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Today's daily energy on October 18, 2018 continues to be influenced by the "Aquarius Moon", which is why brotherhood, social issues and entertainment can continue to be in the foreground. On the other hand, there can also be personal responsibility and a desire for freedombe very present. In particular, an urge for freedom or even the manifestation of a corresponding feeling of freedom can play a special role, because on days when the moon is in the zodiac sign Aquarius, freedom is particularly important.

According to us before influences of the Aquarius Moon

According to us before influences of the Aquarius Moon

In this context, this manifestation of freedom also refers to a state of consciousness in which no heaviness is manifest, but rather feelings of lightness, limitlessness, balance and peace (everything in existence is based on ideas and states of consciousness - spirit is our source). Such a state of consciousness can also be achieved in various ways. One possibility, for example, would be to begin again to accept our entire current state of being or our entire life as it is, with all of its light and shadowy moments. On the other hand, one possibility would be to free yourself from various dependencies and other mental patterns that keep us trapped in self-imposed vicious cycles. Since every person is completely individual, we should always ask ourselves what stands in the way of the manifestation of a corresponding state of consciousness (in which the feeling of freedom is present) within our lives (apart from that, the freedom of every person defined in completely different ways).

Like everything in life, freedom, due to our spiritual origins, represents a state of consciousness that simply needs to be manifested again. Of course, this is hardly possible in certain life situations, for example people in war zones can hardly feel free, i.e. the precarious circumstance prevents the manifestation of a corresponding state of consciousness, but we can usually always manifest a corresponding state of consciousness simply through changes within our everyday lives let it be..!!

Well, due to the “Aquarius Moon”, we could therefore feel a strong urge for freedom within us, which means we will subsequently begin to live out a need for freedom in whatever way. In the same way, we could begin to manifest a corresponding state of consciousness, for example by making smaller everyday changes. In this regard, we should always keep in mind that a corresponding state of consciousness can be accessed at any time, in any place. In this regard, an infinite number of states of consciousness are permanently available to us and even if it seems impossible for some people, it should be said that our entire mental orientation can change within a moment. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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