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Today's daily energy on October 18, 2019 is mainly characterized by a still strong energy quality, as the effects of an incredible shift continue to reach us. In this regard, things have been extremely stormy for days which, apart from our own very profound, mystical and consciousness-expanding moods, is also reflected in the diagram of the planetary resonance frequency (see below picture) becomes apparent.
Still incredible shift

In this context, the diagram has been showing strong anomalies for years, on the one hand due to strong white fluctuations, but on the other hand also due to so-called black lines (
rather rarely seen) becomes visible. The Black Lines always represent strong shifts (
Shifts). Here we often talk about shifts in the timeline and, on the other hand, about a realignment or, better said, about a strong impact of the earth's energy field (
everything is alive, everything has its own energy field - a consciousness). In themselves, corresponding black lines are associated with an incredibly strong energy and draw our attention to the fact that a massive transformation process is currently taking place or being initiated in the background. Old 3D residual structures are uninstalled/dissolved and new 5D structures are installed again. Ultimately, this refers to high-frequency structures through which the collective consciousness of humanity is increasingly expanded. In the moments, days and weeks that follow, humanity finds itself even more strongly and subsequently achieves even greater self-love (
one of the most important aspects in the collective awakening process, - entry into one's own heart energy/self-love, - openness, freedom from prejudice, love - instead of limitation, limitation, fear and rejection, - for example, the rejection of the new, - new knowledge, holding on to the old, taught world view).
Now and in the current days, black lines are reaching us on a gigantic scale. In some cases there are outages that last an entire day, illustrating the enormous intensity of the prevailing energy quality. I've never experienced anything comparable. There were individual black lines from time to time, but no failures over such a long period of time. And even if the diagram “normalizes”, severe failures continue afterwards. As already mentioned in the last daily energy article, some other sites are also talking about a huge shift that is taking place. The energy values are spiraling and many technical disruptions can be observed. Friends, we are currently in an energetic high phase and the transformative mood is stronger than ever before. The transition into the golden decade is coming to a head and all of our old structures are being dissolved at an unprecedented pace. The most unique phase ever. In this sense, we can be grateful for these highly transformative influences. Stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️