≡ Menus

Today's daily energy on May 17, 2020 is, on the one hand, characterized by a change of the moon, i.e. the moon changes to the zodiac sign Aries at 15:37 p.m. and from then on gives us new influences and on the other hand, even stronger planetary resonance frequency influences reach us + in general a strong ascension energy - as I said, the collective quantum leap into awakening is carried out and goes hand in hand with it More and more people are waking up. The increasing number of awakened people increases the prevailing energy and, as a result, accelerates the global ascension process more and more day by day.

We are in the midst of a mass awakening

The enormous collective energy is reaching all people, we are therefore in the middle of a mass awakening and there is no going back (and as I said, on the one hand you could give yourself the feeling that this is not the case, at least if on some days the number of perceived people who vehemently resist awakening predominates, but on the other hand there are also the opposite Feelings manifest, especially when you meet many people who are ultimately waking up - for me the latter clearly predominates - the mass awakening is clearly visible everywhere). And in the next two to three days this circumstance will certainly be reinforced again, because the Aries zodiac sign can make you much more open to new life circumstances/information, apart from the fact that it makes us idealistic and emotionally lively, at least when we are filled with the fulfilled ones aspects of Aries (At this point it should also be said that no moon/planet constellation in the world could minimize the current awakening - Kali Yuga is ending and as a result we are simply experiencing a consistently significant increase in the number of people becoming awake, it is INEVITABLE).

Planetary resonance frequency influencesWell then, today will continue to stimulate the collective awakening and intensify all of our moods, as it currently does on a daily basis. Strong expansions of consciousness and self-knowledge will certainly also reach us. In this regard, I also have to admit that since the last failure of the planetary resonance frequency measurements, the days have become considerably more intense. Something has changed since then, even if it's hard to put into words. It feels like everything has sped up even more since then. So it remains exciting. Well, finally I would like to point out my latest video (linked below), in which I deepened the last great deception with a third part.

A little addendum to the last big deception

The focus was particularly on the monetary system (Here are also key points that were also published in a comment of mine: The last great deception = monetary system – material seduction – possessiveness – dependency – commitment – ​​external leadership – blind trust in the authority that gives us paradise/financial freedom – Temptation of Jesus – Last hurdle before the 100% manifestation of one’s own Christ consciousness – everything material/binding overcome). Finally, I can also say one thing: “At some point, or in the true golden age, we ourselves will have overcome all material bonds and dependencies, then when we ourselves have fully realized our own divine self on all levels of existence and all bonds and, above all, everything material no longer need (the detachment and liberation from everything - mastery of the light body process, accompanied by the manifestation of all superhuman abilities, - teleportation and co.). In the current system, however, a corresponding bond is still absolutely important as a learning process and can help us immensely. Little by little we detach ourselves from all self-imposed bonds and material dependencies (Of course, completely different shadows/conflicts will be cleared up beforehand - the material will be the last step for many - it is simply the strongest bond), but until then we can use money and, above all, high-frequency material technologies and tools perfectly, not only to prepare ourselves for a true golden age, but also to massively increase our own frequency until we can do so We no longer have to use aids when our maximum mastery/God-realization is imminent or, better said, is completed. It is therefore our preparation for complete ascension. Everything should currently be exactly as it is - otherwise we would have created something different and would experience something different. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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    • Elke Osiander 17. May 2020, 11: 30

      I think your videos are great, completely honest and I would have been happy if I had
      your age, would have already had such an insight. That it is the same as it always has been for us
      in the catholic I realized early on that it wasn't what the church taught, and I went along with it
      I left the church in 29 (I'm almost 65 now) and then looked at different paths and read a lot. I was always on the path, but only through Armin Risi's book "You are
      Beings of Light” I understood a lot. Luckily my 2nd husband is Buddhist...
      Unfortunately, I am not allowed to mention this topic in any way with my 3 children. It is a pity,
      since 2 of them already have 3 children each. But that's how it is.
      Thank you again, it's nice to hear from like-minded people who speak from their hearts. A wonderful, exciting time and I'm already looking forward to the next video.

    Elke Osiander 17. May 2020, 11: 30

    I think your videos are great, completely honest and I would have been happy if I had
    your age, would have already had such an insight. That it is the same as it always has been for us
    in the catholic I realized early on that it wasn't what the church taught, and I went along with it
    I left the church in 29 (I'm almost 65 now) and then looked at different paths and read a lot. I was always on the path, but only through Armin Risi's book "You are
    Beings of Light” I understood a lot. Luckily my 2nd husband is Buddhist...
    Unfortunately, I am not allowed to mention this topic in any way with my 3 children. It is a pity,
    since 2 of them already have 3 children each. But that's how it is.
    Thank you again, it's nice to hear from like-minded people who speak from their hearts. A wonderful, exciting time and I'm already looking forward to the next video.
