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Today's daily energy on September 14, 2019 is, on the one hand, shaped by the lingering influences of yesterday (Friday the Thirteenth - Not an unlucky day - Our feminine primal energy in the foreground - will still be very present today) and on the other side of today's very profound full moon in the zodiac sign Pisces in combination with a portal day (he reached his complete form at 06:34 a.m). In this context, today's full moon day also marks the energetic peak of this month and will definitely take the transformative mood of the past few days to a new level.

Deep spiritual insights

Deep spiritual insightsOn the other hand, this full moon will consolidate all of our experiences, experiences and, above all, our own healing processes, i.e. the current collective expansion of consciousness has reached such a high state that this circumstance, leading to today's climax, will reach a very strong manifestation or consolidation has. The path towards a 5D frequency circumstance has therefore become unavoidable and for all of us there is no turning back (which is to be viewed extremely positively - the awakening process or spiritual change has simply reached too many people). For this reason, today's full moon consolidates all of our own self-knowledge and inevitably leads us into a new life, i.e. it will let us directly experience a completely new state of consciousness (new paths, possibilities & ideas for your own self-realization - implementation, - accepting the fullness of the full moon). The Pisces aspect in particular illustrates this fact, because the zodiac sign Pisces not only makes us sensitive, dreamy and sensitive, but it also allows us to sense our own inner life and all the dreams, wishes, impulses and inner ambitions that go with it. This full moon is therefore a very special experience, because on the one hand it consolidates all the healing processes that have become manifest in the past few weeks (the cleanup of old structures and programs - incidentally a circumstance that a lot of people have reported to me about in the last few days - believe me - a lot) and on the other hand it gives us the opportunity to take an extremely deep look into our own mental life. And since today is also a portal day and yesterday was Friday the thirteenth, all of these influences will be massively increased again. Today's full moon day can give us a lot of impulses and possibilities and therefore leads us into a new circumstance. A new reality (collective reality) is about to be born and if we approach today with mindfulness, if we are self-reflective and at the same time take care of ourselves, then a completely new goal will be revealed to us. Well, finally, I would like to add a section from the page to go with the full moon event eva-maria-eleni.blogspot.com quote:

“At the new moon, many new, high-vibration forces and energies came to us. They wanted to remind us, to guide us to open up, to prepare ourselves, to open up, to allow them to change something. Now, towards the full moon, those areas that are still in contradiction with these new energies will be illuminated in particular. They have to get out of our system - out of the way we think, feel, believe, and the way we perceive ourselves. These are identifications (accepted concepts and ideas about you that direct you unnoticed). It's now up to you. Such identification detachments always cause a storm of ego thoughts to erupt. The identifications are, so to speak, exposed and frightening, because their days could be numbered. That's why they then paint you terrible pictures. These race through your head at an enormous pace. They act as if you were threatened and had to quickly go back to the “safe haven” (in reality: your previous prison). In reality, it is THEY who are threatened, not YOU! It has to be like this! Don’t fight it, just recognize it for what it is!”

With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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