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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on January 16, 2020 is shaped on the one hand by the planetary Saturn/Pluto conjunction and on the other hand by the violent energies of the beginning of the golden decade. On the other hand, the moon is currently still in the Zodiac sign Libra, which means we can be more internally focused on bringing our relationship with ourselves into harmony.

The relationship with ourselves is in the foreground

The relationship with ourselves is in the foregroundIn this context, the Libra star sign hardly stands for the creation of a balanced living situation like any other star sign (Libra principle). There is always talk of healing interpersonal relationships. But the relationship to other people, the relationship to the plants and animals, yes, our relationship to the entire existence, whether of a positive or even negative nature, always only reflects the relationship to ourselves, simply because we ourselves - as creators, from which the entire existence emerged as an idea itself, represent everything (everything is yourself - there is nothing outside of you, since everything is within you/everything takes place within yourself. You yourself therefore represent everything, are everything, everything else is separation/lack - everything is based on your ideas). For this reason, we cannot heal our relationship with the entire world or even with other people until we heal ourselves. The same is true with everything in life. The world only changes when we change ourselves. Peace can only come when we ourselves become peaceful and maintain a state of consciousness that is accompanied by peaceful ideas and feelings. Due to the extremely strong energy quality, the Libra star sign will have an increased influence on ourselves and will therefore place a strong emphasis on the relationship with ourselves. The special mixture of high-frequency energies puts the relationship to our highest God Self in the foreground, which in turn wants to be lived out and experienced, in keeping with the golden decade - in which humanity once again recognizes itself as the divine being that it already is always was.

The external, perceptible world can only become harmonious when we ourselves achieve harmony and bring peace to our inner world. Everything plays out within ourselves. Everything that can be experienced and, above all, everything that can be perceived only represents our current state of consciousness or the image that we have of ourselves..!!

Well, as far as this is concerned, I experienced this circumstance, i.e. the healing of the relationship with myself, very strongly yesterday and so I felt how I was growing through my active actions and, above all, through the associated anchoring in the now (Instead of just sitting there and imagining the past or future, I was fully present in the present and working on my self-realization, on the realization of my highest self), lived a much more relaxed mental state. In the evening I noticed how good my self-image was and that I was exposed to it through my work alone, without distractions, no self-criticism or even other disharmonious images of myself. Today, this circumstance will certainly continue and the relationship with ourselves will continue to be very much in the foreground. So let's use the energy and heal the relationship with ourselves. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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