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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on September 13, 2019 is mainly characterized by an intense, transformative, mystical and above all cleansing basic energy, because we are in the middle of an extremely energetic wave. In this regard, on the one hand, strong lunar influences also have an impact on us, because tomorrow we will have a full moon in the zodiac sign Pisces. On the other hand, today is Friday the thirteenth, a day that is not associated with bad luck connection is established (Not that anyway, happiness and unhappiness are products of our own mind - everything is based on our feelings/thoughts - we manifest what we are, what we radiate, what mainly speaks to our basic feeling - be the energy you want to experience), but a day that stands much more for our own feminine primal energy.

Our female primal energy

Ultimately, this circumstance can be traced back to the following events: “On the one hand, Friday can be traced back to the Roman day name “dies Veneris”, i.e. the day of the goddess of love (Friday in French: vendredi, in Italian: venerdì = Venus Day - The origin of the name is often associated with the Germanic goddess Freya), which is why Friday generally represents female energy. On the other hand, the number 13 symbolizes the 13th lunar cycles, which is also an expression of female energy. A Friday the thirteenth is therefore not an “unlucky day”, but rather a day that, in terms of basic energetic quality, is marked by femininity or by the primal feminine energy. For this reason, our female parts will be very much in the foreground and show us whether there is harmony in this regard or not. In this regard, apart from our basic energy, we all have female/intuitive/receiving and male/analytical/creative parts. However, there is often an overactivity of one part, which is why it is absolutely important or even unavoidable in the current phase of spiritual awakening to allow harmony to manifest itself here.

All things have the female behind and the male in front of them. When the masculine and feminine unite, all things attain harmony. – Lao Tse..!!

And today this fact can be demonstrated to us in a special way. If we ourselves have undermined our own female energy quality or are overactive or even low in this regard, then we will be made aware of all the moods, circumstances and programs through which we can permanently revive even a low level or overactivity . And since a powerful full moon will reach us tomorrow in the zodiac sign Pisces (+ Portal day) this circumstance will be felt much more strongly. Well then, today let us completely immerse ourselves in our own primal energy and be particularly careful in dealing with our own feelings. Extremely many things can be reflected back to us, especially related to our feminine energy, primal energy. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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