On the one hand, today's daily energy on April 18, 2019 is still shaped by the moon in the zodiac sign Libra, which means that influences continue to reach us, through which all interpersonal connections can be in the foreground (bring everything into harmony) and on the other hand from general very strong energies. In this context, extremely strong influences could reach us again.
Strong resonance frequency influences
In this regard, this was already apparent yesterday evening and we received very, very strong planetary resonance frequency influences. These influences tie in directly to the strong energies of the past few days and continue the high-energy mood. Well, ultimately extremely strong influences could reach us today (Storm), especially since very strong anomalies were recorded yesterday evening (as shown in the picture below).
As a rule, the corresponding bars always indicate a storm of energy and the probability is therefore high that the influences today will be of an extreme nature. To what extent the influences will be, I cannot say at this point in time (Time when the article was written), but it will certainly be very violent. Transformation, cleansing and change therefore continue to be in the foreground more than ever and all old structures are breaking down. Everything that causes us suffering (everything takes place in our mind) is in the process of completely dissolving and the transition to 5D is in full swing. The mood of change is therefore more noticeable than ever before. Well, the dissolution of old structures can also be seen in the Notre Dame example, because the destruction of the cathedral was anything but accidental. Apart from that, there is a lot of evidence that the chaos was planned in advance (as was the case with most major events, just remember Charlie Hebdo or Flight mh17, there are people in power in the background who plan almost all of these major events to achieve their own goals). stands the devastation of this place (Place of the devil, because satanic rituals are practiced not only within elite families, but also in the Vatican - religion as a control instrument - it is and has never been about God) symbolic of the downfall of the NWO system. Of course, one way or another, the devastation was consciously planned and carried out by those behind it, it was not for nothing that the statues of the twelve apostles were removed 4 days before the fire (Apart from a few other anomalies – did Notre Dame have to be destroyed to cover up something?). Nevertheless, this destruction is symbolic of the current upheaval and shows once again that everything seems to be changing at the moment. We can therefore be excited to see what will happen in the coming days and weeks. A lot will definitely happen. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
My dears !
I found an interesting article on the subject of Notre Dame, which I posted on my blog https://k7848.wordpress.com/ posted and it says that a special planetary Kundalini activation took place in Notre-Dame from November 8th to 11.11.2018th, XNUMX so that humanity can finally rise up against the oppression of the dark forces all over the world! And the article also states that dark forces had NOW set the fire at Notre Dame to disrupt the flow of Kundalini energy or the light energy vortex there, all of which is important for the spiritual ascension of Earth and humanity right now is so important!
Because I burst into tears reading this post - tears of deep emotion always mean that it's true. . . !
Here is the link to the text:
In love & light! :star: :star: