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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on January 14th lets us continue to feel the beginning effects of the mighty Saturn/Pluto conjunction and, as a result, gives us an energy quality that not only our own drive or our own attitude to life can completely change/turn it upside down, but it also awakens the urge in us to realize our higher self.

At top speed into bright states

At top speed into bright statesPhases in which we repeatedly surrendered to self-created, shadowy circumstances and were subsequently unable to pursue any perspectives and high-frequency ideas, simply because we ourselves, as creators, have surrendered our own responsibility, are becoming shorter and shorter. Instead, we are being blasted into a high frequency at top speed and begin to work toward the realization of our highest aspirations in the spirit of the golden decade. The Saturn/Pluto conjunction, which in turn coincided with a planetary energy activation, therefore paves the way for us to an entirely new reality. In this context, we are so powerful ourselves as creators that we can constantly lock into a new reality simply by changing the image we have of the world and, consequently, the image we have of ourselves. In doing so, we begin to let a completely new reality come to life, because we end a reality that in turn emerged from an old, mostly small self. Today's daytime energy will therefore join with this fact and present us with myriad possibilities by which we can step into a new/higher frequency reality. On the other hand, it will also "force" us very strongly to end old structures accordingly - especially disharmonious structures through which we cannot always sense our highest divine self and stand in the way of our own self-realization. The periods of inability to act are ending more and more and an unbelievable fire is being ignited more and more in our innermost being, day by day. So ask yourself what you really want in your life.

The most important and, above all, most powerful ability that a creator possesses and, above all, uses every day, yes, it is actually the first ability that we have acquired, is creating. Every day we pursue our own thoughts/ideas and continually create a new reality for ourselves. Therefore, by consciously using our own creative powers, we are able to stretch our own mind in the direction we wish to experience in turn. It all depends only on you and the use of your creative power..!!

Ask yourself which ideas you would like to realize and then also ask yourself what is preventing you from making these ideas come true. Only you can change the world and only you can realize ideas, because only you create and have the power to realign your own existence. So use your design skills. Use your creative power and begin to realize your highest divine being. An infinite power lies within you. You can break all limits. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Cristina 14. January 2020, 14: 04

      Wow…..since January 1.1st. it's really happening
      Rocket propulsion!! But positive. Just not to handle properly.
      The officers are on their way. Me and a few others. Just like you too.

    Cristina 14. January 2020, 14: 04

    Wow…..since January 1.1st. it's really happening
    Rocket propulsion!! But positive. Just not to handle properly.
    The officers are on their way. Me and a few others. Just like you too.
