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portal day

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Today's daily energy on August 15, 2018 is characterized on the one hand by the moon, which changed to the zodiac sign Libra at 06:57 a.m. yesterday, and on the other hand by three different star constellations. The pure influences of the “Libra Moon” stand out in particular, through which we not only have an increased desire for harmony, partnership and overall harmoniousness interpersonal relationships, but we could also focus our attention on equilibrium and equilibrium.

Moon in the sign of Aries – a bundle of energy?!

Further influences of the Libra MoonOn the other hand, it should be said that today is a portal day, which is why the day as a whole could be perceived or run more intensively than usual. Otherwise, inner conflicts, unsatisfied passions and unfulfilled heart desires could also come to the fore, i.e. these inner problems are brought to our attention and thus challenge us to make appropriate changes manifest. Because of the strong cosmic influences associated with them, portal days usually always represent transformation, cleansing and change. However, corresponding circumstances do not necessarily have to come into force and we can also experience these days in completely the opposite way, which then becomes noticeable in a stronger feeling of lightness (increase in our own life energy). In combination with the “Libra Moon”, this also results in a special mix of energies through which we could immediately work to manifest harmonious living conditions. As I said, if the Moon is in the zodiac sign Libra, we may feel an increased desire for serenity, balance and harmonious relationships. Due to the portal day energies, this circumstance will definitely be reinforced again. Well then, otherwise the energies of three different star constellations still affect us. A sextile between the Moon and Mercury came into effect at 04:09 a.m., which in turn represents a good mind, a great ability to learn, quick wit, a talent for languages ​​and good judgment.

A wise person lets go of the past every moment and goes into the future reborn. For Him the present is a constant transformation, a rebirth, a resurrection. –Osho

At 15:51 p.m. a square between the Moon and Pluto takes effect, which promotes extreme emotional life and self-indulgence of a lower kind. Last but not least, at 22:21 p.m. the Sun and Moon form a sextile, which promotes a balance between male/analytical and female/intuitive parts. This constellation also increases our own willingness to help, i.e. we could act much more empathetically and be there for our fellow human beings more than usual. Nevertheless, it should be said that the portal day influences and also the pure influences of the Libra Moon will predominate. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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