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Today's daily energy on September 17, 2018 is influenced on the one hand by the fact that today is a portal day (the last one of this month) and on the other hand by the moon, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Capricorn at 13:07 p.m. and influences us from then on which in turn represent a more pronounced sense of duty, a certain determination, seriousness and thoughtfulness. In particular, increased creativity and persistent behavior are in the foreground, which is why the next 2-3 days are perfect for working on the manifestation of larger projects (or everyday tasks).

Moon moves into the zodiac sign Capricorn

Moon in Capricorn zodiac signOn the other hand, as a result of this, our private life (pursuing relaxing hobbies etc.) could take a little back seat, simply because we shift our focus more towards managing our own affairs, which is anything but disadvantageous for us can certainly be beneficial, especially if, for example, we have been experiencing a standstill for weeks, at least in this regard, and our own work and duties have fallen by the wayside. Well, since the moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn is also associated with other characteristics and aspects, I would like to quote another section from the website astromschmid.ch regarding the Capricorn moon:

“With the Moon in Capricorn you are emotionally reserved and cautious, you don't get involved so quickly with people and events. The things in life are taken seriously, there is a tendency to be ambitious and to hide inner doubts and worries. Usually one does not identify so quickly with spiritual values, preferring to ensure that duties and conventions of the material world are precisely fulfilled and adhered to. These people want to feel safe before opening up emotionally. But their feelings, even if they are not shown so openly, are deep and lasting. They feel an honest and serious responsibility towards loved ones. The fulfilled Moon in Capricorn can isolate itself well emotionally and is still open to mental processes. The inner concentration is enormous, which creates capable people who have conscientious creativity. Perseverance and willingness to take responsibility create security and stability in life. Success is achieved through tireless work. The need for recognition and prestige drives us. The stability achieved, often including property, should also benefit those around us. The feelings are strong and intense, but need a clear commitment from your partner and fellow human beings in order to be able to trust them.”

As far as the “circumstance of the moon” is concerned, it should also be said again that the corresponding influences can be intensified due to the “circumstance of the portal day”, simply because a “high-frequency vibration environment” reaches us, which means that the day can generally be experienced much more intensively. Today is also all about transformation and may be responsible for situations that in turn make us aware of important matters or even profound wishes and ambitions. So it will definitely be exciting. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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