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new moon

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

With today's daily energy on August 16, 2023, the energies of a special new moon reach us, because today's new moon is in the zodiac sign Leo, which gives us a strong fire quality overall, because this new moon is also opposed to the current Leo sun. The moon also reaches its new moon form in the morning, i.e. at 11:38 a.m. and will accordingly develop its low intensity especially around this period, even if new moons generally affect us throughout the day (basically exactly the same as the days before and after).

Activating our heart chakra

Activating our heart chakraWell, this new moon brings us an extremely heart activating energy. The heart chakra is also attributed to the lion, which is why the lion energy is often about opening our hearts, accompanied by the manifestation of a much more empathetic and sensitive state. Especially during a new moon phase, deep blockages can appear or even dissolve, i.e. limitations within our own heart, whereby we live out a state in which the flow of our heart chakra is disturbed, which can also lead to the development of diseases in this area . On the other hand, the lion always goes hand in hand with the creation of an authentic and above all true state of being. Ultimately, this is also a circumstance that is of great importance in the current time, because within the system-shaped state of consciousness it is difficult for us to develop our true being.

remove heart blockages

remove heart blockagesHow often, due to decades of system conditioning, do we tend to keep our true being repressed along with a free-flowing heart energy and, as a result, push aside our deepest longings, heart desires and possibilities due to rooted programs of deficiency. We don't manage to be authentic, i.e. to stand by our true selves. Of course, on the one hand there is a lack of connection to our higher self (high/holy/nature-connected image of ourselves) in the foreground, which means that we generally live out an extremely closed heart, which in turn can manifest itself in resentment, rejection, judgements, a closed self-image, a lack of openness to new knowledge or even a lack of closeness to animals and nature. Nevertheless, our personal authenticity is particularly important here. It is therefore about our personal flourishing, that is, that our entire being fits in, in which we no longer bend or fight against our deepest inner truth. Well, during today's new moon, we are being strongly challenged to manifest our true being. And what goes hand in hand with our most authentic state of being – a fully opened heart. With that in mind, let us welcome today's heart opening new moon energy. Something new wants to emerge. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Karen Friedrich 17. August 2023, 11: 10

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      Maybe you also send brochures?
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      What payment options do you offer? Thank you and vlg Karin Friedrich

    Karen Friedrich 17. August 2023, 11: 10

    I am interested in your original frequency mat... I would like more information about it...
    Maybe you also send brochures?
    I live in Saxony/Grimma, is there one nearby to test/look at?
    What payment options do you offer? Thank you and vlg Karin Friedrich
