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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on January 18, 2019 is mainly characterized by a generally strong or intense energy quality, because it is a portal day. For this reason, the basic energy, which generally changes consciousness, will once again experience a strong increase, which means that we can therefore experience a circumstance that is associated with strong changes in consciousness or even other special ones abnormalities can occur. As is always the case on corresponding days, especially in the last few weeks and months.

Today's portal day influences

Today's portal day influencesApart from that, such a circumstance is a given anyway, especially since we are now looking at a total lunar eclipse (Blood moon) and as already mentioned in yesterday's daily energy article, such days always give us extraordinary potential. The day will therefore once again immensely accelerate the collective further development or the collective spiritual awakening and will be responsible for the fact that within the collective spirit (related to humanity, which, like everything in existence, is connected to one another on a mental level due to its spiritual origin), high-frequency information or impulses, are spread much more strongly, i.e. on the one hand, some people experience the beginning of a spiritual awakening (sudden expansion of one's own mind in a completely new/unknown direction, - modification of one's own entrenched beliefs, the system-shaped worldview is subject to changes) and on the other hand, people who have been deeply aware of the process for years will achieve even more fundamental self-knowledge. Insights through which you come even closer to your own true nature. Either way, the day will be all about transformation, purification and, above all, the “impulses reaching us”.

The key to enjoying a happy and fulfilling life is the state of consciousness. That's the gist. – Dalai Lama..!!

There will be a very noticeable mental and emotional development. Before that, we will experience the increasing energies, which will reach a certain temporary “peak” especially today, due to the portal day situation. In other words, even today everything is possible and we can immerse ourselves in a wide variety of states of consciousness. In general, I have to say that these influences were already very noticeable yesterday. In this regard, I was extremely full of energy and accomplished so much that it amazed me, and as a result I pushed through a lot of hours, based on a wide variety of circumstances. Well, ultimately we can be curious to see to what extent today's energetic influences will affect us and, above all, to what extent we will experience the day. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

I am happy about any support 🙂 

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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