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Today's daily energy on April 14, 2019 is still accompanied by very strong cosmic influences, i.e. frequencies of the finest kind, extreme energies of transformation and purification, continue to reach us. In this context, we have also received massive influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency in the past few days. In some cases this looked like a real storm of energies in the pictures (As always, image will be linked below).

3D outbreak? – 5D Manifestation?

In this regard, this storm did not happen by chance, quite the opposite. For example, another site reported on an event or the entry of extremely violent energies through which we can/will now break out of the 3D matrix, i.e. out of self-created limitations and blockages. This is referred to as an overarching or intensified manifestation of the fifth dimension. As far as this is concerned, I can only highly recommend the article to you, it may sound very mystical to some people, but the content is extremely interesting (It also feels absolutely consistent and corresponds to my current feelings/experiences – Click here for the article: THE EVENT, THE ATLANTIS COMMANDER HAS ARRIVED!). Planetary resonance frequencyWell, ultimately this confirms what has been going on for weeks, namely that the escalation (regarding collective awakening) has reached a peak and is now expressed in powerful self-discovery/development. The experience of a high-frequency and, above all, love-based life is becoming more and more realizable and we can record an incredible leap because of it. Magical states of consciousness based on self-love are in the process of being created by us; everything becomes possible and tangible for us. Well then, finally I would like to (suitable for it) also point out a new video of mine, which was published yesterday evening. This is particularly about the special insights of the past few weeks, i.e. the insights related to one's own self-discovery (who you really are – YOURSELF). As always, I'll embed the video at the bottom. Can only highly recommend it. With this in mind, friends, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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