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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on April 15, 2019 is, on the one hand, characterized by general, special energetic influences (At this point I refer to the yesterday's daily energy article and the article linked therein) and on the other hand from the moon, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Virgo at 12:13 p.m. and from then on gives us completely new impulses.

Resonance frequency update

Resonance frequency updateAt this point, the zodiac sign Virgo, at least when referring to its fulfilled aspects, is again associated with more pronounced intellectual powers and also overall with a more pronounced reliability, receptiveness, analytical thinking and generally with a stronger sense of duty. On the other hand, we could also withdraw a little and then concentrate fully on implementing our own projects and plans. Our self-realization can therefore continue to play a major role for us, entirely in the spirit of 5D. Further influences of the Virgo Moon are as follows (described by the site astroschmid.ch):

“With Moon in Virgo, you tend to react to people and events in a reserved manner. People generally prefer to work quietly behind the scenes, remaining incognito but taking care of everything and everything in detail and seeing that all aspects of a project or relationship show perfection. Sometimes people with Moon in Virgo run the risk of losing track of things. You are sensitive to demanding and always find out where others are lacking in their thinking and actions. You react to others depending on how healthy and orderly they are.

Methodology and care, good intellectual powers, strong discernment, insight into necessities are present. They are very reliable and achieve success in writing and studying. Your mind is receptive, has quick comprehension, and learns languages ​​easily. Mostly very smart, humble and honest people. They are good speakers, principled, orderly, pay attention to detail and want to be of service to others. For many people, altruistic service to others is a wish. Self-discovery occurs through classification into reality and hierarchy. They are correct appearances that pay attention to personal hygiene.”

Well, last but not least, I would like to refer you again to the planetary resonance frequency, which, as we know, has been extremely strong in the last few days and has been able to massively amplify all influences. influencesThe influences leveled off a little yesterday, with only things getting a little stormier in the early hours of the morning. Well, whether it will stay that way today remains to be seen. After all, everything is possible at the moment and after the events of the past few days, very strong influences can still reach us, especially since a portal day will reach us in a few days, i.e. on April 16th and a full moon on April 19th. Everything is heading towards completion (the return to ourselves, the development of our true strength). With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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