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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on January 13, 2018 is, on the one hand, accompanied by influences that could trigger conflicts within us and subsequently exaggerate differences of opinion. On the other hand, especially in the evening, we could be receptive to all sorts of unusual manifestations and could also perceive abilities and methods within ourselves, which we in no way expected from ourselves.

Conflictual circumstance

Conflictual circumstanceUltimately, this could manifest itself in all sorts of unusual life situations and behavior, and it could even be unusual in romantic relationships. In this context, it would then be possible that we react to certain situations in a way that is untypical for our circumstances, that we might take a new path in life or, better yet, legitimize completely new (untypical for us) thoughts and approaches in our own minds. In this regard, a realignment of our own state of consciousness is also in the foreground, because everything that seems foreign to us, all new/unusual behaviors and approaches to thinking reflect a mental state in which something new becomes manifest. When we change our own mental approaches and suddenly react completely differently to certain circumstances, when we experience a change in our own thinking and, at the same time, discover reactions or abilities/methods within ourselves that we would never have expected to take place, then this can be very inspiring, simply because the experience of new mental circumstances differs from everyday life. As far as this is concerned, this feeling can also be traced back to a constellation that is effective for two days, i.e. a square between Venus (in the zodiac sign Capricorn) and Uranus (in the zodiac sign Aries), which comes into effect at 20:08 p.m. and which, firstly, brings unusual behavior and abilities to the fore but on the other hand we could also experience a romantic, idiosyncratic and original time. In the same way, we could also be moody, sensitive and jealous. A desire for independence in love could also be expressed.

Today's daily energy is particularly influenced by three negative star constellations, which is why we could expect a circumstance that is more stormy in nature..!!

A few hours earlier, at 08:37 a.m., another square took effect between the Moon (in the zodiac sign Sagittarius) and Neptune (in the zodiac sign Pisces). This constellation could give us a dreamy disposition. Furthermore, this constellation could create a passive attitude in us and also a tendency towards self-deception. At 08:03 a.m. we also received a very negative conjunction between Mercury (in the zodiac sign Capricorn) and Saturn (in the zodiac sign Capricorn). This connection could make us stubborn, quarrelsome, suspicious, resentful and materialistic. Pessimism and depression were also at the forefront and this could lead to failures and arguments within the families. Today's daily energy is therefore generally accompanied by negative star constellations, which is why it would be advisable to withdraw in order to avoid conflictual situations. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Star Constellation Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2018/Januar/13

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