we are always confronted with our own current mental and emotional state. For this reason, such days (particularly portal days, i.e. days on which a high level of cosmic radiation generally reaches us) can sometimes be perceived as very stressful, because people who in turn have a lot of unredeemed karmic baggage, or rather themselves allow themselves to be dominated by a few mental blockages (still fighting out many unresolved conflicts with themselves), they are often confronted with their own disagreements on such days. The high frequencies then literally flood our own consciousness and keep all of our unresolved conflicts in front of us. In this regard, this process is also unavoidable and simply represents an important part of the current quantum leap into awakening. We humans are always evolving and are asked to increasingly stay in a high state of consciousness (i.e. in a harmonious and peaceful state of consciousness). The confrontation with our own psychological injuries, i.e. with our own mental imbalance, is therefore also very important for our own prosperity and will become increasingly important in the coming weeks, months and years (mental cleansing process due to constant frequency increases - since 2012). Well, apart from the strong energetic fluctuations, today's daily energy is also accompanied by 3 pleasant lunar connections with the planets Mars, Mercury and Uranus, which can create a certain spirit of enterprise, communication and persuasion in us. So this day, if we act in the areas mentioned, can also bring us a lot of success. As far as this is concerned, the day could have started very positively, which had to do with the sextile of the Moon and Mars.

Due to today's 3 very positive lunar connections, we should definitely dedicate ourselves to different ventures and projects again and always keep in mind that our work will definitely be accompanied by success..!!

So this one connection could make us strong-willed, courageous + active overall (sextile = harmonious aspect - 60 degrees). At noon we are again supported by a conjunction of the Moon and Mars, which represents a good starting point for all business and gives us very good judgment (conjunction = can act as a harmonious but also as a disharmonious aspect - 0 degrees). In the evening, the trine of the Moon and Uranus rounds off the day (trine = harmonic aspect – 120 degrees). This trine gives us great attention, persuasiveness, ambition and an original spirit. As a result, we could be more determined and imaginative overall and could also have a happier hand in undertakings. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Star Constellation Source: https://alpenschau.com/2017/11/20/mondkraft-heute-20-november-2017-erfolg-und-glueck/

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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