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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on February 13, 2020 is made up, on the one hand, of the stormy influences that continue to have an effect and, on the other hand, above all of the moon, which in turn is present in the zodiac sign Wage and because of this (basically already for two days), the relationship to other people or the relationship to the outside world and consequently the relationship to ourselves, is in the foreground.

Bring your relationship with yourself into harmony

The relationship with yourselfAs has been mentioned many times, the external world is merely a mirror of our internal world and represents unfulfilled relationships and, above all, a certain rejection of the world (the world that is external to us, which we often see as separate, although it ultimately represents our inner world - there is no separation, you yourself are everything and everything is yourself - UNCONNECTION), always only represents a rejection of one's own inner world, i.e. one rejects oneself, especially since the outer world is merely a creation of one's own creative expression, because one has created everything outside, everything is based on mental energy, on imagination , which arose from one's own source, i.e. from oneself. In this context, it was only yesterday that I noticed that the moon was present in the zodiac sign Libra, a circumstance that immediately made sense to me, because apart from the turbulent weather conditions and the resulting mixture of a wide variety of moods, I was in it for myself the relationship with my loved ones and the problems that come with it are in the foreground.

Stormy energies – self-healing

And as I said, hardly any other zodiac sign represents our relationships as strongly as Libra does. The storm in the past few days, which also swept through our regions yesterday (at least in a weaker form), therefore also placed the relationship with ourselves in the foreground and was able to transport a lot of structures into our daily consciousness in this regard. Well, at the end of the day, these energies were also aimed at our own self-healing and showed us once again that it is time to manifest our highest self-expression, based on maximum self-love, abundance, wisdom, divinity and balance allow.

You yourself are the “outer” world

That's exactly what the current golden decade is all about and it's exactly this aspect that is being massively pushed by corresponding energy storms. After all, our own healing is essential for healing in the world, because only when we ourselves achieve harmony can the external world come into harmony, only when we ourselves become healed can the external world become healed - as is the case within and without. vice versa - there is simply no separation from the external world, you yourself are the external world (Feel our perfection and healing PERMANENTLY - of course we are perfect in every moment, but self-imposed conflicts still ensure that we cannot always feel this perfection and healing). Well, today's daily energy will therefore directly follow this circumstance and will be exactly the same as our own further development. The light winds will certainly inspire us and enable us to realize our ambitions and visions. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • samguru 13. February 2020, 12: 23

      Yep, exactly my experience during my meditation these days. It's nice that you can put into words so well what's going on with all of us collectively!!

    samguru 13. February 2020, 12: 23

    Yep, exactly my experience during my meditation these days. It's nice that you can put into words so well what's going on with all of us collectively!!
