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Full moon

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Today's daily energy on December 19, 2021 is characterized on the one hand by the fifth portal day within the passage of the ten-day portal day series and on the other hand by a powerful full moon in the zodiac sign Gemini (Only afterwards, i.e. at 10:41 a.m., does the moon change to the water sign Cancer). The full moon was already manifest at 05:35 a.m. and coincides with the generally longest full moon night of the year, because only from the winter solstice (on the 21.) the nights are getting shorter again (the light returns). Therefore, the December full moon is generally always considered an extremely powerful full moon that leaves a very lasting impact energetically.

Everything is embedded in your mind

Everything is embedded in your mindAnd since this full moon takes place within a long portal day phase, its intensity will be greatly increased, which will be of particular benefit to us in the current, very advanced days of collective awakening. Humanity is experiencing an ever greater awakening and is also increasingly seeing through the illusory structures in the world. She begins to raise her own spirit into higher vibrational ranges and at the same time the old 3D power structure completely disintegrates. We are all moving towards states of perfection, just as the Earth is manifesting its golden state of perfection (everything rises). Until then, we will still go through special phases in which we will all receive important insights, self-knowledge and visions regarding a liberated spiritual state, because a truly liberated spirit and, above all, rooted in God/the divine represents the core essence of ascension. It is one's own awareness of being a holy being, i.e. the source of all things, in which all realities are embedded (This article is only embedded in your reality and was experienced and manifested through it), a fundamental attitude to life that allows the earth or the collective consciousness to shine in holiness (the world can only become/be holy when we ourselves become/are holy).

Powerful full moon energies

Powerful full moon energiesToday's full moon day therefore ties in perfectly with this wisdom. Full moons generally stand for completion, fullness, wholeness, unity and maximum processes. Today's full moon within this powerful portal day phase, anchored in a general frequency technical peak (the prevailing energy quality is higher than ever - everything is currently moving at extreme speed - the transformation process is incredibly accelerated, which is why the days just fly by and we ourselves experience massive changes within our minds every day - who were you for example, six months ago?) will definitely give us an incredible boost of light impulses. Everything to heal our DNA, heal our spirit and most importantly heal the world. In keeping with this, I’m also quoting a section from the page esistallesda.de:

“Although not an eclipse, this Moon is associated with the final eclipse cycle of the Gemini-Sagittarius axis of collective destiny/evolution, which culminated in a recalibration of the collective mental body. This moon helps us rework ourselves and our future. In conjunction with expansive Jupiter, this moon helps us see beyond limitations and perceive our own vastness as new perspectives come into view. This Moon calls upon us to let go of the shackles of the mind and refuse to place limits on consciousness and reality, with many opportunities for spiritual growth and conscious awakening for each individual and the collective as the Moon is directly opposite the galactic center moves while the sun passes through it at the same time.

This is flooding the planet with vast amounts of higher and more expansive levels of consciousness, calling for us to embrace these new light codes of consciousness and expand into a greater sovereign being. And crucially, to perceive and play with reality as the creators we are. As children of the creative cosmos, here to play and bring energy and consciousness into physical form. An illumination of your current level of consciousness will become visible at this time, as will your willingness to open yourself to new levels of perception. You are asked to let go of the limitations of the mind and expand into new levels of consciousness in order to adjust to new horizons and timelines that are now coming into focus. It is about embracing the flexibility of the twin mind, letting go of things to achieve greater freedom and change as thoughts/feelings/facts/realities shift and become aligned with the resonance of truth within you.”

Well, the Gemini zodiac sign will also give the full moon a special shine. Harmony and above all the unification of dualitarian patterns (Inner World and Outer World – Male Energy and Female Energy) will be particularly in the foreground. If necessary, also the recognition of your own patterns that are not yet in harmony or in harmony (in perfection) are anchored. The element air also wants us to rise into the air, i.e. to fly, to reach high dimensions/worlds (states of consciousness) instead of constantly tying ourselves to the matter and, above all, to system-driven circumstances. When we free ourselves from everything that no longer belongs to us, along with overcoming all the actions that cause us to complain again and again (instead of facilitating), i.e. charging with heavy energies, then we can fully develop our light body. Let us therefore welcome today's full moon energies and resonate on the wave of harmony and above all on the wave of current transformation. Direct your gaze away from the daily apparent world and enter into states of lightness. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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