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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on October 19, 2018 is still shaped by the influences of the moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius, which is why freedom, brotherhood, independence, personal responsibility and social issues can continue to be in the foreground. In the evening, at 22:20 p.m. to be precise, the moon changes again to the zodiac sign Pisces and from then on gives us completely different influences.

Dreaminess & sensitivity

Moon moves into the zodiac sign PiscesFrom then on, the focus is on influences through which we can be either a little or more sensitive, dreamy, introverted, meditative, sensitive and compassionate. On the other hand, we could also act a little reserved and feel the urge to to want to withdraw a little. For this reason, the next three days are ideal for surrendering a little to your own state of being, your own ideas and also your own mental life. Instead of exposing yourself to a lot of hustle and bustle or even pursuing countless activities, it can be quite pleasant to listen to your own inner world and become aware of circumstances that we may not have paid enough attention to for some time. In this regard, it can also be extremely pleasant if we withdraw a little from everyday stress and instead indulge in peace and quiet. In some cases this can even be a “balm” for our soul and give us new strength. Of course, it should be said again at this point that we do not necessarily have to experience corresponding moods and intentions.

Sow a thought and you will reap an action. Sow an action and you will reap a habit. Sow a habit and you will reap a character. Sow a character and you will reap a destiny. – Indian wisdom..!!

In exactly the same way, we don't have to comply with it. We should still allow our personal current feelings and orientations to flow into this. Ultimately, all days are experienced in completely different ways, which is why we should always trust our own personal feelings. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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