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Today's daily energy on February 16, 2019 is shaped by the influences of the ninth portal day, which means that the circumstance continues to be extremely cleansing in nature and we could not only experience emotional blockages and moods, but overall we could also achieve profound insights about ourselves. The energetic influences are still strong, even if the portal day phase is now coming to an end.
The ninth portal day

Nevertheless, today we still have two days full of formative energies ahead of us and I'm really excited to see which direction these days will develop, especially since it feels like everything has been experienced so far and all moods and patterns can still be experienced. The intensive influences have so far been able to thoroughly flush out our entire system and this will continue to happen. Patterns emerge, programs are presented to us, conflicts are emotionally experienced/resolved, and we continue to expand our own consciousness into completely new dimensions/directions. The phase was therefore also of great importance for the development of the collective spirit and will have further stimulated the circumstance of transformation. More and more people are waking up, more and more people are becoming more sensitive, more and more people are recognizing true grievances, seeing through the mechanisms of the illusory system, developing a connection/love for nature, becoming more open-minded, more independent and significantly more freedom-oriented. As a result, the spiritual level continues to rise and the quantum leap into awakening becomes ever greater. A development that took place despite many chaotic external circumstances (
as well as inside – as above so below, as inside so outside), is very special to witness. Well, last but not least, I would like to give a brief update regarding the planetary resonance frequency and point out that we are still receiving stronger impulses in this regard every day (see picture below - source:
Russian Space Observing Center in Tomsk).
The values therefore once again illustrate the intensity of the current phases and show how often strong impulses have reached us. Processes in the background feel like they are running at full speed, which, as I said, benefits our mental/emotional development. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
I am grateful for any support 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️