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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on February 20, 2020 is characterized by special events and is therefore made up of extremely potent energies. On the one hand, today is characterized by a special numerology, i.e. today's date has four twos (and three zeros - i.e. no other number other than two is present in the date) and is therefore accompanied by a powerful energy (For example, we remember February 02.02.2020nd, XNUMX - corresponding days/numerologies contain a strong frequency deep at their core and are therefore always accompanied by a consciousness-changing orientation). On the other hand, we experience the lasting influences of yesterday and especially last February's portal day.

Sun in the zodiac sign Pisces

Pisces MoonIn addition, the sun changed to the sun sign at 05:35 a.m. yesterday (and has given us new impulses since then: “On February 19th the sun moves from Aquarius to Pisces. This is the beginning of the last phase of winter. Pisces, the last sign in the zodiac, is about bringing old stories to a conclusion, settling outstanding feelings and consciously processing the past cycle. As water signs, Pisces are very emotional. During this time it is important to consciously reflect on our longing and desire for connection. Often there is a desire for redemption behind it. Maybe we can change something at one point or another in our lives so that we can turn more towards our inner reality.” – Source: giesow.de) and accordingly initiated the last phase of winter - the transition to spring, which is slowly but surely becoming noticeable in nature (Occasionally more insects can be found - corresponding medicinal plants begin to grow - the weather becomes milder, etc.).

2-2-2-2 portal

But that's not all, there will also be a moon change, i.e. the moon will change to the zodiac sign Aquarius this evening at 20:46 p.m. (Self-realization and a desire for freedom are thereby strengthened) and is then accompanied by strong fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field. Ultimately, it's perfect that the plantar K index recorded strong abnormalities yesterday (as you can see in the picture below).

Today's 2-2-2-2 portal does full justice to its energy and will certainly bring with it special sensations. It is a mixture of highly potent energies that represents another highlight of the second month of the golden decade that has begun and will 100% expand the overarching awakening process. Change is unstoppable! With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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