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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on August 16, 2019 is characterized on the one hand by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Pisces at 05:50 in the early morning (Empathy, compassion, supernatural, intuition & sensitivity) and on the other hand by the lingering influences of yesterday's full moon. In this context, the intensity of the full moon was tough. So he could us as announced (because of the Aquarius zodiac sign) are confronted with circumstances through which we ourselves allow a reality to come to life, which in turn is characterized by bondage and dependence (Blockages were transported into our day-consciousness – for solution/cleansing).

mystical moods

mystical moodsThis topic was extremely in the foreground and could make us feel the corresponding bonds very strongly. Basically, this circumstance was even very violent. So even after all the past months I was confronted with a corresponding aspect on my part, because I had blocked myself again and again. The fact that this discrepancy or deep-seated blockage was brought to my attention yesterday should not be surprising in any way, even if I hadn't even expected it in the slightest. Well, the energetic inflows were therefore very intense and you can currently really feel how everything is getting more intense from day to day. Ultimately, the current days feel very mystical, at least that's how I feel (and that of my immediate environment). On the one hand, an unusual tiredness can come through, on the other hand, your own senses are extremely sharp. This creates special sensations and you can actually feel the most sensitive moments yourself. Our conscious experience is always deepened and we have reached a point within the spiritual awakening where we are led into the deepest depths of our being, it is incredible. At the same time, everything feels like saying goodbye to the old and, as a result, also like accepting the new, yes, basically all moments currently feel extremely new.

The process of spiritual awakening reached new heights again and again, especially this year, leading us even deeper into our own state of being. Currently, this process has reached a point where a development of unprecedented proportions is taking place. The magic is permanently felt. The magic is always present..!!

Only the night before yesterday I philosophized a little about it with my girlfriend and we both felt how "new" everything felt and that refers to all life circumstances (even walking in nature feels different than before, really crazy). The new takes effect completely and all old blocking conditions are dissolved. We can therefore be curious how things will continue. Either way, anything can happen these days and we can be thankful for this phase. Everything should be exactly as it is. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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