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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on February 14, 2019 is mainly characterized by the strong basic energetic quality, which in turn is due to several factors. Apart from the general strong cosmic influences that have been reaching us for several years and apart from the fact that more and more people are waking up and consequently changing the direction of the collective mind, The current portal day phase is included here.

Planetary Resonant Frequency Update

Planetary Resonant Frequency UpdateFor this reason, extremely transformative and cleansing energetic influences generally reach us, a circumstance that was very noticeable last week (in my life: At the beginning, illness, inner conflict that came up in me & was resolved & two very sleepless nights, - Cleansing processes - Expresses itself differently for every person or is confronted with completely individual circumstances/issues etc). Appropriately, I would also like to give an update regarding the planetary resonance frequency and an update regarding the earth's magnetic field. It is precisely in such phases that stronger influences often reach us, or rather, abnormalities become visible. Ultimately, this was also the case in the last few days and we received stronger influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency (see picture below – source: Russian Space Observing Center in Tomsk).  Planetary resonance frequency

As you can see in the picture, we have received stronger impulses again and again over the last 3 days, each time lasting several hours. These inflows therefore appropriately go hand in hand with the portal day phase and once again illustrate the intensity of the current days. Especially stronger influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency are always accompanied by very cleansing circumstances. Well, as far as the earth's magnetic field is concerned, according to the website swpc.noaa.gov it was calm (see picture below) and no particular disturbances or abnormalities were measured, just a very small spike yesterday. daily energyIt remains to be seen whether we will notice any abnormalities in this regard in the next few days and how the inflows will work overall. The current phase is still exciting and everything is still possible for us as creators. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

I am grateful for any support 🙂 

Daily joy on February 14, 2019 - Why you should always share your joy
joy of life

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Leave a Comment

    • Judith 13. February 2020, 22: 51

      Dear Yannick,

      Thank you very much for your articles. I'm following this with great interest.
      I find the planetary resonance frequency as well as the changes in the earth's magnetic field and the associated impact on our mind and thus also on our consciousness very exciting.
      Where does the information come from that February 14th is a portal day? According to my research, the 15th is one of these.

      Kind regards

    Judith 13. February 2020, 22: 51

    Dear Yannick,

    Thank you very much for your articles. I'm following this with great interest.
    I find the planetary resonance frequency as well as the changes in the earth's magnetic field and the associated impact on our mind and thus also on our consciousness very exciting.
    Where does the information come from that February 14th is a portal day? According to my research, the 15th is one of these.

    Kind regards
