Today's daily energy on April 15, 2022 is shaped by various special constellations. On the one hand, the Moon, which is now almost complete, has an effect on us, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Libra late yesterday evening at 22:46 p.m. and has since given us energies through which we should increasingly move into states of balance, completely like that Libra principle. On the other hand, Libra always goes hand in hand with the element of air, which on the one hand always reminds us that we should and, above all, can let our spirit rise into the air, as long as we are increasingly rooted in a state of harmony .
The Fall and Rise of Christ Consciousness
Last but not least, the energy of Good Friday affects us throughout the day. In this context we are now within the three holy days (Triduum Sacrum - which, by the way, already began yesterday, Maundy Thursday - the Last Supper), which symbolically represent the downfall or oppression and the subsequent resurrection of the Christ consciousness. These days carry a highly sacred energy quality (Regardless of the fact that early Christianity was consciously burdened with false information, especially by the church, most church festivals contain a deep truth at their core) and show us the overarching advancement process. It is the described path from density into light or lightness. First of all, we were all in an extremely limited and limited mental state. On the other hand, our hearts were closed. Prejudices and disharmonious programs burdened our minds. The Christ consciousness itself was hardly developed at all in this phase; it was left in the dark on our part. But as one found oneself in the beginning process of awakening, one could step by step from the old lack consciousness into the holy/divine consciousness. The three holy days reflect exactly this process. It is the suffering and suppression of the highest/purest state of consciousness that is resurrected in the following days. The main focus on Good Friday is to commemorate the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
A divine plan is taking place
In a deeper sense, as already mentioned, this crucifixion represents the subjugated Christ consciousness, whose development was suppressed and destroyed with all our might. The whole thing then continues until Easter, the day when the Christ Consciousness rises and appears once again in its full divine garment. It is therefore the transition from 3D to 5D. Attempting to suppress light, with the end result being an impossible task and at the end of the day the light or divinity fully returns (makes the world shine). And we should keep this fact in mind again and again. Regardless of the dark picture that keeps being painted for us, the bottom line is that the ascension process is unstoppable. The complete healing of the collective consciousness is happening every second and a golden world will return 100%. A divine plan is taking place and the manifestation of this energy cannot be stopped. It is a highly magical process that takes place and we should never doubt it, on the contrary, doubts are sown much more so that we maintain an opposite reality. Well then, let us welcome the energies of today and, above all, remember that a sacred process is taking place. The world is rising and the most sacred states are returning. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂