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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on April 20, 2018 is mainly characterized by strong energetic influences, because it is a portal day (days predicted by the Maya on which increased cosmic radiation reaches us). Due to the portal day and the strong energies associated with it, we could either feel very energetic, dynamic and bright as a result, or rather depressed. What will happen hangs firstly on ourselves and the use of our own mental abilities, secondly on the direction of our own minds and thirdly on our current lifestyle.

Today is a portal day

Today is a portal dayUltimately, portal days also serve our own mental and spiritual development (even if, of course, everything serves our development - {our} life is a projection of our spirit), because the incoming energies/frequencies are responsible for the veil becoming our own source or source . to our own innermost being (our soul) is significantly thinner. Due to the strong planetary frequency increase, we also experience an increase in our own frequency, as has already been explained many times. This means that our entire mind/body/spirit system tries to adapt to the increased frequency situation, whereby internal conflicts are transported into our daily consciousness, because it is our own internal conflicts (mental discrepancies) that keep our state of consciousness at a low frequency, - i.e. since negative thoughts and emotions are of a low-frequency nature, people who suffer every day create a low-frequency circumstance. In order to be able to remain in a high frequency (a high state of consciousness), it is therefore important to have a mental orientation that is designed for harmony, joy and peace. Therefore, today we could explore our own state of being and clear circumstances that are based on low frequencies. We could also gain deep insights into our soul. Nevertheless, it should be said that clearing up our own internal conflicts will be a priority. Well, apart from the influences of the portal day, various star constellations also reach us. In this context, the sun changed to the zodiac sign Taurus at 05:12 a.m., meaning that after the “fiery” phase of Aries, the sun is now in an “earth sign”. With Taurus it's about security, but also about pleasure, sensuality, physical caresses and, in general, material orientations. At 14:04 p.m. the Moon forms a sextile (harmonic angular relationship - 60°) with Uranus (in the zodiac sign Aries), through which we could have great attentiveness, persuasiveness, ambition and also an original spirit.

Today's daily energetic influences are very intense in nature, which is why we reach a point in the day in which our own mental life could be in the foreground..!!

People are very open to new methods and approaches. At 16:26 p.m. the moon changes to the zodiac sign Cancer, which supports the development of the pleasant aspects of life. The focus is on the longing for home and home, peace and security. The next two to three days therefore represent a good opportunity to relax and also to develop new soul powers. Of course, this could have something to do with the influences of today's portal day, but it also depends on us which energies we resonate with. Last but not least, the sun forms a sextile with the moon at 17:15 p.m., which means that communication between the male and female principles is correct. On the other hand, this constellation could make you feel at home anywhere and experience a lot of helpfulness. No other star constellations reach us, which is why it could be quite an intense but also an inspiring day. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Moon Constellations Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2018/April/20

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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