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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on November 17, 2017 stands for the living out of our true feelings, i.e. the feelings that are deeply anchored in our own hearts and want to be lived by us again and again. On the other hand, the daily energy also represents the undermining of such feelings, stands for our own materially oriented, dominant 3D-EGO mind.

Expressing our true feelings

Expressing our true feelingsIn this context, we humans also tend to get caught up in self-imposed 3-dimensional patterns and tend to undermine our own psychological aspects. For example, we find it difficult to put our own heart's desires into practice again and are only able to a limited extent to permanently act from our own empathic, unprejudiced and loving being. In exactly the same way, we often live a life that is not in harmony with our own heart's desires, i.e. we act contrary to what we actually feel and what we actually want, are more materially oriented and are therefore in line with our own in the way of your own self-realization. Nevertheless, we can initiate improvements here again within a very short time by starting to listen to our own souls again, i.e. to our own heart's desires and, above all, our own deepest feelings. Deep down we usually know what is good for us and what is not, we know exactly what harms us, what stands in the way of our self-realization and what also prevents us from creating a free and carefree life.

In the current quantum leap towards awakening, it is becoming more and more important that we listen to our own souls again and begin to bring our own intentions into harmony with our actions..!!

For this reason, it is also time that we trust our own inner voice again and live out the aspects that are shaped by our own hearts.

Harmonious star constellations

Harmonious star constellationAside from expressing our own true feelings, today's daily energy continues to be accompanied by a waning moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio. For this reason, today's energetic circumstances can also be of a strong nature and can also give us a certain passion, sensuality, impulsiveness but also strife and vindictiveness. Otherwise, the favorable aspect of the Moon and Venus continues to work today and can definitely support us in our search for a partner. From 15.24:60 p.m., Mercury and Mars will also have an effect, which means that when it comes to looking for a partner, you can quickly understand whether you have made the right choice or not. But Mercury and Mars also bring with them a lightning-like understanding. On the other hand, a sextile between Mercury and Mars also affects us (sextile = angular relationship 0 degrees || of a harmonious nature). In this context, this connection also gives us a positive and original mind, promotes our intellectual activity and also our manual skills + our dexterity. A conjunction of the Moon and Venus also has a positive effect on our love life (sextile = angular relationship XNUMX degrees || Depending on the constellation, harmonious or disharmonious nature), which means that our emotional life and our need for tenderness are very pronounced. Last but not least, a trine between the Moon and Neptune today gives us an impressive mind, a strong imagination and, above all, a good gift of empathy.

Due to today's very positive star constellations, many harmonious influences reach us throughout, which is why we should definitely follow these influences instead of devoting ourselves to destructive life patterns..!!

In exactly the same way, this trine can make us attractive, dreamy and enthusiastic. Last but not least, a sextile between the Moon and Pluto in the evening awakens our sentimental nature and could tempt us to adventures or even extreme actions. Our emotional life is very developed and the desire to travel awakens. Well, because of these constellations, today is largely positive in nature and can definitely have a harmonious and inspiring influence on us. In this way you stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Star Constellation Source: https://alpenschau.com/2017/11/17/mondkraft-heute-17-november-2017/

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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