≡ Menus

Today is the day, friends, and an extremely powerful full moon reaches us in the zodiac sign Libra. At the same time, there is also Good Friday, which means it is a day that has a special meaning, especially in Christianity. For this reason, you cannot ignore this fact, because many people simply associate it with a special magic (No matter what the true background may be - it's about the collective mood - the collective feelings about Good Friday) and this magic (right now over the holidays) flows into this day and reinforces the full moon influences.

Infinite abundance

Everything is under the sign of abundance, manifestation, growth, expansion and everything is also under the sign of harmony, i.e. with this full moon (During the Libra zodiac sign, things want to be brought into balance/harmony - especially the connection to ourselves, which in turn can bring connections to other people into harmony) is primarily about the acceptance/manifestation of a mental state, which in turn is based on these aspects. We can now perceive this infinite fullness and ultimately experience this fullness completely, as it corresponds to our true being, because our true being or our true nature is based on abundance, wisdom, love and divinity - our true being. As I said, this full moon is accompanied by incredible magic and can open up completely new paths for us (Something that also happened to me yesterday, i.e. the day started extremely stormy, but flowed into a huge high and not only resulted in a most magical and special evening/moment, but it also gave me incredible strength – yesterday was therefore pure magic – what will it be like today? – The special energies could therefore be felt very clearly in advance). In exactly the same way, it can show us how strong we have ultimately become, i.e. how much we have grown internally and from which self-imposed limitations we have freed ourselves. In the last few months we have been able to make incredible leaps and develop massively mentally and emotionally. Now it's about feeling this magic internally in order to let paradise become manifest within ourselves (everything begins in our inner space). Well, today's full moon energies will therefore be extremely powerful and, if we embrace it, can give us incredible moments/moods, it will be a very special day. Well, parallel to this or in keeping with this, extremely strong influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency also reached us (see below picture). Planetary resonance frequencyA storm of energies reached us, which certainly helped this magic. We can therefore be curious to see how these influences will develop today and whether the storm will continue. The probability is definitely very high. Therefore, everything is all about our own truthfulness and, above all, about maximum fullness. We can experience incredible conditions. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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    • Silke Otto 19. April 2019, 11: 31

      I think you~you're doing a wonderful job here. I thank you with all my heart. I've only been following you for a few days (the daily energy) and I'm very impressed with the descriptions. I really resonate with that.
      They help me a lot.
      I wish you a contemplative and loving Good Friday.
      Warm greetings from Kiel
      Silke Bettina

    Silke Otto 19. April 2019, 11: 31

    I think you~you're doing a wonderful job here. I thank you with all my heart. I've only been following you for a few days (the daily energy) and I'm very impressed with the descriptions. I really resonate with that.
    They help me a lot.
    I wish you a contemplative and loving Good Friday.
    Warm greetings from Kiel
    Silke Bettina
