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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on March 17, 2020 is shaped by the enormous energies of the current shutdown and therefore represents an overarching ascension that humanity is currently experiencing. The planetary shutdown isFor this reason, it can also be equated with an energetic shutdown, i.e. with a global reset that renews the entire collective and thereby lays the foundation for a new high-frequency civilization.

A global reset takes place

A global reset takes placeUltimately, it is a complete renewal of the collective spirit - a collective spirit that experiences itself in a completely new way, vibrates out the greatest shadow of all, i.e. experiences the greatest healing phase that has ever taken place and subsequently enters a new reality based on knowledge your own creative spirit and the true background of the illusion system. This process flows through the system of every person and forces us to transition into a state of light. And by luminous I mean in particular a fear-free state (basic trust), because the coronavirus (Corona = wreath/crown - comprehensive activation of the crown chakra - the awareness of one's own divinity, EVERYTHING in existence represents a mental projection of one's own mind, - coronary vessels, a comprehensive opening of the heart takes place/one rejects information that is alien to one's own world view, no longer strict, one becomes spiritually freer, more open, instead of rejecting things that do not correspond to one's own conditioned worldview, - humanity begins to free itself from the clutches of darkness/the manipulation and control of the shadow rulers, - it sets itself again crown and subsequently becomes unmistakable), which, as is well known, has put all of humanity in fear (and that is the real virus, fear, only a fearful mind is weak, promotes the development of illnesses and allows everything to be forced upon you, fear makes you susceptible to manipulation) at the end of the day ensures that many people become receptive to new knowledge, because deep down they sense on the one hand that something is not right and on the other hand there is also a deep, hidden urge to free themselves from fear.

The final fight

It is therefore an overarching “battle” between the light (5D, trust, high frequency, love, truth, liberated world) and the darkness (3D, distrust, low frequency, fear, lie, system), whose millennia-long imbalance is now correcting. The light becomes overarching and the power elite's plan to lead humanity completely into trauma and control is reversed, because the overarching shadow circumstance causes far too many people to rethink and question the world. For this reason, we are currently in the midst of the greatest turning point in human history, as it is a civilization that is now transitioning into the light and spiritually disengaging from the old 3D system reality. We couldn't experience a more important time & the Corona virus is therefore not a deliberately spread curse by a power-obsessed elite, but a completely miscalculated blessing that is awakening humanity. Therefore, let us all keep calm and enjoy the light that is currently awakening humanity. Well, finally, I would like to draw your attention again to my latest video, in which I discussed the corona virus in detail and published important information about it. I highly recommend this video to any of you who haven't seen it yet. The video is extremely important and can make many people think differently!!!!! With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

++++++++++IMPORTANT UPDATE++++++++++++++

Unfortunately, my video on YouTube fell victim to censorship and was consequently blocked because it contained “unauthorized content” (speak truth - you yourself know how enlightenment is deliberately suppressed these days - censorship reigns). Well, the video is still available on Facebook, which is why I ask you all to share and spread the video (You are also welcome to re-upload it to your channels; the rights to redistribute it should belong to you).
With that in mind, here is the video: https://www.facebook.com/allesistenergie/videos/1167931936886170/

Daily updates and exclusive news – Follow me on Telegram: https://t.me/allesistenergie

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Leave a Comment

    • Horst Fischer 17. March 2020, 11: 18

      Where there is light, there is also shadow or darkness...
      Come into the light and let the sun warm you!
      The sun gives you valuable D3 when it shines on your skin! If it's cloudy, take D3 tablets to get your system going! So that you don't feel like you did in the movie "Riddick"!!!

    • Ursula Waldl 17. March 2020, 14: 45

      It's nice when people have an overview and can look behind it - thank you for your words - I can only sign them three times...www.nfk.world

    • IRMER Maria 17. March 2020, 15: 03

      Very good, thank you for the contribution

    • Tanya 17. March 2020, 15: 14

      Thanks for this great summary. These are exactly my thoughts from the last few days and your words give me security! Thanks!

    • bibi 17. March 2020, 15: 50

      Thanks for this great information! I've been waiting to get this information!

      Lg bianca

    • Claudia Bethmann 17. March 2020, 16: 04

      This is a wonderful video my friend! Thank you. It makes me happy to see that young people are now taking over the baton very well. Selber: I'm geo - politically active, active in the truth movement / exposing lies since my youth. (Back in the GDR) Today I live as a medium of the spiritual world - and I'm so happy about this awakening process! Happy greetings from Claudia.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 27

      I am not afraid because I am spiritually developed. Thanks for the video, it just confirmed it.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 38

      It's bad that the manipulation worked at all. It didn't work for me. Why? Because I had already woken up. The only question is why do people die from it? That's why I'm so tired at the moment.

    • Mario 17. March 2020, 18: 57

      Hey, what do you think about all the arrests of Cabal members? The lockdown is very good for that. So these people can finally be arrested.
      Nice posts from you!

      Kind regards & all the best to you!

    • Stefanie Stolz 17. March 2020, 22: 04

      Good morning. I've been browsing through various pages for days and would like to hear your opinion on increasing water and food for 21 days?
      Greetings from Hamburg

    • Magret 18. March 2020, 0: 49

      I only felt fear once as a child and once as a teenager, but that had something to do with perception. As a child I felt my father's fear because of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and as a teenager I felt my mother's fear, who was in Russia with my father, she was afraid that they wouldn't be allowed to travel home. Since then I have no longer had any fears because I always stay centered. I'm of the same opinion, it's all just made up, but awakened remains awakened. I also feel that we have become much, much more recently and that none of the alarmists can harm us anymore.

    • Sabine Menshen 18. March 2020, 8: 39

      Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. You are doing such a great job…Thank you from heart to heart.
      bright greetings

    • Beate Eknuf 18. March 2020, 9: 16

      When people talk about the battle between light and darkness, I don't really understand it. Yes, light is energy. But who and what controls it. It can only mean the good divine power, our Father in heaven... He sent his son, Jeusus Christ, to earth so that we can believe in him (the father and creator of all life). Why don't we personify the energies? I know the church has caused so much suffering and harm. But what can Jesus do about it? Where there is good (or light), there is also darkness (the adversary). Please come back to Jesus Christ, who died for us so that we may believe in him! “No one comes to the Father except through me,” says Jesus. There is no other way to eternal life! When you talk about awakening, what exactly do you mean by that? Awakening from the sleep of impiety? Who will you accept as your Savior? The light? It can't do anything if it doesn't get energy from our good God! Please remember Jesus! The adversary has managed to turn so many away from his church. Come back to the one God, our Creator in heaven, about whom Jesus told us!

    • Marco Genzen 18. March 2020, 16: 18

      Hello, thank you very much for the informative text. It helps us to remain calm and to understand the higher meaning. I'm not convinced by your video. I don't know what sources you're getting information from. To speak of a power elite that deliberately created the virus to control humanity is an unnecessary mistake that makes the true information, which you have well presented in the text, lose its value. I ask you to question. There is no such thing as an elite conspiracy. The spiritual world, the higher powers ensure that such a virus comes into the world... because it is essential for the change in consciousness. What is true, however, is that government systems and power structures are being questioned. I'm only writing this comment because seriousness is the top priority. The information about the higher purpose that you have published is very correct. See my comment as a clear but well-intentioned criticism. Best regards

    • Rainbow wrasse 19. March 2020, 6: 30

      This is a wonderful video & encouraging text.

      Basically I share your opinion. It is an opportunity for humanity and the current times could also have really positive effects on the future course of society.

      But, I am faced with an ethical dilemma. I myself will not suffer any further consequences if I become infected with the coronavirus. But the old, the sick and the weak will just die if the health system is overloaded. And it will be overloaded if everyone doesn't restrict their own freedom.

      So, now I have an old woman in the neighborhood who probably has a bit of senile dementia. Now she wanted to go out for coffee yesterday, like she does every Wednesday, in her favorite coffee shop. (She doesn't watch the news)

      Was it ethically better for me, despite all the warnings against going into the city, to gently tell her that her favorite cafe, as well as all the other cafes, will no longer be opening next month? Was it better to sit with her in a bakery cafe and enjoy the beautiful day, despite the evil looks from all the other passers-by? Was it right to spend a few nice hours with her at the risk that I might infect her too? And she, at the age of 82, perhaps dies? And in the worst case scenario, due to the corona isolation, also alone, for yourself?

      Or would it have made more ethical sense to block her, telling her to close all the cafes because of a virus that will kill all the old people, including her, if she mixes with other passers-by in the city? And if she gets infected and doesn't make it (whether because of her age or because of the ventilator space occupied by other infected people who got infected), she has to die alone? Wouldn't it have made more sense not to deal with her to protect her?

      My fear is not about the fact that I could become infected myself, but actually about what happens if others become infected.

    • Yulia Kudryavitsky 22. March 2020, 19: 51

      Excellent! Thank you very much <3 Thank you for your work - you have made a significant contribution to ensuring that many people see things through and are prepared.
      I appreciate your posts because you don't just talk about light and love, but I know that you have also dealt extensively with the dark side of it all.

      All the best and keep it up dear Yannick!

      Best regards,
      Testimonial: Yulia

    • Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

      1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
      2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
      3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

    1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
    2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
    3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    • Horst Fischer 17. March 2020, 11: 18

      Where there is light, there is also shadow or darkness...
      Come into the light and let the sun warm you!
      The sun gives you valuable D3 when it shines on your skin! If it's cloudy, take D3 tablets to get your system going! So that you don't feel like you did in the movie "Riddick"!!!

    • Ursula Waldl 17. March 2020, 14: 45

      It's nice when people have an overview and can look behind it - thank you for your words - I can only sign them three times...www.nfk.world

    • IRMER Maria 17. March 2020, 15: 03

      Very good, thank you for the contribution

    • Tanya 17. March 2020, 15: 14

      Thanks for this great summary. These are exactly my thoughts from the last few days and your words give me security! Thanks!

    • bibi 17. March 2020, 15: 50

      Thanks for this great information! I've been waiting to get this information!

      Lg bianca

    • Claudia Bethmann 17. March 2020, 16: 04

      This is a wonderful video my friend! Thank you. It makes me happy to see that young people are now taking over the baton very well. Selber: I'm geo - politically active, active in the truth movement / exposing lies since my youth. (Back in the GDR) Today I live as a medium of the spiritual world - and I'm so happy about this awakening process! Happy greetings from Claudia.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 27

      I am not afraid because I am spiritually developed. Thanks for the video, it just confirmed it.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 38

      It's bad that the manipulation worked at all. It didn't work for me. Why? Because I had already woken up. The only question is why do people die from it? That's why I'm so tired at the moment.

    • Mario 17. March 2020, 18: 57

      Hey, what do you think about all the arrests of Cabal members? The lockdown is very good for that. So these people can finally be arrested.
      Nice posts from you!

      Kind regards & all the best to you!

    • Stefanie Stolz 17. March 2020, 22: 04

      Good morning. I've been browsing through various pages for days and would like to hear your opinion on increasing water and food for 21 days?
      Greetings from Hamburg

    • Magret 18. March 2020, 0: 49

      I only felt fear once as a child and once as a teenager, but that had something to do with perception. As a child I felt my father's fear because of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and as a teenager I felt my mother's fear, who was in Russia with my father, she was afraid that they wouldn't be allowed to travel home. Since then I have no longer had any fears because I always stay centered. I'm of the same opinion, it's all just made up, but awakened remains awakened. I also feel that we have become much, much more recently and that none of the alarmists can harm us anymore.

    • Sabine Menshen 18. March 2020, 8: 39

      Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. You are doing such a great job…Thank you from heart to heart.
      bright greetings

    • Beate Eknuf 18. March 2020, 9: 16

      When people talk about the battle between light and darkness, I don't really understand it. Yes, light is energy. But who and what controls it. It can only mean the good divine power, our Father in heaven... He sent his son, Jeusus Christ, to earth so that we can believe in him (the father and creator of all life). Why don't we personify the energies? I know the church has caused so much suffering and harm. But what can Jesus do about it? Where there is good (or light), there is also darkness (the adversary). Please come back to Jesus Christ, who died for us so that we may believe in him! “No one comes to the Father except through me,” says Jesus. There is no other way to eternal life! When you talk about awakening, what exactly do you mean by that? Awakening from the sleep of impiety? Who will you accept as your Savior? The light? It can't do anything if it doesn't get energy from our good God! Please remember Jesus! The adversary has managed to turn so many away from his church. Come back to the one God, our Creator in heaven, about whom Jesus told us!

    • Marco Genzen 18. March 2020, 16: 18

      Hello, thank you very much for the informative text. It helps us to remain calm and to understand the higher meaning. I'm not convinced by your video. I don't know what sources you're getting information from. To speak of a power elite that deliberately created the virus to control humanity is an unnecessary mistake that makes the true information, which you have well presented in the text, lose its value. I ask you to question. There is no such thing as an elite conspiracy. The spiritual world, the higher powers ensure that such a virus comes into the world... because it is essential for the change in consciousness. What is true, however, is that government systems and power structures are being questioned. I'm only writing this comment because seriousness is the top priority. The information about the higher purpose that you have published is very correct. See my comment as a clear but well-intentioned criticism. Best regards

    • Rainbow wrasse 19. March 2020, 6: 30

      This is a wonderful video & encouraging text.

      Basically I share your opinion. It is an opportunity for humanity and the current times could also have really positive effects on the future course of society.

      But, I am faced with an ethical dilemma. I myself will not suffer any further consequences if I become infected with the coronavirus. But the old, the sick and the weak will just die if the health system is overloaded. And it will be overloaded if everyone doesn't restrict their own freedom.

      So, now I have an old woman in the neighborhood who probably has a bit of senile dementia. Now she wanted to go out for coffee yesterday, like she does every Wednesday, in her favorite coffee shop. (She doesn't watch the news)

      Was it ethically better for me, despite all the warnings against going into the city, to gently tell her that her favorite cafe, as well as all the other cafes, will no longer be opening next month? Was it better to sit with her in a bakery cafe and enjoy the beautiful day, despite the evil looks from all the other passers-by? Was it right to spend a few nice hours with her at the risk that I might infect her too? And she, at the age of 82, perhaps dies? And in the worst case scenario, due to the corona isolation, also alone, for yourself?

      Or would it have made more ethical sense to block her, telling her to close all the cafes because of a virus that will kill all the old people, including her, if she mixes with other passers-by in the city? And if she gets infected and doesn't make it (whether because of her age or because of the ventilator space occupied by other infected people who got infected), she has to die alone? Wouldn't it have made more sense not to deal with her to protect her?

      My fear is not about the fact that I could become infected myself, but actually about what happens if others become infected.

    • Yulia Kudryavitsky 22. March 2020, 19: 51

      Excellent! Thank you very much <3 Thank you for your work - you have made a significant contribution to ensuring that many people see things through and are prepared.
      I appreciate your posts because you don't just talk about light and love, but I know that you have also dealt extensively with the dark side of it all.

      All the best and keep it up dear Yannick!

      Best regards,
      Testimonial: Yulia

    • Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

      1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
      2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
      3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

    1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
    2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
    3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    • Horst Fischer 17. March 2020, 11: 18

      Where there is light, there is also shadow or darkness...
      Come into the light and let the sun warm you!
      The sun gives you valuable D3 when it shines on your skin! If it's cloudy, take D3 tablets to get your system going! So that you don't feel like you did in the movie "Riddick"!!!

    • Ursula Waldl 17. March 2020, 14: 45

      It's nice when people have an overview and can look behind it - thank you for your words - I can only sign them three times...www.nfk.world

    • IRMER Maria 17. March 2020, 15: 03

      Very good, thank you for the contribution

    • Tanya 17. March 2020, 15: 14

      Thanks for this great summary. These are exactly my thoughts from the last few days and your words give me security! Thanks!

    • bibi 17. March 2020, 15: 50

      Thanks for this great information! I've been waiting to get this information!

      Lg bianca

    • Claudia Bethmann 17. March 2020, 16: 04

      This is a wonderful video my friend! Thank you. It makes me happy to see that young people are now taking over the baton very well. Selber: I'm geo - politically active, active in the truth movement / exposing lies since my youth. (Back in the GDR) Today I live as a medium of the spiritual world - and I'm so happy about this awakening process! Happy greetings from Claudia.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 27

      I am not afraid because I am spiritually developed. Thanks for the video, it just confirmed it.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 38

      It's bad that the manipulation worked at all. It didn't work for me. Why? Because I had already woken up. The only question is why do people die from it? That's why I'm so tired at the moment.

    • Mario 17. March 2020, 18: 57

      Hey, what do you think about all the arrests of Cabal members? The lockdown is very good for that. So these people can finally be arrested.
      Nice posts from you!

      Kind regards & all the best to you!

    • Stefanie Stolz 17. March 2020, 22: 04

      Good morning. I've been browsing through various pages for days and would like to hear your opinion on increasing water and food for 21 days?
      Greetings from Hamburg

    • Magret 18. March 2020, 0: 49

      I only felt fear once as a child and once as a teenager, but that had something to do with perception. As a child I felt my father's fear because of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and as a teenager I felt my mother's fear, who was in Russia with my father, she was afraid that they wouldn't be allowed to travel home. Since then I have no longer had any fears because I always stay centered. I'm of the same opinion, it's all just made up, but awakened remains awakened. I also feel that we have become much, much more recently and that none of the alarmists can harm us anymore.

    • Sabine Menshen 18. March 2020, 8: 39

      Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. You are doing such a great job…Thank you from heart to heart.
      bright greetings

    • Beate Eknuf 18. March 2020, 9: 16

      When people talk about the battle between light and darkness, I don't really understand it. Yes, light is energy. But who and what controls it. It can only mean the good divine power, our Father in heaven... He sent his son, Jeusus Christ, to earth so that we can believe in him (the father and creator of all life). Why don't we personify the energies? I know the church has caused so much suffering and harm. But what can Jesus do about it? Where there is good (or light), there is also darkness (the adversary). Please come back to Jesus Christ, who died for us so that we may believe in him! “No one comes to the Father except through me,” says Jesus. There is no other way to eternal life! When you talk about awakening, what exactly do you mean by that? Awakening from the sleep of impiety? Who will you accept as your Savior? The light? It can't do anything if it doesn't get energy from our good God! Please remember Jesus! The adversary has managed to turn so many away from his church. Come back to the one God, our Creator in heaven, about whom Jesus told us!

    • Marco Genzen 18. March 2020, 16: 18

      Hello, thank you very much for the informative text. It helps us to remain calm and to understand the higher meaning. I'm not convinced by your video. I don't know what sources you're getting information from. To speak of a power elite that deliberately created the virus to control humanity is an unnecessary mistake that makes the true information, which you have well presented in the text, lose its value. I ask you to question. There is no such thing as an elite conspiracy. The spiritual world, the higher powers ensure that such a virus comes into the world... because it is essential for the change in consciousness. What is true, however, is that government systems and power structures are being questioned. I'm only writing this comment because seriousness is the top priority. The information about the higher purpose that you have published is very correct. See my comment as a clear but well-intentioned criticism. Best regards

    • Rainbow wrasse 19. March 2020, 6: 30

      This is a wonderful video & encouraging text.

      Basically I share your opinion. It is an opportunity for humanity and the current times could also have really positive effects on the future course of society.

      But, I am faced with an ethical dilemma. I myself will not suffer any further consequences if I become infected with the coronavirus. But the old, the sick and the weak will just die if the health system is overloaded. And it will be overloaded if everyone doesn't restrict their own freedom.

      So, now I have an old woman in the neighborhood who probably has a bit of senile dementia. Now she wanted to go out for coffee yesterday, like she does every Wednesday, in her favorite coffee shop. (She doesn't watch the news)

      Was it ethically better for me, despite all the warnings against going into the city, to gently tell her that her favorite cafe, as well as all the other cafes, will no longer be opening next month? Was it better to sit with her in a bakery cafe and enjoy the beautiful day, despite the evil looks from all the other passers-by? Was it right to spend a few nice hours with her at the risk that I might infect her too? And she, at the age of 82, perhaps dies? And in the worst case scenario, due to the corona isolation, also alone, for yourself?

      Or would it have made more ethical sense to block her, telling her to close all the cafes because of a virus that will kill all the old people, including her, if she mixes with other passers-by in the city? And if she gets infected and doesn't make it (whether because of her age or because of the ventilator space occupied by other infected people who got infected), she has to die alone? Wouldn't it have made more sense not to deal with her to protect her?

      My fear is not about the fact that I could become infected myself, but actually about what happens if others become infected.

    • Yulia Kudryavitsky 22. March 2020, 19: 51

      Excellent! Thank you very much <3 Thank you for your work - you have made a significant contribution to ensuring that many people see things through and are prepared.
      I appreciate your posts because you don't just talk about light and love, but I know that you have also dealt extensively with the dark side of it all.

      All the best and keep it up dear Yannick!

      Best regards,
      Testimonial: Yulia

    • Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

      1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
      2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
      3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

    1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
    2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
    3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    • Horst Fischer 17. March 2020, 11: 18

      Where there is light, there is also shadow or darkness...
      Come into the light and let the sun warm you!
      The sun gives you valuable D3 when it shines on your skin! If it's cloudy, take D3 tablets to get your system going! So that you don't feel like you did in the movie "Riddick"!!!

    • Ursula Waldl 17. March 2020, 14: 45

      It's nice when people have an overview and can look behind it - thank you for your words - I can only sign them three times...www.nfk.world

    • IRMER Maria 17. March 2020, 15: 03

      Very good, thank you for the contribution

    • Tanya 17. March 2020, 15: 14

      Thanks for this great summary. These are exactly my thoughts from the last few days and your words give me security! Thanks!

    • bibi 17. March 2020, 15: 50

      Thanks for this great information! I've been waiting to get this information!

      Lg bianca

    • Claudia Bethmann 17. March 2020, 16: 04

      This is a wonderful video my friend! Thank you. It makes me happy to see that young people are now taking over the baton very well. Selber: I'm geo - politically active, active in the truth movement / exposing lies since my youth. (Back in the GDR) Today I live as a medium of the spiritual world - and I'm so happy about this awakening process! Happy greetings from Claudia.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 27

      I am not afraid because I am spiritually developed. Thanks for the video, it just confirmed it.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 38

      It's bad that the manipulation worked at all. It didn't work for me. Why? Because I had already woken up. The only question is why do people die from it? That's why I'm so tired at the moment.

    • Mario 17. March 2020, 18: 57

      Hey, what do you think about all the arrests of Cabal members? The lockdown is very good for that. So these people can finally be arrested.
      Nice posts from you!

      Kind regards & all the best to you!

    • Stefanie Stolz 17. March 2020, 22: 04

      Good morning. I've been browsing through various pages for days and would like to hear your opinion on increasing water and food for 21 days?
      Greetings from Hamburg

    • Magret 18. March 2020, 0: 49

      I only felt fear once as a child and once as a teenager, but that had something to do with perception. As a child I felt my father's fear because of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and as a teenager I felt my mother's fear, who was in Russia with my father, she was afraid that they wouldn't be allowed to travel home. Since then I have no longer had any fears because I always stay centered. I'm of the same opinion, it's all just made up, but awakened remains awakened. I also feel that we have become much, much more recently and that none of the alarmists can harm us anymore.

    • Sabine Menshen 18. March 2020, 8: 39

      Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. You are doing such a great job…Thank you from heart to heart.
      bright greetings

    • Beate Eknuf 18. March 2020, 9: 16

      When people talk about the battle between light and darkness, I don't really understand it. Yes, light is energy. But who and what controls it. It can only mean the good divine power, our Father in heaven... He sent his son, Jeusus Christ, to earth so that we can believe in him (the father and creator of all life). Why don't we personify the energies? I know the church has caused so much suffering and harm. But what can Jesus do about it? Where there is good (or light), there is also darkness (the adversary). Please come back to Jesus Christ, who died for us so that we may believe in him! “No one comes to the Father except through me,” says Jesus. There is no other way to eternal life! When you talk about awakening, what exactly do you mean by that? Awakening from the sleep of impiety? Who will you accept as your Savior? The light? It can't do anything if it doesn't get energy from our good God! Please remember Jesus! The adversary has managed to turn so many away from his church. Come back to the one God, our Creator in heaven, about whom Jesus told us!

    • Marco Genzen 18. March 2020, 16: 18

      Hello, thank you very much for the informative text. It helps us to remain calm and to understand the higher meaning. I'm not convinced by your video. I don't know what sources you're getting information from. To speak of a power elite that deliberately created the virus to control humanity is an unnecessary mistake that makes the true information, which you have well presented in the text, lose its value. I ask you to question. There is no such thing as an elite conspiracy. The spiritual world, the higher powers ensure that such a virus comes into the world... because it is essential for the change in consciousness. What is true, however, is that government systems and power structures are being questioned. I'm only writing this comment because seriousness is the top priority. The information about the higher purpose that you have published is very correct. See my comment as a clear but well-intentioned criticism. Best regards

    • Rainbow wrasse 19. March 2020, 6: 30

      This is a wonderful video & encouraging text.

      Basically I share your opinion. It is an opportunity for humanity and the current times could also have really positive effects on the future course of society.

      But, I am faced with an ethical dilemma. I myself will not suffer any further consequences if I become infected with the coronavirus. But the old, the sick and the weak will just die if the health system is overloaded. And it will be overloaded if everyone doesn't restrict their own freedom.

      So, now I have an old woman in the neighborhood who probably has a bit of senile dementia. Now she wanted to go out for coffee yesterday, like she does every Wednesday, in her favorite coffee shop. (She doesn't watch the news)

      Was it ethically better for me, despite all the warnings against going into the city, to gently tell her that her favorite cafe, as well as all the other cafes, will no longer be opening next month? Was it better to sit with her in a bakery cafe and enjoy the beautiful day, despite the evil looks from all the other passers-by? Was it right to spend a few nice hours with her at the risk that I might infect her too? And she, at the age of 82, perhaps dies? And in the worst case scenario, due to the corona isolation, also alone, for yourself?

      Or would it have made more ethical sense to block her, telling her to close all the cafes because of a virus that will kill all the old people, including her, if she mixes with other passers-by in the city? And if she gets infected and doesn't make it (whether because of her age or because of the ventilator space occupied by other infected people who got infected), she has to die alone? Wouldn't it have made more sense not to deal with her to protect her?

      My fear is not about the fact that I could become infected myself, but actually about what happens if others become infected.

    • Yulia Kudryavitsky 22. March 2020, 19: 51

      Excellent! Thank you very much <3 Thank you for your work - you have made a significant contribution to ensuring that many people see things through and are prepared.
      I appreciate your posts because you don't just talk about light and love, but I know that you have also dealt extensively with the dark side of it all.

      All the best and keep it up dear Yannick!

      Best regards,
      Testimonial: Yulia

    • Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

      1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
      2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
      3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

    1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
    2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
    3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    • Horst Fischer 17. March 2020, 11: 18

      Where there is light, there is also shadow or darkness...
      Come into the light and let the sun warm you!
      The sun gives you valuable D3 when it shines on your skin! If it's cloudy, take D3 tablets to get your system going! So that you don't feel like you did in the movie "Riddick"!!!

    • Ursula Waldl 17. March 2020, 14: 45

      It's nice when people have an overview and can look behind it - thank you for your words - I can only sign them three times...www.nfk.world

    • IRMER Maria 17. March 2020, 15: 03

      Very good, thank you for the contribution

    • Tanya 17. March 2020, 15: 14

      Thanks for this great summary. These are exactly my thoughts from the last few days and your words give me security! Thanks!

    • bibi 17. March 2020, 15: 50

      Thanks for this great information! I've been waiting to get this information!

      Lg bianca

    • Claudia Bethmann 17. March 2020, 16: 04

      This is a wonderful video my friend! Thank you. It makes me happy to see that young people are now taking over the baton very well. Selber: I'm geo - politically active, active in the truth movement / exposing lies since my youth. (Back in the GDR) Today I live as a medium of the spiritual world - and I'm so happy about this awakening process! Happy greetings from Claudia.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 27

      I am not afraid because I am spiritually developed. Thanks for the video, it just confirmed it.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 38

      It's bad that the manipulation worked at all. It didn't work for me. Why? Because I had already woken up. The only question is why do people die from it? That's why I'm so tired at the moment.

    • Mario 17. March 2020, 18: 57

      Hey, what do you think about all the arrests of Cabal members? The lockdown is very good for that. So these people can finally be arrested.
      Nice posts from you!

      Kind regards & all the best to you!

    • Stefanie Stolz 17. March 2020, 22: 04

      Good morning. I've been browsing through various pages for days and would like to hear your opinion on increasing water and food for 21 days?
      Greetings from Hamburg

    • Magret 18. March 2020, 0: 49

      I only felt fear once as a child and once as a teenager, but that had something to do with perception. As a child I felt my father's fear because of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and as a teenager I felt my mother's fear, who was in Russia with my father, she was afraid that they wouldn't be allowed to travel home. Since then I have no longer had any fears because I always stay centered. I'm of the same opinion, it's all just made up, but awakened remains awakened. I also feel that we have become much, much more recently and that none of the alarmists can harm us anymore.

    • Sabine Menshen 18. March 2020, 8: 39

      Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. You are doing such a great job…Thank you from heart to heart.
      bright greetings

    • Beate Eknuf 18. March 2020, 9: 16

      When people talk about the battle between light and darkness, I don't really understand it. Yes, light is energy. But who and what controls it. It can only mean the good divine power, our Father in heaven... He sent his son, Jeusus Christ, to earth so that we can believe in him (the father and creator of all life). Why don't we personify the energies? I know the church has caused so much suffering and harm. But what can Jesus do about it? Where there is good (or light), there is also darkness (the adversary). Please come back to Jesus Christ, who died for us so that we may believe in him! “No one comes to the Father except through me,” says Jesus. There is no other way to eternal life! When you talk about awakening, what exactly do you mean by that? Awakening from the sleep of impiety? Who will you accept as your Savior? The light? It can't do anything if it doesn't get energy from our good God! Please remember Jesus! The adversary has managed to turn so many away from his church. Come back to the one God, our Creator in heaven, about whom Jesus told us!

    • Marco Genzen 18. March 2020, 16: 18

      Hello, thank you very much for the informative text. It helps us to remain calm and to understand the higher meaning. I'm not convinced by your video. I don't know what sources you're getting information from. To speak of a power elite that deliberately created the virus to control humanity is an unnecessary mistake that makes the true information, which you have well presented in the text, lose its value. I ask you to question. There is no such thing as an elite conspiracy. The spiritual world, the higher powers ensure that such a virus comes into the world... because it is essential for the change in consciousness. What is true, however, is that government systems and power structures are being questioned. I'm only writing this comment because seriousness is the top priority. The information about the higher purpose that you have published is very correct. See my comment as a clear but well-intentioned criticism. Best regards

    • Rainbow wrasse 19. March 2020, 6: 30

      This is a wonderful video & encouraging text.

      Basically I share your opinion. It is an opportunity for humanity and the current times could also have really positive effects on the future course of society.

      But, I am faced with an ethical dilemma. I myself will not suffer any further consequences if I become infected with the coronavirus. But the old, the sick and the weak will just die if the health system is overloaded. And it will be overloaded if everyone doesn't restrict their own freedom.

      So, now I have an old woman in the neighborhood who probably has a bit of senile dementia. Now she wanted to go out for coffee yesterday, like she does every Wednesday, in her favorite coffee shop. (She doesn't watch the news)

      Was it ethically better for me, despite all the warnings against going into the city, to gently tell her that her favorite cafe, as well as all the other cafes, will no longer be opening next month? Was it better to sit with her in a bakery cafe and enjoy the beautiful day, despite the evil looks from all the other passers-by? Was it right to spend a few nice hours with her at the risk that I might infect her too? And she, at the age of 82, perhaps dies? And in the worst case scenario, due to the corona isolation, also alone, for yourself?

      Or would it have made more ethical sense to block her, telling her to close all the cafes because of a virus that will kill all the old people, including her, if she mixes with other passers-by in the city? And if she gets infected and doesn't make it (whether because of her age or because of the ventilator space occupied by other infected people who got infected), she has to die alone? Wouldn't it have made more sense not to deal with her to protect her?

      My fear is not about the fact that I could become infected myself, but actually about what happens if others become infected.

    • Yulia Kudryavitsky 22. March 2020, 19: 51

      Excellent! Thank you very much <3 Thank you for your work - you have made a significant contribution to ensuring that many people see things through and are prepared.
      I appreciate your posts because you don't just talk about light and love, but I know that you have also dealt extensively with the dark side of it all.

      All the best and keep it up dear Yannick!

      Best regards,
      Testimonial: Yulia

    • Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

      1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
      2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
      3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

    1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
    2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
    3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    • Horst Fischer 17. March 2020, 11: 18

      Where there is light, there is also shadow or darkness...
      Come into the light and let the sun warm you!
      The sun gives you valuable D3 when it shines on your skin! If it's cloudy, take D3 tablets to get your system going! So that you don't feel like you did in the movie "Riddick"!!!

    • Ursula Waldl 17. March 2020, 14: 45

      It's nice when people have an overview and can look behind it - thank you for your words - I can only sign them three times...www.nfk.world

    • IRMER Maria 17. March 2020, 15: 03

      Very good, thank you for the contribution

    • Tanya 17. March 2020, 15: 14

      Thanks for this great summary. These are exactly my thoughts from the last few days and your words give me security! Thanks!

    • bibi 17. March 2020, 15: 50

      Thanks for this great information! I've been waiting to get this information!

      Lg bianca

    • Claudia Bethmann 17. March 2020, 16: 04

      This is a wonderful video my friend! Thank you. It makes me happy to see that young people are now taking over the baton very well. Selber: I'm geo - politically active, active in the truth movement / exposing lies since my youth. (Back in the GDR) Today I live as a medium of the spiritual world - and I'm so happy about this awakening process! Happy greetings from Claudia.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 27

      I am not afraid because I am spiritually developed. Thanks for the video, it just confirmed it.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 38

      It's bad that the manipulation worked at all. It didn't work for me. Why? Because I had already woken up. The only question is why do people die from it? That's why I'm so tired at the moment.

    • Mario 17. March 2020, 18: 57

      Hey, what do you think about all the arrests of Cabal members? The lockdown is very good for that. So these people can finally be arrested.
      Nice posts from you!

      Kind regards & all the best to you!

    • Stefanie Stolz 17. March 2020, 22: 04

      Good morning. I've been browsing through various pages for days and would like to hear your opinion on increasing water and food for 21 days?
      Greetings from Hamburg

    • Magret 18. March 2020, 0: 49

      I only felt fear once as a child and once as a teenager, but that had something to do with perception. As a child I felt my father's fear because of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and as a teenager I felt my mother's fear, who was in Russia with my father, she was afraid that they wouldn't be allowed to travel home. Since then I have no longer had any fears because I always stay centered. I'm of the same opinion, it's all just made up, but awakened remains awakened. I also feel that we have become much, much more recently and that none of the alarmists can harm us anymore.

    • Sabine Menshen 18. March 2020, 8: 39

      Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. You are doing such a great job…Thank you from heart to heart.
      bright greetings

    • Beate Eknuf 18. March 2020, 9: 16

      When people talk about the battle between light and darkness, I don't really understand it. Yes, light is energy. But who and what controls it. It can only mean the good divine power, our Father in heaven... He sent his son, Jeusus Christ, to earth so that we can believe in him (the father and creator of all life). Why don't we personify the energies? I know the church has caused so much suffering and harm. But what can Jesus do about it? Where there is good (or light), there is also darkness (the adversary). Please come back to Jesus Christ, who died for us so that we may believe in him! “No one comes to the Father except through me,” says Jesus. There is no other way to eternal life! When you talk about awakening, what exactly do you mean by that? Awakening from the sleep of impiety? Who will you accept as your Savior? The light? It can't do anything if it doesn't get energy from our good God! Please remember Jesus! The adversary has managed to turn so many away from his church. Come back to the one God, our Creator in heaven, about whom Jesus told us!

    • Marco Genzen 18. March 2020, 16: 18

      Hello, thank you very much for the informative text. It helps us to remain calm and to understand the higher meaning. I'm not convinced by your video. I don't know what sources you're getting information from. To speak of a power elite that deliberately created the virus to control humanity is an unnecessary mistake that makes the true information, which you have well presented in the text, lose its value. I ask you to question. There is no such thing as an elite conspiracy. The spiritual world, the higher powers ensure that such a virus comes into the world... because it is essential for the change in consciousness. What is true, however, is that government systems and power structures are being questioned. I'm only writing this comment because seriousness is the top priority. The information about the higher purpose that you have published is very correct. See my comment as a clear but well-intentioned criticism. Best regards

    • Rainbow wrasse 19. March 2020, 6: 30

      This is a wonderful video & encouraging text.

      Basically I share your opinion. It is an opportunity for humanity and the current times could also have really positive effects on the future course of society.

      But, I am faced with an ethical dilemma. I myself will not suffer any further consequences if I become infected with the coronavirus. But the old, the sick and the weak will just die if the health system is overloaded. And it will be overloaded if everyone doesn't restrict their own freedom.

      So, now I have an old woman in the neighborhood who probably has a bit of senile dementia. Now she wanted to go out for coffee yesterday, like she does every Wednesday, in her favorite coffee shop. (She doesn't watch the news)

      Was it ethically better for me, despite all the warnings against going into the city, to gently tell her that her favorite cafe, as well as all the other cafes, will no longer be opening next month? Was it better to sit with her in a bakery cafe and enjoy the beautiful day, despite the evil looks from all the other passers-by? Was it right to spend a few nice hours with her at the risk that I might infect her too? And she, at the age of 82, perhaps dies? And in the worst case scenario, due to the corona isolation, also alone, for yourself?

      Or would it have made more ethical sense to block her, telling her to close all the cafes because of a virus that will kill all the old people, including her, if she mixes with other passers-by in the city? And if she gets infected and doesn't make it (whether because of her age or because of the ventilator space occupied by other infected people who got infected), she has to die alone? Wouldn't it have made more sense not to deal with her to protect her?

      My fear is not about the fact that I could become infected myself, but actually about what happens if others become infected.

    • Yulia Kudryavitsky 22. March 2020, 19: 51

      Excellent! Thank you very much <3 Thank you for your work - you have made a significant contribution to ensuring that many people see things through and are prepared.
      I appreciate your posts because you don't just talk about light and love, but I know that you have also dealt extensively with the dark side of it all.

      All the best and keep it up dear Yannick!

      Best regards,
      Testimonial: Yulia

    • Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

      1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
      2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
      3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

    1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
    2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
    3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    • Horst Fischer 17. March 2020, 11: 18

      Where there is light, there is also shadow or darkness...
      Come into the light and let the sun warm you!
      The sun gives you valuable D3 when it shines on your skin! If it's cloudy, take D3 tablets to get your system going! So that you don't feel like you did in the movie "Riddick"!!!

    • Ursula Waldl 17. March 2020, 14: 45

      It's nice when people have an overview and can look behind it - thank you for your words - I can only sign them three times...www.nfk.world

    • IRMER Maria 17. March 2020, 15: 03

      Very good, thank you for the contribution

    • Tanya 17. March 2020, 15: 14

      Thanks for this great summary. These are exactly my thoughts from the last few days and your words give me security! Thanks!

    • bibi 17. March 2020, 15: 50

      Thanks for this great information! I've been waiting to get this information!

      Lg bianca

    • Claudia Bethmann 17. March 2020, 16: 04

      This is a wonderful video my friend! Thank you. It makes me happy to see that young people are now taking over the baton very well. Selber: I'm geo - politically active, active in the truth movement / exposing lies since my youth. (Back in the GDR) Today I live as a medium of the spiritual world - and I'm so happy about this awakening process! Happy greetings from Claudia.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 27

      I am not afraid because I am spiritually developed. Thanks for the video, it just confirmed it.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 38

      It's bad that the manipulation worked at all. It didn't work for me. Why? Because I had already woken up. The only question is why do people die from it? That's why I'm so tired at the moment.

    • Mario 17. March 2020, 18: 57

      Hey, what do you think about all the arrests of Cabal members? The lockdown is very good for that. So these people can finally be arrested.
      Nice posts from you!

      Kind regards & all the best to you!

    • Stefanie Stolz 17. March 2020, 22: 04

      Good morning. I've been browsing through various pages for days and would like to hear your opinion on increasing water and food for 21 days?
      Greetings from Hamburg

    • Magret 18. March 2020, 0: 49

      I only felt fear once as a child and once as a teenager, but that had something to do with perception. As a child I felt my father's fear because of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and as a teenager I felt my mother's fear, who was in Russia with my father, she was afraid that they wouldn't be allowed to travel home. Since then I have no longer had any fears because I always stay centered. I'm of the same opinion, it's all just made up, but awakened remains awakened. I also feel that we have become much, much more recently and that none of the alarmists can harm us anymore.

    • Sabine Menshen 18. March 2020, 8: 39

      Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. You are doing such a great job…Thank you from heart to heart.
      bright greetings

    • Beate Eknuf 18. March 2020, 9: 16

      When people talk about the battle between light and darkness, I don't really understand it. Yes, light is energy. But who and what controls it. It can only mean the good divine power, our Father in heaven... He sent his son, Jeusus Christ, to earth so that we can believe in him (the father and creator of all life). Why don't we personify the energies? I know the church has caused so much suffering and harm. But what can Jesus do about it? Where there is good (or light), there is also darkness (the adversary). Please come back to Jesus Christ, who died for us so that we may believe in him! “No one comes to the Father except through me,” says Jesus. There is no other way to eternal life! When you talk about awakening, what exactly do you mean by that? Awakening from the sleep of impiety? Who will you accept as your Savior? The light? It can't do anything if it doesn't get energy from our good God! Please remember Jesus! The adversary has managed to turn so many away from his church. Come back to the one God, our Creator in heaven, about whom Jesus told us!

    • Marco Genzen 18. March 2020, 16: 18

      Hello, thank you very much for the informative text. It helps us to remain calm and to understand the higher meaning. I'm not convinced by your video. I don't know what sources you're getting information from. To speak of a power elite that deliberately created the virus to control humanity is an unnecessary mistake that makes the true information, which you have well presented in the text, lose its value. I ask you to question. There is no such thing as an elite conspiracy. The spiritual world, the higher powers ensure that such a virus comes into the world... because it is essential for the change in consciousness. What is true, however, is that government systems and power structures are being questioned. I'm only writing this comment because seriousness is the top priority. The information about the higher purpose that you have published is very correct. See my comment as a clear but well-intentioned criticism. Best regards

    • Rainbow wrasse 19. March 2020, 6: 30

      This is a wonderful video & encouraging text.

      Basically I share your opinion. It is an opportunity for humanity and the current times could also have really positive effects on the future course of society.

      But, I am faced with an ethical dilemma. I myself will not suffer any further consequences if I become infected with the coronavirus. But the old, the sick and the weak will just die if the health system is overloaded. And it will be overloaded if everyone doesn't restrict their own freedom.

      So, now I have an old woman in the neighborhood who probably has a bit of senile dementia. Now she wanted to go out for coffee yesterday, like she does every Wednesday, in her favorite coffee shop. (She doesn't watch the news)

      Was it ethically better for me, despite all the warnings against going into the city, to gently tell her that her favorite cafe, as well as all the other cafes, will no longer be opening next month? Was it better to sit with her in a bakery cafe and enjoy the beautiful day, despite the evil looks from all the other passers-by? Was it right to spend a few nice hours with her at the risk that I might infect her too? And she, at the age of 82, perhaps dies? And in the worst case scenario, due to the corona isolation, also alone, for yourself?

      Or would it have made more ethical sense to block her, telling her to close all the cafes because of a virus that will kill all the old people, including her, if she mixes with other passers-by in the city? And if she gets infected and doesn't make it (whether because of her age or because of the ventilator space occupied by other infected people who got infected), she has to die alone? Wouldn't it have made more sense not to deal with her to protect her?

      My fear is not about the fact that I could become infected myself, but actually about what happens if others become infected.

    • Yulia Kudryavitsky 22. March 2020, 19: 51

      Excellent! Thank you very much <3 Thank you for your work - you have made a significant contribution to ensuring that many people see things through and are prepared.
      I appreciate your posts because you don't just talk about light and love, but I know that you have also dealt extensively with the dark side of it all.

      All the best and keep it up dear Yannick!

      Best regards,
      Testimonial: Yulia

    • Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

      1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
      2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
      3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

    1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
    2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
    3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    • Horst Fischer 17. March 2020, 11: 18

      Where there is light, there is also shadow or darkness...
      Come into the light and let the sun warm you!
      The sun gives you valuable D3 when it shines on your skin! If it's cloudy, take D3 tablets to get your system going! So that you don't feel like you did in the movie "Riddick"!!!

    • Ursula Waldl 17. March 2020, 14: 45

      It's nice when people have an overview and can look behind it - thank you for your words - I can only sign them three times...www.nfk.world

    • IRMER Maria 17. March 2020, 15: 03

      Very good, thank you for the contribution

    • Tanya 17. March 2020, 15: 14

      Thanks for this great summary. These are exactly my thoughts from the last few days and your words give me security! Thanks!

    • bibi 17. March 2020, 15: 50

      Thanks for this great information! I've been waiting to get this information!

      Lg bianca

    • Claudia Bethmann 17. March 2020, 16: 04

      This is a wonderful video my friend! Thank you. It makes me happy to see that young people are now taking over the baton very well. Selber: I'm geo - politically active, active in the truth movement / exposing lies since my youth. (Back in the GDR) Today I live as a medium of the spiritual world - and I'm so happy about this awakening process! Happy greetings from Claudia.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 27

      I am not afraid because I am spiritually developed. Thanks for the video, it just confirmed it.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 38

      It's bad that the manipulation worked at all. It didn't work for me. Why? Because I had already woken up. The only question is why do people die from it? That's why I'm so tired at the moment.

    • Mario 17. March 2020, 18: 57

      Hey, what do you think about all the arrests of Cabal members? The lockdown is very good for that. So these people can finally be arrested.
      Nice posts from you!

      Kind regards & all the best to you!

    • Stefanie Stolz 17. March 2020, 22: 04

      Good morning. I've been browsing through various pages for days and would like to hear your opinion on increasing water and food for 21 days?
      Greetings from Hamburg

    • Magret 18. March 2020, 0: 49

      I only felt fear once as a child and once as a teenager, but that had something to do with perception. As a child I felt my father's fear because of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and as a teenager I felt my mother's fear, who was in Russia with my father, she was afraid that they wouldn't be allowed to travel home. Since then I have no longer had any fears because I always stay centered. I'm of the same opinion, it's all just made up, but awakened remains awakened. I also feel that we have become much, much more recently and that none of the alarmists can harm us anymore.

    • Sabine Menshen 18. March 2020, 8: 39

      Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. You are doing such a great job…Thank you from heart to heart.
      bright greetings

    • Beate Eknuf 18. March 2020, 9: 16

      When people talk about the battle between light and darkness, I don't really understand it. Yes, light is energy. But who and what controls it. It can only mean the good divine power, our Father in heaven... He sent his son, Jeusus Christ, to earth so that we can believe in him (the father and creator of all life). Why don't we personify the energies? I know the church has caused so much suffering and harm. But what can Jesus do about it? Where there is good (or light), there is also darkness (the adversary). Please come back to Jesus Christ, who died for us so that we may believe in him! “No one comes to the Father except through me,” says Jesus. There is no other way to eternal life! When you talk about awakening, what exactly do you mean by that? Awakening from the sleep of impiety? Who will you accept as your Savior? The light? It can't do anything if it doesn't get energy from our good God! Please remember Jesus! The adversary has managed to turn so many away from his church. Come back to the one God, our Creator in heaven, about whom Jesus told us!

    • Marco Genzen 18. March 2020, 16: 18

      Hello, thank you very much for the informative text. It helps us to remain calm and to understand the higher meaning. I'm not convinced by your video. I don't know what sources you're getting information from. To speak of a power elite that deliberately created the virus to control humanity is an unnecessary mistake that makes the true information, which you have well presented in the text, lose its value. I ask you to question. There is no such thing as an elite conspiracy. The spiritual world, the higher powers ensure that such a virus comes into the world... because it is essential for the change in consciousness. What is true, however, is that government systems and power structures are being questioned. I'm only writing this comment because seriousness is the top priority. The information about the higher purpose that you have published is very correct. See my comment as a clear but well-intentioned criticism. Best regards

    • Rainbow wrasse 19. March 2020, 6: 30

      This is a wonderful video & encouraging text.

      Basically I share your opinion. It is an opportunity for humanity and the current times could also have really positive effects on the future course of society.

      But, I am faced with an ethical dilemma. I myself will not suffer any further consequences if I become infected with the coronavirus. But the old, the sick and the weak will just die if the health system is overloaded. And it will be overloaded if everyone doesn't restrict their own freedom.

      So, now I have an old woman in the neighborhood who probably has a bit of senile dementia. Now she wanted to go out for coffee yesterday, like she does every Wednesday, in her favorite coffee shop. (She doesn't watch the news)

      Was it ethically better for me, despite all the warnings against going into the city, to gently tell her that her favorite cafe, as well as all the other cafes, will no longer be opening next month? Was it better to sit with her in a bakery cafe and enjoy the beautiful day, despite the evil looks from all the other passers-by? Was it right to spend a few nice hours with her at the risk that I might infect her too? And she, at the age of 82, perhaps dies? And in the worst case scenario, due to the corona isolation, also alone, for yourself?

      Or would it have made more ethical sense to block her, telling her to close all the cafes because of a virus that will kill all the old people, including her, if she mixes with other passers-by in the city? And if she gets infected and doesn't make it (whether because of her age or because of the ventilator space occupied by other infected people who got infected), she has to die alone? Wouldn't it have made more sense not to deal with her to protect her?

      My fear is not about the fact that I could become infected myself, but actually about what happens if others become infected.

    • Yulia Kudryavitsky 22. March 2020, 19: 51

      Excellent! Thank you very much <3 Thank you for your work - you have made a significant contribution to ensuring that many people see things through and are prepared.
      I appreciate your posts because you don't just talk about light and love, but I know that you have also dealt extensively with the dark side of it all.

      All the best and keep it up dear Yannick!

      Best regards,
      Testimonial: Yulia

    • Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

      1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
      2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
      3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

    1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
    2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
    3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    • Horst Fischer 17. March 2020, 11: 18

      Where there is light, there is also shadow or darkness...
      Come into the light and let the sun warm you!
      The sun gives you valuable D3 when it shines on your skin! If it's cloudy, take D3 tablets to get your system going! So that you don't feel like you did in the movie "Riddick"!!!

    • Ursula Waldl 17. March 2020, 14: 45

      It's nice when people have an overview and can look behind it - thank you for your words - I can only sign them three times...www.nfk.world

    • IRMER Maria 17. March 2020, 15: 03

      Very good, thank you for the contribution

    • Tanya 17. March 2020, 15: 14

      Thanks for this great summary. These are exactly my thoughts from the last few days and your words give me security! Thanks!

    • bibi 17. March 2020, 15: 50

      Thanks for this great information! I've been waiting to get this information!

      Lg bianca

    • Claudia Bethmann 17. March 2020, 16: 04

      This is a wonderful video my friend! Thank you. It makes me happy to see that young people are now taking over the baton very well. Selber: I'm geo - politically active, active in the truth movement / exposing lies since my youth. (Back in the GDR) Today I live as a medium of the spiritual world - and I'm so happy about this awakening process! Happy greetings from Claudia.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 27

      I am not afraid because I am spiritually developed. Thanks for the video, it just confirmed it.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 38

      It's bad that the manipulation worked at all. It didn't work for me. Why? Because I had already woken up. The only question is why do people die from it? That's why I'm so tired at the moment.

    • Mario 17. March 2020, 18: 57

      Hey, what do you think about all the arrests of Cabal members? The lockdown is very good for that. So these people can finally be arrested.
      Nice posts from you!

      Kind regards & all the best to you!

    • Stefanie Stolz 17. March 2020, 22: 04

      Good morning. I've been browsing through various pages for days and would like to hear your opinion on increasing water and food for 21 days?
      Greetings from Hamburg

    • Magret 18. March 2020, 0: 49

      I only felt fear once as a child and once as a teenager, but that had something to do with perception. As a child I felt my father's fear because of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and as a teenager I felt my mother's fear, who was in Russia with my father, she was afraid that they wouldn't be allowed to travel home. Since then I have no longer had any fears because I always stay centered. I'm of the same opinion, it's all just made up, but awakened remains awakened. I also feel that we have become much, much more recently and that none of the alarmists can harm us anymore.

    • Sabine Menshen 18. March 2020, 8: 39

      Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. You are doing such a great job…Thank you from heart to heart.
      bright greetings

    • Beate Eknuf 18. March 2020, 9: 16

      When people talk about the battle between light and darkness, I don't really understand it. Yes, light is energy. But who and what controls it. It can only mean the good divine power, our Father in heaven... He sent his son, Jeusus Christ, to earth so that we can believe in him (the father and creator of all life). Why don't we personify the energies? I know the church has caused so much suffering and harm. But what can Jesus do about it? Where there is good (or light), there is also darkness (the adversary). Please come back to Jesus Christ, who died for us so that we may believe in him! “No one comes to the Father except through me,” says Jesus. There is no other way to eternal life! When you talk about awakening, what exactly do you mean by that? Awakening from the sleep of impiety? Who will you accept as your Savior? The light? It can't do anything if it doesn't get energy from our good God! Please remember Jesus! The adversary has managed to turn so many away from his church. Come back to the one God, our Creator in heaven, about whom Jesus told us!

    • Marco Genzen 18. March 2020, 16: 18

      Hello, thank you very much for the informative text. It helps us to remain calm and to understand the higher meaning. I'm not convinced by your video. I don't know what sources you're getting information from. To speak of a power elite that deliberately created the virus to control humanity is an unnecessary mistake that makes the true information, which you have well presented in the text, lose its value. I ask you to question. There is no such thing as an elite conspiracy. The spiritual world, the higher powers ensure that such a virus comes into the world... because it is essential for the change in consciousness. What is true, however, is that government systems and power structures are being questioned. I'm only writing this comment because seriousness is the top priority. The information about the higher purpose that you have published is very correct. See my comment as a clear but well-intentioned criticism. Best regards

    • Rainbow wrasse 19. March 2020, 6: 30

      This is a wonderful video & encouraging text.

      Basically I share your opinion. It is an opportunity for humanity and the current times could also have really positive effects on the future course of society.

      But, I am faced with an ethical dilemma. I myself will not suffer any further consequences if I become infected with the coronavirus. But the old, the sick and the weak will just die if the health system is overloaded. And it will be overloaded if everyone doesn't restrict their own freedom.

      So, now I have an old woman in the neighborhood who probably has a bit of senile dementia. Now she wanted to go out for coffee yesterday, like she does every Wednesday, in her favorite coffee shop. (She doesn't watch the news)

      Was it ethically better for me, despite all the warnings against going into the city, to gently tell her that her favorite cafe, as well as all the other cafes, will no longer be opening next month? Was it better to sit with her in a bakery cafe and enjoy the beautiful day, despite the evil looks from all the other passers-by? Was it right to spend a few nice hours with her at the risk that I might infect her too? And she, at the age of 82, perhaps dies? And in the worst case scenario, due to the corona isolation, also alone, for yourself?

      Or would it have made more ethical sense to block her, telling her to close all the cafes because of a virus that will kill all the old people, including her, if she mixes with other passers-by in the city? And if she gets infected and doesn't make it (whether because of her age or because of the ventilator space occupied by other infected people who got infected), she has to die alone? Wouldn't it have made more sense not to deal with her to protect her?

      My fear is not about the fact that I could become infected myself, but actually about what happens if others become infected.

    • Yulia Kudryavitsky 22. March 2020, 19: 51

      Excellent! Thank you very much <3 Thank you for your work - you have made a significant contribution to ensuring that many people see things through and are prepared.
      I appreciate your posts because you don't just talk about light and love, but I know that you have also dealt extensively with the dark side of it all.

      All the best and keep it up dear Yannick!

      Best regards,
      Testimonial: Yulia

    • Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

      1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
      2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
      3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

    1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
    2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
    3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    • Horst Fischer 17. March 2020, 11: 18

      Where there is light, there is also shadow or darkness...
      Come into the light and let the sun warm you!
      The sun gives you valuable D3 when it shines on your skin! If it's cloudy, take D3 tablets to get your system going! So that you don't feel like you did in the movie "Riddick"!!!

    • Ursula Waldl 17. March 2020, 14: 45

      It's nice when people have an overview and can look behind it - thank you for your words - I can only sign them three times...www.nfk.world

    • IRMER Maria 17. March 2020, 15: 03

      Very good, thank you for the contribution

    • Tanya 17. March 2020, 15: 14

      Thanks for this great summary. These are exactly my thoughts from the last few days and your words give me security! Thanks!

    • bibi 17. March 2020, 15: 50

      Thanks for this great information! I've been waiting to get this information!

      Lg bianca

    • Claudia Bethmann 17. March 2020, 16: 04

      This is a wonderful video my friend! Thank you. It makes me happy to see that young people are now taking over the baton very well. Selber: I'm geo - politically active, active in the truth movement / exposing lies since my youth. (Back in the GDR) Today I live as a medium of the spiritual world - and I'm so happy about this awakening process! Happy greetings from Claudia.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 27

      I am not afraid because I am spiritually developed. Thanks for the video, it just confirmed it.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 38

      It's bad that the manipulation worked at all. It didn't work for me. Why? Because I had already woken up. The only question is why do people die from it? That's why I'm so tired at the moment.

    • Mario 17. March 2020, 18: 57

      Hey, what do you think about all the arrests of Cabal members? The lockdown is very good for that. So these people can finally be arrested.
      Nice posts from you!

      Kind regards & all the best to you!

    • Stefanie Stolz 17. March 2020, 22: 04

      Good morning. I've been browsing through various pages for days and would like to hear your opinion on increasing water and food for 21 days?
      Greetings from Hamburg

    • Magret 18. March 2020, 0: 49

      I only felt fear once as a child and once as a teenager, but that had something to do with perception. As a child I felt my father's fear because of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and as a teenager I felt my mother's fear, who was in Russia with my father, she was afraid that they wouldn't be allowed to travel home. Since then I have no longer had any fears because I always stay centered. I'm of the same opinion, it's all just made up, but awakened remains awakened. I also feel that we have become much, much more recently and that none of the alarmists can harm us anymore.

    • Sabine Menshen 18. March 2020, 8: 39

      Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. You are doing such a great job…Thank you from heart to heart.
      bright greetings

    • Beate Eknuf 18. March 2020, 9: 16

      When people talk about the battle between light and darkness, I don't really understand it. Yes, light is energy. But who and what controls it. It can only mean the good divine power, our Father in heaven... He sent his son, Jeusus Christ, to earth so that we can believe in him (the father and creator of all life). Why don't we personify the energies? I know the church has caused so much suffering and harm. But what can Jesus do about it? Where there is good (or light), there is also darkness (the adversary). Please come back to Jesus Christ, who died for us so that we may believe in him! “No one comes to the Father except through me,” says Jesus. There is no other way to eternal life! When you talk about awakening, what exactly do you mean by that? Awakening from the sleep of impiety? Who will you accept as your Savior? The light? It can't do anything if it doesn't get energy from our good God! Please remember Jesus! The adversary has managed to turn so many away from his church. Come back to the one God, our Creator in heaven, about whom Jesus told us!

    • Marco Genzen 18. March 2020, 16: 18

      Hello, thank you very much for the informative text. It helps us to remain calm and to understand the higher meaning. I'm not convinced by your video. I don't know what sources you're getting information from. To speak of a power elite that deliberately created the virus to control humanity is an unnecessary mistake that makes the true information, which you have well presented in the text, lose its value. I ask you to question. There is no such thing as an elite conspiracy. The spiritual world, the higher powers ensure that such a virus comes into the world... because it is essential for the change in consciousness. What is true, however, is that government systems and power structures are being questioned. I'm only writing this comment because seriousness is the top priority. The information about the higher purpose that you have published is very correct. See my comment as a clear but well-intentioned criticism. Best regards

    • Rainbow wrasse 19. March 2020, 6: 30

      This is a wonderful video & encouraging text.

      Basically I share your opinion. It is an opportunity for humanity and the current times could also have really positive effects on the future course of society.

      But, I am faced with an ethical dilemma. I myself will not suffer any further consequences if I become infected with the coronavirus. But the old, the sick and the weak will just die if the health system is overloaded. And it will be overloaded if everyone doesn't restrict their own freedom.

      So, now I have an old woman in the neighborhood who probably has a bit of senile dementia. Now she wanted to go out for coffee yesterday, like she does every Wednesday, in her favorite coffee shop. (She doesn't watch the news)

      Was it ethically better for me, despite all the warnings against going into the city, to gently tell her that her favorite cafe, as well as all the other cafes, will no longer be opening next month? Was it better to sit with her in a bakery cafe and enjoy the beautiful day, despite the evil looks from all the other passers-by? Was it right to spend a few nice hours with her at the risk that I might infect her too? And she, at the age of 82, perhaps dies? And in the worst case scenario, due to the corona isolation, also alone, for yourself?

      Or would it have made more ethical sense to block her, telling her to close all the cafes because of a virus that will kill all the old people, including her, if she mixes with other passers-by in the city? And if she gets infected and doesn't make it (whether because of her age or because of the ventilator space occupied by other infected people who got infected), she has to die alone? Wouldn't it have made more sense not to deal with her to protect her?

      My fear is not about the fact that I could become infected myself, but actually about what happens if others become infected.

    • Yulia Kudryavitsky 22. March 2020, 19: 51

      Excellent! Thank you very much <3 Thank you for your work - you have made a significant contribution to ensuring that many people see things through and are prepared.
      I appreciate your posts because you don't just talk about light and love, but I know that you have also dealt extensively with the dark side of it all.

      All the best and keep it up dear Yannick!

      Best regards,
      Testimonial: Yulia

    • Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

      1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
      2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
      3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

    1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
    2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
    3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    • Horst Fischer 17. March 2020, 11: 18

      Where there is light, there is also shadow or darkness...
      Come into the light and let the sun warm you!
      The sun gives you valuable D3 when it shines on your skin! If it's cloudy, take D3 tablets to get your system going! So that you don't feel like you did in the movie "Riddick"!!!

    • Ursula Waldl 17. March 2020, 14: 45

      It's nice when people have an overview and can look behind it - thank you for your words - I can only sign them three times...www.nfk.world

    • IRMER Maria 17. March 2020, 15: 03

      Very good, thank you for the contribution

    • Tanya 17. March 2020, 15: 14

      Thanks for this great summary. These are exactly my thoughts from the last few days and your words give me security! Thanks!

    • bibi 17. March 2020, 15: 50

      Thanks for this great information! I've been waiting to get this information!

      Lg bianca

    • Claudia Bethmann 17. March 2020, 16: 04

      This is a wonderful video my friend! Thank you. It makes me happy to see that young people are now taking over the baton very well. Selber: I'm geo - politically active, active in the truth movement / exposing lies since my youth. (Back in the GDR) Today I live as a medium of the spiritual world - and I'm so happy about this awakening process! Happy greetings from Claudia.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 27

      I am not afraid because I am spiritually developed. Thanks for the video, it just confirmed it.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 38

      It's bad that the manipulation worked at all. It didn't work for me. Why? Because I had already woken up. The only question is why do people die from it? That's why I'm so tired at the moment.

    • Mario 17. March 2020, 18: 57

      Hey, what do you think about all the arrests of Cabal members? The lockdown is very good for that. So these people can finally be arrested.
      Nice posts from you!

      Kind regards & all the best to you!

    • Stefanie Stolz 17. March 2020, 22: 04

      Good morning. I've been browsing through various pages for days and would like to hear your opinion on increasing water and food for 21 days?
      Greetings from Hamburg

    • Magret 18. March 2020, 0: 49

      I only felt fear once as a child and once as a teenager, but that had something to do with perception. As a child I felt my father's fear because of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and as a teenager I felt my mother's fear, who was in Russia with my father, she was afraid that they wouldn't be allowed to travel home. Since then I have no longer had any fears because I always stay centered. I'm of the same opinion, it's all just made up, but awakened remains awakened. I also feel that we have become much, much more recently and that none of the alarmists can harm us anymore.

    • Sabine Menshen 18. March 2020, 8: 39

      Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. You are doing such a great job…Thank you from heart to heart.
      bright greetings

    • Beate Eknuf 18. March 2020, 9: 16

      When people talk about the battle between light and darkness, I don't really understand it. Yes, light is energy. But who and what controls it. It can only mean the good divine power, our Father in heaven... He sent his son, Jeusus Christ, to earth so that we can believe in him (the father and creator of all life). Why don't we personify the energies? I know the church has caused so much suffering and harm. But what can Jesus do about it? Where there is good (or light), there is also darkness (the adversary). Please come back to Jesus Christ, who died for us so that we may believe in him! “No one comes to the Father except through me,” says Jesus. There is no other way to eternal life! When you talk about awakening, what exactly do you mean by that? Awakening from the sleep of impiety? Who will you accept as your Savior? The light? It can't do anything if it doesn't get energy from our good God! Please remember Jesus! The adversary has managed to turn so many away from his church. Come back to the one God, our Creator in heaven, about whom Jesus told us!

    • Marco Genzen 18. March 2020, 16: 18

      Hello, thank you very much for the informative text. It helps us to remain calm and to understand the higher meaning. I'm not convinced by your video. I don't know what sources you're getting information from. To speak of a power elite that deliberately created the virus to control humanity is an unnecessary mistake that makes the true information, which you have well presented in the text, lose its value. I ask you to question. There is no such thing as an elite conspiracy. The spiritual world, the higher powers ensure that such a virus comes into the world... because it is essential for the change in consciousness. What is true, however, is that government systems and power structures are being questioned. I'm only writing this comment because seriousness is the top priority. The information about the higher purpose that you have published is very correct. See my comment as a clear but well-intentioned criticism. Best regards

    • Rainbow wrasse 19. March 2020, 6: 30

      This is a wonderful video & encouraging text.

      Basically I share your opinion. It is an opportunity for humanity and the current times could also have really positive effects on the future course of society.

      But, I am faced with an ethical dilemma. I myself will not suffer any further consequences if I become infected with the coronavirus. But the old, the sick and the weak will just die if the health system is overloaded. And it will be overloaded if everyone doesn't restrict their own freedom.

      So, now I have an old woman in the neighborhood who probably has a bit of senile dementia. Now she wanted to go out for coffee yesterday, like she does every Wednesday, in her favorite coffee shop. (She doesn't watch the news)

      Was it ethically better for me, despite all the warnings against going into the city, to gently tell her that her favorite cafe, as well as all the other cafes, will no longer be opening next month? Was it better to sit with her in a bakery cafe and enjoy the beautiful day, despite the evil looks from all the other passers-by? Was it right to spend a few nice hours with her at the risk that I might infect her too? And she, at the age of 82, perhaps dies? And in the worst case scenario, due to the corona isolation, also alone, for yourself?

      Or would it have made more ethical sense to block her, telling her to close all the cafes because of a virus that will kill all the old people, including her, if she mixes with other passers-by in the city? And if she gets infected and doesn't make it (whether because of her age or because of the ventilator space occupied by other infected people who got infected), she has to die alone? Wouldn't it have made more sense not to deal with her to protect her?

      My fear is not about the fact that I could become infected myself, but actually about what happens if others become infected.

    • Yulia Kudryavitsky 22. March 2020, 19: 51

      Excellent! Thank you very much <3 Thank you for your work - you have made a significant contribution to ensuring that many people see things through and are prepared.
      I appreciate your posts because you don't just talk about light and love, but I know that you have also dealt extensively with the dark side of it all.

      All the best and keep it up dear Yannick!

      Best regards,
      Testimonial: Yulia

    • Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

      1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
      2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
      3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

    1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
    2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
    3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    • Horst Fischer 17. March 2020, 11: 18

      Where there is light, there is also shadow or darkness...
      Come into the light and let the sun warm you!
      The sun gives you valuable D3 when it shines on your skin! If it's cloudy, take D3 tablets to get your system going! So that you don't feel like you did in the movie "Riddick"!!!

    • Ursula Waldl 17. March 2020, 14: 45

      It's nice when people have an overview and can look behind it - thank you for your words - I can only sign them three times...www.nfk.world

    • IRMER Maria 17. March 2020, 15: 03

      Very good, thank you for the contribution

    • Tanya 17. March 2020, 15: 14

      Thanks for this great summary. These are exactly my thoughts from the last few days and your words give me security! Thanks!

    • bibi 17. March 2020, 15: 50

      Thanks for this great information! I've been waiting to get this information!

      Lg bianca

    • Claudia Bethmann 17. March 2020, 16: 04

      This is a wonderful video my friend! Thank you. It makes me happy to see that young people are now taking over the baton very well. Selber: I'm geo - politically active, active in the truth movement / exposing lies since my youth. (Back in the GDR) Today I live as a medium of the spiritual world - and I'm so happy about this awakening process! Happy greetings from Claudia.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 27

      I am not afraid because I am spiritually developed. Thanks for the video, it just confirmed it.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 38

      It's bad that the manipulation worked at all. It didn't work for me. Why? Because I had already woken up. The only question is why do people die from it? That's why I'm so tired at the moment.

    • Mario 17. March 2020, 18: 57

      Hey, what do you think about all the arrests of Cabal members? The lockdown is very good for that. So these people can finally be arrested.
      Nice posts from you!

      Kind regards & all the best to you!

    • Stefanie Stolz 17. March 2020, 22: 04

      Good morning. I've been browsing through various pages for days and would like to hear your opinion on increasing water and food for 21 days?
      Greetings from Hamburg

    • Magret 18. March 2020, 0: 49

      I only felt fear once as a child and once as a teenager, but that had something to do with perception. As a child I felt my father's fear because of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and as a teenager I felt my mother's fear, who was in Russia with my father, she was afraid that they wouldn't be allowed to travel home. Since then I have no longer had any fears because I always stay centered. I'm of the same opinion, it's all just made up, but awakened remains awakened. I also feel that we have become much, much more recently and that none of the alarmists can harm us anymore.

    • Sabine Menshen 18. March 2020, 8: 39

      Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. You are doing such a great job…Thank you from heart to heart.
      bright greetings

    • Beate Eknuf 18. March 2020, 9: 16

      When people talk about the battle between light and darkness, I don't really understand it. Yes, light is energy. But who and what controls it. It can only mean the good divine power, our Father in heaven... He sent his son, Jeusus Christ, to earth so that we can believe in him (the father and creator of all life). Why don't we personify the energies? I know the church has caused so much suffering and harm. But what can Jesus do about it? Where there is good (or light), there is also darkness (the adversary). Please come back to Jesus Christ, who died for us so that we may believe in him! “No one comes to the Father except through me,” says Jesus. There is no other way to eternal life! When you talk about awakening, what exactly do you mean by that? Awakening from the sleep of impiety? Who will you accept as your Savior? The light? It can't do anything if it doesn't get energy from our good God! Please remember Jesus! The adversary has managed to turn so many away from his church. Come back to the one God, our Creator in heaven, about whom Jesus told us!

    • Marco Genzen 18. March 2020, 16: 18

      Hello, thank you very much for the informative text. It helps us to remain calm and to understand the higher meaning. I'm not convinced by your video. I don't know what sources you're getting information from. To speak of a power elite that deliberately created the virus to control humanity is an unnecessary mistake that makes the true information, which you have well presented in the text, lose its value. I ask you to question. There is no such thing as an elite conspiracy. The spiritual world, the higher powers ensure that such a virus comes into the world... because it is essential for the change in consciousness. What is true, however, is that government systems and power structures are being questioned. I'm only writing this comment because seriousness is the top priority. The information about the higher purpose that you have published is very correct. See my comment as a clear but well-intentioned criticism. Best regards

    • Rainbow wrasse 19. March 2020, 6: 30

      This is a wonderful video & encouraging text.

      Basically I share your opinion. It is an opportunity for humanity and the current times could also have really positive effects on the future course of society.

      But, I am faced with an ethical dilemma. I myself will not suffer any further consequences if I become infected with the coronavirus. But the old, the sick and the weak will just die if the health system is overloaded. And it will be overloaded if everyone doesn't restrict their own freedom.

      So, now I have an old woman in the neighborhood who probably has a bit of senile dementia. Now she wanted to go out for coffee yesterday, like she does every Wednesday, in her favorite coffee shop. (She doesn't watch the news)

      Was it ethically better for me, despite all the warnings against going into the city, to gently tell her that her favorite cafe, as well as all the other cafes, will no longer be opening next month? Was it better to sit with her in a bakery cafe and enjoy the beautiful day, despite the evil looks from all the other passers-by? Was it right to spend a few nice hours with her at the risk that I might infect her too? And she, at the age of 82, perhaps dies? And in the worst case scenario, due to the corona isolation, also alone, for yourself?

      Or would it have made more ethical sense to block her, telling her to close all the cafes because of a virus that will kill all the old people, including her, if she mixes with other passers-by in the city? And if she gets infected and doesn't make it (whether because of her age or because of the ventilator space occupied by other infected people who got infected), she has to die alone? Wouldn't it have made more sense not to deal with her to protect her?

      My fear is not about the fact that I could become infected myself, but actually about what happens if others become infected.

    • Yulia Kudryavitsky 22. March 2020, 19: 51

      Excellent! Thank you very much <3 Thank you for your work - you have made a significant contribution to ensuring that many people see things through and are prepared.
      I appreciate your posts because you don't just talk about light and love, but I know that you have also dealt extensively with the dark side of it all.

      All the best and keep it up dear Yannick!

      Best regards,
      Testimonial: Yulia

    • Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

      1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
      2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
      3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

    1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
    2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
    3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    • Horst Fischer 17. March 2020, 11: 18

      Where there is light, there is also shadow or darkness...
      Come into the light and let the sun warm you!
      The sun gives you valuable D3 when it shines on your skin! If it's cloudy, take D3 tablets to get your system going! So that you don't feel like you did in the movie "Riddick"!!!

    • Ursula Waldl 17. March 2020, 14: 45

      It's nice when people have an overview and can look behind it - thank you for your words - I can only sign them three times...www.nfk.world

    • IRMER Maria 17. March 2020, 15: 03

      Very good, thank you for the contribution

    • Tanya 17. March 2020, 15: 14

      Thanks for this great summary. These are exactly my thoughts from the last few days and your words give me security! Thanks!

    • bibi 17. March 2020, 15: 50

      Thanks for this great information! I've been waiting to get this information!

      Lg bianca

    • Claudia Bethmann 17. March 2020, 16: 04

      This is a wonderful video my friend! Thank you. It makes me happy to see that young people are now taking over the baton very well. Selber: I'm geo - politically active, active in the truth movement / exposing lies since my youth. (Back in the GDR) Today I live as a medium of the spiritual world - and I'm so happy about this awakening process! Happy greetings from Claudia.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 27

      I am not afraid because I am spiritually developed. Thanks for the video, it just confirmed it.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 38

      It's bad that the manipulation worked at all. It didn't work for me. Why? Because I had already woken up. The only question is why do people die from it? That's why I'm so tired at the moment.

    • Mario 17. March 2020, 18: 57

      Hey, what do you think about all the arrests of Cabal members? The lockdown is very good for that. So these people can finally be arrested.
      Nice posts from you!

      Kind regards & all the best to you!

    • Stefanie Stolz 17. March 2020, 22: 04

      Good morning. I've been browsing through various pages for days and would like to hear your opinion on increasing water and food for 21 days?
      Greetings from Hamburg

    • Magret 18. March 2020, 0: 49

      I only felt fear once as a child and once as a teenager, but that had something to do with perception. As a child I felt my father's fear because of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and as a teenager I felt my mother's fear, who was in Russia with my father, she was afraid that they wouldn't be allowed to travel home. Since then I have no longer had any fears because I always stay centered. I'm of the same opinion, it's all just made up, but awakened remains awakened. I also feel that we have become much, much more recently and that none of the alarmists can harm us anymore.

    • Sabine Menshen 18. March 2020, 8: 39

      Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. You are doing such a great job…Thank you from heart to heart.
      bright greetings

    • Beate Eknuf 18. March 2020, 9: 16

      When people talk about the battle between light and darkness, I don't really understand it. Yes, light is energy. But who and what controls it. It can only mean the good divine power, our Father in heaven... He sent his son, Jeusus Christ, to earth so that we can believe in him (the father and creator of all life). Why don't we personify the energies? I know the church has caused so much suffering and harm. But what can Jesus do about it? Where there is good (or light), there is also darkness (the adversary). Please come back to Jesus Christ, who died for us so that we may believe in him! “No one comes to the Father except through me,” says Jesus. There is no other way to eternal life! When you talk about awakening, what exactly do you mean by that? Awakening from the sleep of impiety? Who will you accept as your Savior? The light? It can't do anything if it doesn't get energy from our good God! Please remember Jesus! The adversary has managed to turn so many away from his church. Come back to the one God, our Creator in heaven, about whom Jesus told us!

    • Marco Genzen 18. March 2020, 16: 18

      Hello, thank you very much for the informative text. It helps us to remain calm and to understand the higher meaning. I'm not convinced by your video. I don't know what sources you're getting information from. To speak of a power elite that deliberately created the virus to control humanity is an unnecessary mistake that makes the true information, which you have well presented in the text, lose its value. I ask you to question. There is no such thing as an elite conspiracy. The spiritual world, the higher powers ensure that such a virus comes into the world... because it is essential for the change in consciousness. What is true, however, is that government systems and power structures are being questioned. I'm only writing this comment because seriousness is the top priority. The information about the higher purpose that you have published is very correct. See my comment as a clear but well-intentioned criticism. Best regards

    • Rainbow wrasse 19. March 2020, 6: 30

      This is a wonderful video & encouraging text.

      Basically I share your opinion. It is an opportunity for humanity and the current times could also have really positive effects on the future course of society.

      But, I am faced with an ethical dilemma. I myself will not suffer any further consequences if I become infected with the coronavirus. But the old, the sick and the weak will just die if the health system is overloaded. And it will be overloaded if everyone doesn't restrict their own freedom.

      So, now I have an old woman in the neighborhood who probably has a bit of senile dementia. Now she wanted to go out for coffee yesterday, like she does every Wednesday, in her favorite coffee shop. (She doesn't watch the news)

      Was it ethically better for me, despite all the warnings against going into the city, to gently tell her that her favorite cafe, as well as all the other cafes, will no longer be opening next month? Was it better to sit with her in a bakery cafe and enjoy the beautiful day, despite the evil looks from all the other passers-by? Was it right to spend a few nice hours with her at the risk that I might infect her too? And she, at the age of 82, perhaps dies? And in the worst case scenario, due to the corona isolation, also alone, for yourself?

      Or would it have made more ethical sense to block her, telling her to close all the cafes because of a virus that will kill all the old people, including her, if she mixes with other passers-by in the city? And if she gets infected and doesn't make it (whether because of her age or because of the ventilator space occupied by other infected people who got infected), she has to die alone? Wouldn't it have made more sense not to deal with her to protect her?

      My fear is not about the fact that I could become infected myself, but actually about what happens if others become infected.

    • Yulia Kudryavitsky 22. March 2020, 19: 51

      Excellent! Thank you very much <3 Thank you for your work - you have made a significant contribution to ensuring that many people see things through and are prepared.
      I appreciate your posts because you don't just talk about light and love, but I know that you have also dealt extensively with the dark side of it all.

      All the best and keep it up dear Yannick!

      Best regards,
      Testimonial: Yulia

    • Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

      1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
      2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
      3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

    1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
    2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
    3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    • Horst Fischer 17. March 2020, 11: 18

      Where there is light, there is also shadow or darkness...
      Come into the light and let the sun warm you!
      The sun gives you valuable D3 when it shines on your skin! If it's cloudy, take D3 tablets to get your system going! So that you don't feel like you did in the movie "Riddick"!!!

    • Ursula Waldl 17. March 2020, 14: 45

      It's nice when people have an overview and can look behind it - thank you for your words - I can only sign them three times...www.nfk.world

    • IRMER Maria 17. March 2020, 15: 03

      Very good, thank you for the contribution

    • Tanya 17. March 2020, 15: 14

      Thanks for this great summary. These are exactly my thoughts from the last few days and your words give me security! Thanks!

    • bibi 17. March 2020, 15: 50

      Thanks for this great information! I've been waiting to get this information!

      Lg bianca

    • Claudia Bethmann 17. March 2020, 16: 04

      This is a wonderful video my friend! Thank you. It makes me happy to see that young people are now taking over the baton very well. Selber: I'm geo - politically active, active in the truth movement / exposing lies since my youth. (Back in the GDR) Today I live as a medium of the spiritual world - and I'm so happy about this awakening process! Happy greetings from Claudia.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 27

      I am not afraid because I am spiritually developed. Thanks for the video, it just confirmed it.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 38

      It's bad that the manipulation worked at all. It didn't work for me. Why? Because I had already woken up. The only question is why do people die from it? That's why I'm so tired at the moment.

    • Mario 17. March 2020, 18: 57

      Hey, what do you think about all the arrests of Cabal members? The lockdown is very good for that. So these people can finally be arrested.
      Nice posts from you!

      Kind regards & all the best to you!

    • Stefanie Stolz 17. March 2020, 22: 04

      Good morning. I've been browsing through various pages for days and would like to hear your opinion on increasing water and food for 21 days?
      Greetings from Hamburg

    • Magret 18. March 2020, 0: 49

      I only felt fear once as a child and once as a teenager, but that had something to do with perception. As a child I felt my father's fear because of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and as a teenager I felt my mother's fear, who was in Russia with my father, she was afraid that they wouldn't be allowed to travel home. Since then I have no longer had any fears because I always stay centered. I'm of the same opinion, it's all just made up, but awakened remains awakened. I also feel that we have become much, much more recently and that none of the alarmists can harm us anymore.

    • Sabine Menshen 18. March 2020, 8: 39

      Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. You are doing such a great job…Thank you from heart to heart.
      bright greetings

    • Beate Eknuf 18. March 2020, 9: 16

      When people talk about the battle between light and darkness, I don't really understand it. Yes, light is energy. But who and what controls it. It can only mean the good divine power, our Father in heaven... He sent his son, Jeusus Christ, to earth so that we can believe in him (the father and creator of all life). Why don't we personify the energies? I know the church has caused so much suffering and harm. But what can Jesus do about it? Where there is good (or light), there is also darkness (the adversary). Please come back to Jesus Christ, who died for us so that we may believe in him! “No one comes to the Father except through me,” says Jesus. There is no other way to eternal life! When you talk about awakening, what exactly do you mean by that? Awakening from the sleep of impiety? Who will you accept as your Savior? The light? It can't do anything if it doesn't get energy from our good God! Please remember Jesus! The adversary has managed to turn so many away from his church. Come back to the one God, our Creator in heaven, about whom Jesus told us!

    • Marco Genzen 18. March 2020, 16: 18

      Hello, thank you very much for the informative text. It helps us to remain calm and to understand the higher meaning. I'm not convinced by your video. I don't know what sources you're getting information from. To speak of a power elite that deliberately created the virus to control humanity is an unnecessary mistake that makes the true information, which you have well presented in the text, lose its value. I ask you to question. There is no such thing as an elite conspiracy. The spiritual world, the higher powers ensure that such a virus comes into the world... because it is essential for the change in consciousness. What is true, however, is that government systems and power structures are being questioned. I'm only writing this comment because seriousness is the top priority. The information about the higher purpose that you have published is very correct. See my comment as a clear but well-intentioned criticism. Best regards

    • Rainbow wrasse 19. March 2020, 6: 30

      This is a wonderful video & encouraging text.

      Basically I share your opinion. It is an opportunity for humanity and the current times could also have really positive effects on the future course of society.

      But, I am faced with an ethical dilemma. I myself will not suffer any further consequences if I become infected with the coronavirus. But the old, the sick and the weak will just die if the health system is overloaded. And it will be overloaded if everyone doesn't restrict their own freedom.

      So, now I have an old woman in the neighborhood who probably has a bit of senile dementia. Now she wanted to go out for coffee yesterday, like she does every Wednesday, in her favorite coffee shop. (She doesn't watch the news)

      Was it ethically better for me, despite all the warnings against going into the city, to gently tell her that her favorite cafe, as well as all the other cafes, will no longer be opening next month? Was it better to sit with her in a bakery cafe and enjoy the beautiful day, despite the evil looks from all the other passers-by? Was it right to spend a few nice hours with her at the risk that I might infect her too? And she, at the age of 82, perhaps dies? And in the worst case scenario, due to the corona isolation, also alone, for yourself?

      Or would it have made more ethical sense to block her, telling her to close all the cafes because of a virus that will kill all the old people, including her, if she mixes with other passers-by in the city? And if she gets infected and doesn't make it (whether because of her age or because of the ventilator space occupied by other infected people who got infected), she has to die alone? Wouldn't it have made more sense not to deal with her to protect her?

      My fear is not about the fact that I could become infected myself, but actually about what happens if others become infected.

    • Yulia Kudryavitsky 22. March 2020, 19: 51

      Excellent! Thank you very much <3 Thank you for your work - you have made a significant contribution to ensuring that many people see things through and are prepared.
      I appreciate your posts because you don't just talk about light and love, but I know that you have also dealt extensively with the dark side of it all.

      All the best and keep it up dear Yannick!

      Best regards,
      Testimonial: Yulia

    • Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

      1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
      2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
      3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

    1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
    2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
    3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    • Horst Fischer 17. March 2020, 11: 18

      Where there is light, there is also shadow or darkness...
      Come into the light and let the sun warm you!
      The sun gives you valuable D3 when it shines on your skin! If it's cloudy, take D3 tablets to get your system going! So that you don't feel like you did in the movie "Riddick"!!!

    • Ursula Waldl 17. March 2020, 14: 45

      It's nice when people have an overview and can look behind it - thank you for your words - I can only sign them three times...www.nfk.world

    • IRMER Maria 17. March 2020, 15: 03

      Very good, thank you for the contribution

    • Tanya 17. March 2020, 15: 14

      Thanks for this great summary. These are exactly my thoughts from the last few days and your words give me security! Thanks!

    • bibi 17. March 2020, 15: 50

      Thanks for this great information! I've been waiting to get this information!

      Lg bianca

    • Claudia Bethmann 17. March 2020, 16: 04

      This is a wonderful video my friend! Thank you. It makes me happy to see that young people are now taking over the baton very well. Selber: I'm geo - politically active, active in the truth movement / exposing lies since my youth. (Back in the GDR) Today I live as a medium of the spiritual world - and I'm so happy about this awakening process! Happy greetings from Claudia.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 27

      I am not afraid because I am spiritually developed. Thanks for the video, it just confirmed it.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 38

      It's bad that the manipulation worked at all. It didn't work for me. Why? Because I had already woken up. The only question is why do people die from it? That's why I'm so tired at the moment.

    • Mario 17. March 2020, 18: 57

      Hey, what do you think about all the arrests of Cabal members? The lockdown is very good for that. So these people can finally be arrested.
      Nice posts from you!

      Kind regards & all the best to you!

    • Stefanie Stolz 17. March 2020, 22: 04

      Good morning. I've been browsing through various pages for days and would like to hear your opinion on increasing water and food for 21 days?
      Greetings from Hamburg

    • Magret 18. March 2020, 0: 49

      I only felt fear once as a child and once as a teenager, but that had something to do with perception. As a child I felt my father's fear because of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and as a teenager I felt my mother's fear, who was in Russia with my father, she was afraid that they wouldn't be allowed to travel home. Since then I have no longer had any fears because I always stay centered. I'm of the same opinion, it's all just made up, but awakened remains awakened. I also feel that we have become much, much more recently and that none of the alarmists can harm us anymore.

    • Sabine Menshen 18. March 2020, 8: 39

      Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. You are doing such a great job…Thank you from heart to heart.
      bright greetings

    • Beate Eknuf 18. March 2020, 9: 16

      When people talk about the battle between light and darkness, I don't really understand it. Yes, light is energy. But who and what controls it. It can only mean the good divine power, our Father in heaven... He sent his son, Jeusus Christ, to earth so that we can believe in him (the father and creator of all life). Why don't we personify the energies? I know the church has caused so much suffering and harm. But what can Jesus do about it? Where there is good (or light), there is also darkness (the adversary). Please come back to Jesus Christ, who died for us so that we may believe in him! “No one comes to the Father except through me,” says Jesus. There is no other way to eternal life! When you talk about awakening, what exactly do you mean by that? Awakening from the sleep of impiety? Who will you accept as your Savior? The light? It can't do anything if it doesn't get energy from our good God! Please remember Jesus! The adversary has managed to turn so many away from his church. Come back to the one God, our Creator in heaven, about whom Jesus told us!

    • Marco Genzen 18. March 2020, 16: 18

      Hello, thank you very much for the informative text. It helps us to remain calm and to understand the higher meaning. I'm not convinced by your video. I don't know what sources you're getting information from. To speak of a power elite that deliberately created the virus to control humanity is an unnecessary mistake that makes the true information, which you have well presented in the text, lose its value. I ask you to question. There is no such thing as an elite conspiracy. The spiritual world, the higher powers ensure that such a virus comes into the world... because it is essential for the change in consciousness. What is true, however, is that government systems and power structures are being questioned. I'm only writing this comment because seriousness is the top priority. The information about the higher purpose that you have published is very correct. See my comment as a clear but well-intentioned criticism. Best regards

    • Rainbow wrasse 19. March 2020, 6: 30

      This is a wonderful video & encouraging text.

      Basically I share your opinion. It is an opportunity for humanity and the current times could also have really positive effects on the future course of society.

      But, I am faced with an ethical dilemma. I myself will not suffer any further consequences if I become infected with the coronavirus. But the old, the sick and the weak will just die if the health system is overloaded. And it will be overloaded if everyone doesn't restrict their own freedom.

      So, now I have an old woman in the neighborhood who probably has a bit of senile dementia. Now she wanted to go out for coffee yesterday, like she does every Wednesday, in her favorite coffee shop. (She doesn't watch the news)

      Was it ethically better for me, despite all the warnings against going into the city, to gently tell her that her favorite cafe, as well as all the other cafes, will no longer be opening next month? Was it better to sit with her in a bakery cafe and enjoy the beautiful day, despite the evil looks from all the other passers-by? Was it right to spend a few nice hours with her at the risk that I might infect her too? And she, at the age of 82, perhaps dies? And in the worst case scenario, due to the corona isolation, also alone, for yourself?

      Or would it have made more ethical sense to block her, telling her to close all the cafes because of a virus that will kill all the old people, including her, if she mixes with other passers-by in the city? And if she gets infected and doesn't make it (whether because of her age or because of the ventilator space occupied by other infected people who got infected), she has to die alone? Wouldn't it have made more sense not to deal with her to protect her?

      My fear is not about the fact that I could become infected myself, but actually about what happens if others become infected.

    • Yulia Kudryavitsky 22. March 2020, 19: 51

      Excellent! Thank you very much <3 Thank you for your work - you have made a significant contribution to ensuring that many people see things through and are prepared.
      I appreciate your posts because you don't just talk about light and love, but I know that you have also dealt extensively with the dark side of it all.

      All the best and keep it up dear Yannick!

      Best regards,
      Testimonial: Yulia

    • Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

      1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
      2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
      3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

    1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
    2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
    3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    • Horst Fischer 17. March 2020, 11: 18

      Where there is light, there is also shadow or darkness...
      Come into the light and let the sun warm you!
      The sun gives you valuable D3 when it shines on your skin! If it's cloudy, take D3 tablets to get your system going! So that you don't feel like you did in the movie "Riddick"!!!

    • Ursula Waldl 17. March 2020, 14: 45

      It's nice when people have an overview and can look behind it - thank you for your words - I can only sign them three times...www.nfk.world

    • IRMER Maria 17. March 2020, 15: 03

      Very good, thank you for the contribution

    • Tanya 17. March 2020, 15: 14

      Thanks for this great summary. These are exactly my thoughts from the last few days and your words give me security! Thanks!

    • bibi 17. March 2020, 15: 50

      Thanks for this great information! I've been waiting to get this information!

      Lg bianca

    • Claudia Bethmann 17. March 2020, 16: 04

      This is a wonderful video my friend! Thank you. It makes me happy to see that young people are now taking over the baton very well. Selber: I'm geo - politically active, active in the truth movement / exposing lies since my youth. (Back in the GDR) Today I live as a medium of the spiritual world - and I'm so happy about this awakening process! Happy greetings from Claudia.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 27

      I am not afraid because I am spiritually developed. Thanks for the video, it just confirmed it.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 38

      It's bad that the manipulation worked at all. It didn't work for me. Why? Because I had already woken up. The only question is why do people die from it? That's why I'm so tired at the moment.

    • Mario 17. March 2020, 18: 57

      Hey, what do you think about all the arrests of Cabal members? The lockdown is very good for that. So these people can finally be arrested.
      Nice posts from you!

      Kind regards & all the best to you!

    • Stefanie Stolz 17. March 2020, 22: 04

      Good morning. I've been browsing through various pages for days and would like to hear your opinion on increasing water and food for 21 days?
      Greetings from Hamburg

    • Magret 18. March 2020, 0: 49

      I only felt fear once as a child and once as a teenager, but that had something to do with perception. As a child I felt my father's fear because of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and as a teenager I felt my mother's fear, who was in Russia with my father, she was afraid that they wouldn't be allowed to travel home. Since then I have no longer had any fears because I always stay centered. I'm of the same opinion, it's all just made up, but awakened remains awakened. I also feel that we have become much, much more recently and that none of the alarmists can harm us anymore.

    • Sabine Menshen 18. March 2020, 8: 39

      Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. You are doing such a great job…Thank you from heart to heart.
      bright greetings

    • Beate Eknuf 18. March 2020, 9: 16

      When people talk about the battle between light and darkness, I don't really understand it. Yes, light is energy. But who and what controls it. It can only mean the good divine power, our Father in heaven... He sent his son, Jeusus Christ, to earth so that we can believe in him (the father and creator of all life). Why don't we personify the energies? I know the church has caused so much suffering and harm. But what can Jesus do about it? Where there is good (or light), there is also darkness (the adversary). Please come back to Jesus Christ, who died for us so that we may believe in him! “No one comes to the Father except through me,” says Jesus. There is no other way to eternal life! When you talk about awakening, what exactly do you mean by that? Awakening from the sleep of impiety? Who will you accept as your Savior? The light? It can't do anything if it doesn't get energy from our good God! Please remember Jesus! The adversary has managed to turn so many away from his church. Come back to the one God, our Creator in heaven, about whom Jesus told us!

    • Marco Genzen 18. March 2020, 16: 18

      Hello, thank you very much for the informative text. It helps us to remain calm and to understand the higher meaning. I'm not convinced by your video. I don't know what sources you're getting information from. To speak of a power elite that deliberately created the virus to control humanity is an unnecessary mistake that makes the true information, which you have well presented in the text, lose its value. I ask you to question. There is no such thing as an elite conspiracy. The spiritual world, the higher powers ensure that such a virus comes into the world... because it is essential for the change in consciousness. What is true, however, is that government systems and power structures are being questioned. I'm only writing this comment because seriousness is the top priority. The information about the higher purpose that you have published is very correct. See my comment as a clear but well-intentioned criticism. Best regards

    • Rainbow wrasse 19. March 2020, 6: 30

      This is a wonderful video & encouraging text.

      Basically I share your opinion. It is an opportunity for humanity and the current times could also have really positive effects on the future course of society.

      But, I am faced with an ethical dilemma. I myself will not suffer any further consequences if I become infected with the coronavirus. But the old, the sick and the weak will just die if the health system is overloaded. And it will be overloaded if everyone doesn't restrict their own freedom.

      So, now I have an old woman in the neighborhood who probably has a bit of senile dementia. Now she wanted to go out for coffee yesterday, like she does every Wednesday, in her favorite coffee shop. (She doesn't watch the news)

      Was it ethically better for me, despite all the warnings against going into the city, to gently tell her that her favorite cafe, as well as all the other cafes, will no longer be opening next month? Was it better to sit with her in a bakery cafe and enjoy the beautiful day, despite the evil looks from all the other passers-by? Was it right to spend a few nice hours with her at the risk that I might infect her too? And she, at the age of 82, perhaps dies? And in the worst case scenario, due to the corona isolation, also alone, for yourself?

      Or would it have made more ethical sense to block her, telling her to close all the cafes because of a virus that will kill all the old people, including her, if she mixes with other passers-by in the city? And if she gets infected and doesn't make it (whether because of her age or because of the ventilator space occupied by other infected people who got infected), she has to die alone? Wouldn't it have made more sense not to deal with her to protect her?

      My fear is not about the fact that I could become infected myself, but actually about what happens if others become infected.

    • Yulia Kudryavitsky 22. March 2020, 19: 51

      Excellent! Thank you very much <3 Thank you for your work - you have made a significant contribution to ensuring that many people see things through and are prepared.
      I appreciate your posts because you don't just talk about light and love, but I know that you have also dealt extensively with the dark side of it all.

      All the best and keep it up dear Yannick!

      Best regards,
      Testimonial: Yulia

    • Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

      1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
      2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
      3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

    1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
    2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
    3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    • Horst Fischer 17. March 2020, 11: 18

      Where there is light, there is also shadow or darkness...
      Come into the light and let the sun warm you!
      The sun gives you valuable D3 when it shines on your skin! If it's cloudy, take D3 tablets to get your system going! So that you don't feel like you did in the movie "Riddick"!!!

    • Ursula Waldl 17. March 2020, 14: 45

      It's nice when people have an overview and can look behind it - thank you for your words - I can only sign them three times...www.nfk.world

    • IRMER Maria 17. March 2020, 15: 03

      Very good, thank you for the contribution

    • Tanya 17. March 2020, 15: 14

      Thanks for this great summary. These are exactly my thoughts from the last few days and your words give me security! Thanks!

    • bibi 17. March 2020, 15: 50

      Thanks for this great information! I've been waiting to get this information!

      Lg bianca

    • Claudia Bethmann 17. March 2020, 16: 04

      This is a wonderful video my friend! Thank you. It makes me happy to see that young people are now taking over the baton very well. Selber: I'm geo - politically active, active in the truth movement / exposing lies since my youth. (Back in the GDR) Today I live as a medium of the spiritual world - and I'm so happy about this awakening process! Happy greetings from Claudia.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 27

      I am not afraid because I am spiritually developed. Thanks for the video, it just confirmed it.

    • julia sperl 17. March 2020, 17: 38

      It's bad that the manipulation worked at all. It didn't work for me. Why? Because I had already woken up. The only question is why do people die from it? That's why I'm so tired at the moment.

    • Mario 17. March 2020, 18: 57

      Hey, what do you think about all the arrests of Cabal members? The lockdown is very good for that. So these people can finally be arrested.
      Nice posts from you!

      Kind regards & all the best to you!

    • Stefanie Stolz 17. March 2020, 22: 04

      Good morning. I've been browsing through various pages for days and would like to hear your opinion on increasing water and food for 21 days?
      Greetings from Hamburg

    • Magret 18. March 2020, 0: 49

      I only felt fear once as a child and once as a teenager, but that had something to do with perception. As a child I felt my father's fear because of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and as a teenager I felt my mother's fear, who was in Russia with my father, she was afraid that they wouldn't be allowed to travel home. Since then I have no longer had any fears because I always stay centered. I'm of the same opinion, it's all just made up, but awakened remains awakened. I also feel that we have become much, much more recently and that none of the alarmists can harm us anymore.

    • Sabine Menshen 18. March 2020, 8: 39

      Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. You are doing such a great job…Thank you from heart to heart.
      bright greetings

    • Beate Eknuf 18. March 2020, 9: 16

      When people talk about the battle between light and darkness, I don't really understand it. Yes, light is energy. But who and what controls it. It can only mean the good divine power, our Father in heaven... He sent his son, Jeusus Christ, to earth so that we can believe in him (the father and creator of all life). Why don't we personify the energies? I know the church has caused so much suffering and harm. But what can Jesus do about it? Where there is good (or light), there is also darkness (the adversary). Please come back to Jesus Christ, who died for us so that we may believe in him! “No one comes to the Father except through me,” says Jesus. There is no other way to eternal life! When you talk about awakening, what exactly do you mean by that? Awakening from the sleep of impiety? Who will you accept as your Savior? The light? It can't do anything if it doesn't get energy from our good God! Please remember Jesus! The adversary has managed to turn so many away from his church. Come back to the one God, our Creator in heaven, about whom Jesus told us!

    • Marco Genzen 18. March 2020, 16: 18

      Hello, thank you very much for the informative text. It helps us to remain calm and to understand the higher meaning. I'm not convinced by your video. I don't know what sources you're getting information from. To speak of a power elite that deliberately created the virus to control humanity is an unnecessary mistake that makes the true information, which you have well presented in the text, lose its value. I ask you to question. There is no such thing as an elite conspiracy. The spiritual world, the higher powers ensure that such a virus comes into the world... because it is essential for the change in consciousness. What is true, however, is that government systems and power structures are being questioned. I'm only writing this comment because seriousness is the top priority. The information about the higher purpose that you have published is very correct. See my comment as a clear but well-intentioned criticism. Best regards

    • Rainbow wrasse 19. March 2020, 6: 30

      This is a wonderful video & encouraging text.

      Basically I share your opinion. It is an opportunity for humanity and the current times could also have really positive effects on the future course of society.

      But, I am faced with an ethical dilemma. I myself will not suffer any further consequences if I become infected with the coronavirus. But the old, the sick and the weak will just die if the health system is overloaded. And it will be overloaded if everyone doesn't restrict their own freedom.

      So, now I have an old woman in the neighborhood who probably has a bit of senile dementia. Now she wanted to go out for coffee yesterday, like she does every Wednesday, in her favorite coffee shop. (She doesn't watch the news)

      Was it ethically better for me, despite all the warnings against going into the city, to gently tell her that her favorite cafe, as well as all the other cafes, will no longer be opening next month? Was it better to sit with her in a bakery cafe and enjoy the beautiful day, despite the evil looks from all the other passers-by? Was it right to spend a few nice hours with her at the risk that I might infect her too? And she, at the age of 82, perhaps dies? And in the worst case scenario, due to the corona isolation, also alone, for yourself?

      Or would it have made more ethical sense to block her, telling her to close all the cafes because of a virus that will kill all the old people, including her, if she mixes with other passers-by in the city? And if she gets infected and doesn't make it (whether because of her age or because of the ventilator space occupied by other infected people who got infected), she has to die alone? Wouldn't it have made more sense not to deal with her to protect her?

      My fear is not about the fact that I could become infected myself, but actually about what happens if others become infected.

    • Yulia Kudryavitsky 22. March 2020, 19: 51

      Excellent! Thank you very much <3 Thank you for your work - you have made a significant contribution to ensuring that many people see things through and are prepared.
      I appreciate your posts because you don't just talk about light and love, but I know that you have also dealt extensively with the dark side of it all.

      All the best and keep it up dear Yannick!

      Best regards,
      Testimonial: Yulia

    • Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

      1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
      2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
      3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.


    Lena 22. March 2020, 22: 05

    1. Thanks for your posts, I've been following them for a while.
    2. I always thought you were a 40 year old blonde woman haha! Nice to finally have a face to the website.
    3. Thank you for helping to direct my focus to the light.

