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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on April 20, 2020 will lead the entire world even deeper into the current overarching ascension and allow our own minds to align even more strongly with light-filled states. Recognizing the truth behind everything or what is actually happening in the world will therefore become even easier for all of us. The inevitable leaps in consciousness are affecting more and more people! Hardly a day goes by without progress being made towards uninstalling the old Matrix 3D system (Incidentally, 3D refers to a deceived, low-frequency, ignorant, fearful and, above all, completely rejecting state of consciousness - a mental state that is completely manipulable and controllable - 4D in turn refers to a state between deception and awakening, a mind that has recognized some deceptions, but is still accompanied by insecurities and an uncertainty).

Strong energetic influences

On the other hand, the installation of a comprehensive 5D structure is of course encouraged (a high frequency/lightful/true Collective Mind). Now, as all these processes are underway and the overall awakening is taking very large steps (which, by the way, is also very evident in many websites and personalities on the Internet that are approached by users all over the world, i.e. attention is drawn to their "entanglements" from all sides + it is mentioned that you are awake yourself - the influx pushes boundaries, 5D is “slowly” but surely gaining the upper hand), there are always days when extremely strong impulses reach us and this process is accelerated even further. Yesterday, especially yesterday, made this very clear again in the planetary resonance frequency (see below picture).

Strong energetic influences

In the last two days we have received extremely strong influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency, which has certainly given a massive boost to the collective awakening process. The illusions and deceptions are falling more and more!!

As you can see, we received extremely strong anomalies that flowed through the collective or our planet for hours and certainly set new course within the awakening/installation process. As I said, the current acceleration is rapid, which is why every new day feels like it brings with it more profound changes. For this reason, one of the greatest collective expansions of consciousness is currently taking place, i.e. people are expanding/stretching their own minds due to the strong discovery of truth (and above all the search for yourself), at incredible speed in a variety of directions every day. The daily large intake of information illustrates this spiritual expansion, because due to the Corona circumstance, which on the one hand was responsible for more people having time to question the world and on the other hand brought with it a wave of countless alternative media and awakened personalities who provided their information shared with all people and were HUGELY RECEIVED, — As I said, the influx is huge, many people were able to expand their own minds with new views, beliefs, convictions and ultimately information (Rarely have you absorbed so much new information as is currently the case - incredible acceleration - every day changes your own mind profoundly). Well, ultimately we will experience a continuation of this acceleration today and experience new, unique and, above all, reorienting hours. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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