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Today's daily energy on September 17th, 2019 is characterized on the one hand by the moon, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Taurus at 12:29 p.m. and from then on gives us completely new influences and on the other hand by generally exciting energies, Because apart from the consistently prevailing energy high, smaller but still noticeable anomalies reached us again.

Leaving our comfort zone

For example, yesterday two strong impulses were manifested regarding the planetary resonance frequency. On the other hand, the Kp index also showed an abnormality, i.e. 2 yellow bars, which at the end of the day represents a slight weakening of the earth's magnetic field (attributed to impulses from the sun). As a rule, corresponding solar pulses always herald the vanguard of stronger solar winds, at least this has often been the case in the past. Whether stronger solar winds will reach us again or whether the sun is preparing something in this regard (the sun itself is a living organism - has consciousness, like everything in existence - nothing happens by chance) remains to be seen, but it should be said at this point that anything is possible at the moment, truly anything. Planetary resonance frequencyAt the end of the day, this would also strengthen the influences of the Taurus Moon, meaning on the one hand we could display extremely persistent/persistent behavior (or are confronted with programs on our part that prevent us from being in a corresponding mood) and on the other hand, going beyond our comfort zone or even being confronted with programs that keep us constantly staying in our own comfort zone, because hardly any other zodiac sign shows us our own comfort zone or staying in habits more clearly. Well, ultimately we can continue to expect highly transformative days and, at the same time, experience the unfolding of the currently prevailing magic. The days couldn't be more exciting. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂 


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