Today's daily energy on January 19, 2022 will be shaped, on the one hand, by the lingering influences of yesterday's extremely powerful full moon (The first full moon within a year, also known as the ice moon, always has a very determining effect on the coming time) and on the other hand, the associated lion zodiac sign, i.e. the element of fire, has a stronger effect on us in this regard (Because last night at 05:01 a.m. the moon changed to the zodiac sign Leo). In keeping with the element of fire, a general explosive circumstance also affects us. The first month of the third year of the all-changing decade couldn't be more intense.
We are heading towards the climax

So far, this month has a very special magic in it and is happening at an incredibly impressive pace, which is to be expected. Due to the currently extremely high energy level, we are heading towards a point of total collapse of the old times or the general 3D structure/dimension. Everything feels like it's passing faster and faster, because the expansion into the new world is manifesting itself more and more strongly from day to day. For this reason, the change of days, weeks and months passes by in a flash, just as each of us changes at an extreme speed. The unveiling or unveiling of our true being, accompanied by strong moments of reflection and the ever-increasing recognition and removal of deep-seated blockages, which in turn darken our mind and our heart (through which we keep the potential for manifesting a sacred state of consciousness in check), has taken on the greatest possible features. Seen in this way, we are also heading towards the climax that will change everything, it is very close, i.e. a moment that will be so significant or rather so revealing/unmasking (the world/system that its true face is completely revealed, be it for example through crucial mistakes made by the actors or through consciously initiated actions - restructuring the world stage), so that humanity will suddenly realize the truth or an important aspect of the truth. We are all currently transitioning into a new world, gradually leaving behind the disharmonious circumstances of the old world. We therefore have corresponding crucial moments ahead of us. Anyone who still evades this or doubts it, i.e. everyone whose mind is still part of the system, will sooner or later find themselves in the truth about the world and admit to themselves that they have allowed themselves to be kept small spiritually, This point is unavoidable and we can reach it for everyone.
The current intensity
Now and despite the daily appearance presented to us, which even many more awake people still focus on and are accordingly deceived by hopelessness, fears and general deprivation of energy (As I said, the system lives from our energy, from our attention, from our devotion to the system, no matter how this devotion/devotion may take place, whether positive or negative, our focus on the system ensures its maintenance) are closer to the climax of the climb than ever before. You could already feel it in the last few years. In 2020, a big push was given due to the “pseudo pandemic”. The matrix fell apart, normality disappeared, many people woke up and recognized the illusion built around their minds. In 2021, this situation became even more pronounced. Although the false system implemented censorship measures with all its might, an even greater wave of awakening was unleashed, that is, the opposite was triggered, because the system unmasked itself more than ever before and got caught up in its massive contradictions.
And now, in 2022, this spectrum of awakening will be increased 100-fold again. January has shown us this perfectly so far. Stronger solar winds reached us, the Schumann resonance frequency diagram showed major anomalies, black shifts/measurement failures and general stormy data. The weather has also been rather stormy so far and a few days ago we were hit by the huge eruption of the undersea volcano near Tonga, which ultimately released enormous energy. Whether the eruption was initiated by Haarp or was a natural phenomenon, either way this eruption was symbolic of another very extreme energy discharge. Things are boiling all over the world and the elevation of the collective spirit is very advanced. We can therefore look forward to the rest of this year. A lot will continue to change, just as we will all be led back even deeper into our inner sacred space in a special way. Never forget: “The more we heal ourselves, the more the world will heal.” Let us therefore focus on healing and stop all attempts to let our minds become fearful. Let us together withdraw more and more of our energy from the illusory world/system and instead be there for ourselves, our fellow human beings, for nature, the animal world and our families. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂