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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on August 18, 2018 is characterized on the one hand by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Sagittarius at 18:44 p.m. and on the other hand by general strong cosmic influences, because it is once again a portal day. For this reason, today will hold very special potential for us and will definitely be all about transformation. 

Another portal day

Another portal dayTransformation, purification and especially change are generally aspects of life that not only continually shape us, but are also extremely important for our own mental and emotional development. Especially in the current process of spiritual awakening, which has been experiencing a massive acceleration in recent years and feels like it is heading towards a climax, these aspects are in focus more than ever. We humans learn to grow beyond ourselves, rekindle a love for nature, gain a completely new basic understanding of natural processes, learn about universal laws, increasingly explore our own spiritual roots and learn to fully develop our own spiritual potential. In particular, overcoming and clearing up our own shadow-heavy aspects/conditions, which is an important aspect of our development process, but can also massively block us, is moving more and more into our own attention. Only a pure or rather balanced mind/body/spirit system, which is no longer exposed to constant low frequency states, creates the basis for a completely new state of consciousness, i.e. a state of consciousness in which we are no longer subject to our own mental blockages, but ourselves Instead, feel completely free and subsequently fully develop our own creative potential. Well, today's portal day will certainly help us to get closer to a corresponding spiritual state. The day is therefore all about transformation, new beginnings and becoming aware of our own current state of being. At the beginning, the influences of the Scorpio Moon also have an effect on us, which is why the emphasis can then be increasingly on sensual states, but also on circumstances in which we manage to overcome ourselves.

The realm of consciousness is much larger than can be mentally measured. When you no longer believe everything you think, you detach yourself from thinking and see clearly that the thinker is not who you are. – Eckhart Tolle..!!

From the second half of the day or towards the evening, we will again experience the influences of the “Sagittarius Moon”, which could ignite a corresponding temperament in us and focus on unusual topics/thoughts and higher aspects of life. At the same time, two different star constellations came into effect in the evening, once at 17:06 p.m. a sextile between the Moon and Mars, which in turn stands for great willpower, courage, active/powerful action and a certain orientation towards truth. Almost half an hour later, at 17:34 p.m., another sextile takes effect, namely between Mercury and Venus, which in turn promotes a certain cheerfulness, friendliness, talkativeness and adaptability. Nevertheless, today will largely be favored by strong energies brought about by the portal day circumstance. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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