Today's daily energy on January 18, 2020 is, on the one hand, shaped by the moon, which in turn is in the zodiac sign Scorpio and consequently gives us very impulsive, passionate, ambitious and self-conquering moods on the other hand, from the still extremely strong energy quality, which puts our own self-realization first.
The planet is rising
As has often been mentioned in the past daily energy articles, the focus is particularly on the realization of our own highest self, i.e. the realization of our God-Self (the divine image/idea of yourself). The intensification of the energetic influences reaching us, which have reached an extent that is almost impossible to grasp, especially since the beginning of the golden decade, lead us ever deeper into our own creator existence and consequently allow us to recognize/feel more and more that we ourselves are the An instance from which not only everything is created, but which also contains everything or carries everything within itself. Everything that exists is anchored within us, nothing exists outside of us or, better said, nothing is created outside of ourselves (no one hooks into your mind and suddenly creates new ideas/reality for you, ONLY you CREATE yourself), because you yourself, as a creator, encompass everything and represent everything - the ever bubbling/creating source - you yourself. Now and because of this we are currently experiencing our very personal divine ascension, which also coincides with the rise of the collective consciousness or of the planet into the fifth dimension (a high/divine/wise/loving/strong/AWAKENED state of consciousness - as within, so without, only when you change yourself does the world change - only when you awaken/ascend yourself can the external perceivable existence, as a projection of your own Even on the outside, awakening/ascending). Our planet is literally rising and it is simply fascinating that all these processes have now been initiated to this extent and that we can experience this fascinating journey.

The strong anomalies in planetary resonance frequency, first Black Shift/Reset and now strong Light/Ascension, are having such a powerful impact on mass consciousness that an awakening is currently taking place that is completely comprehensive. The collective return to the highest divine self-image has never been so strongly favored..!!
It is therefore a time of upheaval and transformation in which humanity breaks through its cocoon and unfolds into a butterfly. It is the phoenix rising from its ashes. Well, in keeping with this upheaval and, above all, in keeping with the return to God's highest self, I published another new video on this topic yesterday evening. The highest level of knowledge, part 3, is one of my most important videos and addresses all of these aspects in detail. Finally, I would like to refer you to this video again and I can only recommend it to you (The video is linked below). With this in mind, dear ones, I wish you all a relaxed and, above all, knowledgeable day. Enjoy the energies and especially the current rise. Stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
Great video and thank you for your commitment!!
Kind regards, Jitka