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On the one hand, today's daily energy on September 16, 2019 will continue to be influenced by the moon in the zodiac sign Aries, which can promote the associated moods. In this context it should be said, that there are always fulfilled and unfulfilled aspects in this regard or “zodiac sign technically”. The Aries Moon, for example, can make us extremely lively, bright, decisive and, above all, very open to new experiences and life circumstances.

Revive new moods

On the other hand, it can also promote opposite moods, especially if we ourselves have internal conflicts about this or are generally in a destructive mood. The moon then transports programs into our daily consciousness, through which we in turn create corresponding moods (again and again) revive. This direct confrontation serves our own further development and promotes a transformative mood, because a strong experience of our own shadow parts in particular awakens in us the ambition to “break out” of these structures. Well and due to the generally strong frequency influences (In this regard, remember the past few days: Friday the thirteenth – full moon & portal day) such an outbreak or rather such a cleansing is strongly favored, because nothing leads us into harmonic states or into high-frequency states than a strong fundamental frequency and that is currently huge. In this context, we are not experiencing any deceleration in any way; instead, the transition to 5D is accelerating more and more from day to day. As we have already mentioned many times, this acceleration is also a direct result of the daily collective expansion of consciousness. The spirit of every human being expands increasingly from day to day into new ones (spiritual) Directions, i.e. more and more people are finding themselves in an awakening process. Because of this, we are experiencing a change that is becoming ever greater, because our thoughts and emotions, yes, our entire knowledge, our programs, beliefs, convictions and world views flow directly into the collective and in turn influence the mental worlds of other people. It's not for nothing that we are connected to everything.

Nothing is separate. Everything is one. As outside, so inside. As within, so without. Therefore, carefully consider what you do and think. – Irina Rauthmann..!!

It is not for nothing that everything is one and one is everything. Our potential is therefore limitless and only a single creator (We are creators - The origin itself - Mirror effect: Everything is original - you yourself are the source - Let the highest ideas of yourself become manifest instead of limiting yourself - making them small - "No, you are not the source, . That's not me - I'm smaller, - limitation) can therefore completely change/reshape the entire external world. The greatest potential of all lies dormant within us and if we understand that, if we make ourselves receptive to this knowledge again, if we become aware that we have everything in our own hands, then we can achieve incredible things. So let's use today's daily energy and get started full of energy. We can achieve anything and manifest anything too. TRULY EVERYTHING. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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